“Oh, hello Bai Mo!” Too Zi nodded with a smile, because of the food, she will travel with Bai Mo in the next period of time, so she should get to know her a bit.

Of course, if Bai Mo does not perform well afterwards, she will definitely say goodbye to each other.

“Wait!” Suddenly I realized what Normal, I was serious, and looked at Bai Mo completely from top to bottom.

Next moment, Toko couldn’t help but blinked his eyes and asked, “You, you, you, you are a Bai Mo researcher!?”

“Yes, yes Me!” Bai Mo calmly clicked nodded, “I am glad to meet!”

“You turned out to be a Bai Mo researcher!” With Bai Mo’s confirmation, Toozi is not calm anymore. No wonder I thought before. Bai Mo is familiar.

Good guy, you know, after she arrived in the Hoenn Region, she set the homepage of the Pokemon forum to Hoenn.

Today, because she wanted to buy a delicious bento, she went to the forum and naturally saw Bai Mo’s record.

Bai Mo, she heard about it when she was at Unova. After all, she is the youngest researcher in Alliance, and she is handsome. She talked about this person with her best friend Mei.

The news this time came out was that Bai Mo actually defeated the Elite Pokemon of the Trainer of the Elite Gym after a month as a Rookie Trainer.

No matter how many times and places there are, Bai Mo won.

Therefore, everyone concludes that Bai Mo has at least the quasi-Elite level of strength.

And she, before showing off her strength in front of such a person, is simply hilarious!

At this time, Toozi’s pretty face turned red again, half of it was dry and half was ashamed.

“Too embarrassing!” Now, Too Zi has the desire to die!

It seems that God intends to help to ease the embarrassment. Just when she didn’t know what to say and so on, a Pokemon suddenly appeared in her sight!

“Bai Mo, look behind you, there is a little Abra over there looking at us.” Too Zi excitedly reached out and pointed to a big tree not far away, behind the big tree, There is an Abra.

hearing this, Bai Mo immediately realized something, and immediately moved towards the direction that Touzi was pointing.

“Is it Shiny Abra!?”

What appeared in Bai Mo’s line of sight was an Abra with a slightly different look!

Seeing the Shiny Abra that I was looking for, Bai Mo flashed a hint of joy, thinking that my luck today is good, I met the beauty I liked, and I also met what I was looking for. Abra for so many days.

After seeing Bai Mo’s line of sight, Abra winced for a while.

Noting that Abra seems to want to escape, Bai Mo quickly said to Gardevoir beside him, “Xiao Nai, use Confusion!”

“Don’t let Abra escape first. !”


In Gardevoir’s eyes, blue rays of light appeared immediately!

next moment, behind the big tree, a white rays of light instantly enveloped Abra’s entire body, limiting its mobility!

“I’ll take the battle first, there is no problem!” After ensuring that Abra would not slip away, Bai Mo looked towards Toozi with a questioning look. After all, Abra was first discovered by others.

“Yes, you go first!” Toozi immediately ordered nodded. Although Abra is rare, Shiny Abra is even rarer, but she understands that if there is no Gardevoir from Bai Mo, this Abra will have a chance to play. will not have!

Thinking about this, I took a look at Gardevoir. She saw all four of Bai Mo’s Pokemon, and only Gardevoir was completely evolved.

Tuozi guessed that this Gardevoir has the strength of a quasi-Elite, otherwise, it will not be able to beat the Exploud.

But no matter what the facts are, it must be better than her Starter Pokemon Serperior!

Actually, Bai Mo asked Toozi to be polite. Shiny Abra was what he had been looking for, “prey”, how could he give in, even if the other party is a beautiful girl.

“Abra, would you like to have a one-on-one duel with me? If you win, you can choose to leave. If you lose, you can travel with me. What do you think?”

At this time, Bai Mo walked up to Abra, squatted down, and said softly.

This is negotiating a gentleman agreement with Abra.

hearing this, Abra looked up at Gardevoir, and his immature voice rang in Bai Mo’s heart, “Fighting Gardevoir, you can’t win.”

Meaning, Abra knows that he is not an opponent of Gardevoir at all!

After hearing Abra’s words, Bai Mo ticked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, “Of course I will not use Gardevoir to fight against you. I will send a Pokémon that is about the same as yours.”

Just now, Bai Mo took a look at this Shiny Abra. The Aptitude of this Shiny Abra is high grade, but the halo representing Aptitude on its head is the blue middle basket.

That is to say, his Aptitude is between high grade and top grade. It is also quite commendable. In addition, its strength has reached the intermediate rank!

Charmeleon already has the strength of the Top Rank. If he wins a battle against Abra, Abra will not say anything, but it will take him more time to be fully convinced.

Pokémon world is like this, you use the weaker Pokemon to beat him, and to subdue him, the more he convinces you!

Riolu, who uses Primary Rank strength, is too unsafe. If he loses, he can’t break his promise in front of Tooko!

Therefore, there seems to be only one Pokemon that Bai Mo can choose!

Turning his head and looking towards Treecko on one side, Bai Mo earnestly said:

“Treecko, I will trouble you again!”

Chapter 0074: Conquer Abra

Somewhere in the Petalburg forest, on a clearing, opposite Bai Mo and Toozi, Abra and Treecko stand opposite each other.

Although he has confidence in his Treecko, in the face of Psychic Type’s opponent Shiny Abra, Bai Mo dare not take it lightly.

This Pokémon he has been looking for for a long time, today must take it over!

“Treecko, use Bullet Seed.” Bai Mo expression congeals, gave instructions to Treecko.

“Just touch~”

Treecko’s small body and agile Bounce into the air, while opening his mouth, moved towards Shiny Abra, spit out a wave of dense green seeds Light waves.

Just when Bullet Seed was about to hit him, Abra, who seemed to be asleep, squinted and disappeared into the same place.

Treecko suddenly lost his goal.

“It’s Teleport.”

Tooth eyes shined on the sidelines, “So fast response speed!”

It’s Shiny Abra, this reflects The speed is quite superior.

However, Bai Mo is quite aware of this. At this time, he is highly concentrated and is using Psychic to feel the fluctuations in the surrounding space.

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