“On this point, please believe me!”

Looking at Bai Mo’s serious look, although there is some Crisna in his heart, Abra still ordered nodded, eh After two beeps, he took the initiative to enter the Poké Ball.

At the same time, in a building, a man’s voice spread throughout the top floor!

“A bunch of useless idiots can’t even grab a slate.”

In an office, one wears greasy red hair and black-rimmed glasses. The middle-aged man in red and black clothes was sitting on the chair, looking very impatient.

His fingers kept tapping on the table, as if thinking about something.

Man, it’s Bai Mo’s old friend, Team Magma’s boss, Maxie!

“BOSS, don’t get excited, we also found it. We searched for the image of the stone slab taken by him on the body of Small Captain. Although it is blurry, I believe that we can definitely crack it. !” A member reported trembling with fear.

“hmph, don’t do it soon.” Maxie’s eyes narrowed!

“Yes!” The member sent by Executive to report the situation immediately planned to leave, but at this moment, Maxie suddenly said, “According to the information you gave, the guy who killed Sakamoto was the Alliance. The youngest researcher, Bai Mo!?”

“Yes, Boss!” The ordinary member immediately stood up straight and seriously replied, “That Bai Mo didn’t know that Sakamoto Small Captain was carrying on his chest Recorder!”

“Although the recorder later was destroyed, we still know through the recovery technology that he was the last to talk to Sakamoto Small Captain!”

“Really! “Maxie’s eyes flashed with deep thought,” Bai Mo, such a person, must be the focus of Alliance’s attention. My plan has only started not long ago. In order to avoid being noticed in advance, my plan will be exposed. It is not suitable for Hoenn for the time being. Alliance tears his face.”

“This, Bai Mo is not easy to kill.”

It is not difficult to see from Maxie’s thoughts that he has already had murderous intention on Bai Mo!

Chapter 0077 Trainer Pokemon training suggestions

“Can’t you kill it!”

Thinking about it, Maxie tapped his finger, cold glow flashed in the eyes, “Although you can’t kill, but our Team Magma people are not so easy to kill, spread out, what face does Maxie have in Hoenn!”

“So, it is necessary to teach him a little lesson !” Thinking of this, Maxie immediately looked towards the ordinary team member beside him, “Tell your boss, spread the news, and send someone to teach that Bai Mo a lesson!”

“Of course, if you can completely achieve the top secret, you can kill it.”

When he heard his boss, the team member who reported the information immediately said:

” Yes, BOSS, I will report to Executive immediately and let him arrange to handle this matter.”

After finishing speaking, the squad member is about to retire. At this moment, Maxie suddenly thought of something and added, “Wait, remember to add, before they teach or kill, you can ask first, the youngest researcher, would you like to cooperate with our Team Magma.”

“If you want to , It’s not bad!”


This time, after the member agreed to the matter, Maxie didn’t speak any more!

Go back to Bai Mo and Toozi.

Looking at Serperior for a while, Bai Mo was interested in Toozi’s other Pokemon, so he asked, “Toozi, you have been traveling for a year and you have played Alliance. There should be something else. Pokemon!”

“Yes!” Toozi clicked nodded, and then said, “However, I want to challenge the new Alliance with a new Pokemon!”

“So, I left Pokemon with Professor Aurea Juniper, and only brought Serperior!”

“Um!” Hearing this, Bai Mo corner of mouth twitching, I felt a little speechless in my heart. Could it be that the protagonist of each generation is So capricious?

“What’s wrong!?” Noting Bai Mo’s expression, Toozi curiously asked, she didn’t know what was wrong with her doing this!

“Well, there is indeed a suggestion!” Bai Mo did not hide what he was thinking. Although it is a taboo to talk shallowly and deeply, Too Zi is a woman he has already seen, so he can say a few more words. It’s nothing!

“Actually, you should bring a few more Pokemon!”

“Why!?” Toozi was a little puzzled, “If I set aside 5 carry positions, it is not possible to capture more What a new Pokemon? Old friends, if you need it, you can use a machine to send it over!”

“Your idea is indeed good!” Bai Mo seems to have affirmed the part. Thought, and then said, “But have you ever thought about it, after your Old Partners are separated from you, the tacit understanding between you and you will eventually be a little strange!”

“If you understand the new Ability, You may not know and be familiar with it!”

“Furthermore, if Pokémon is not with Trainer, the growth of strength has slowed down. Think about it, are your other Pokemon and Serperior still at the same level? Tacit understanding, Who is better than that!?”

“In addition, you have thought about what if Serperior around you encounters a special situation and cannot fight, you suddenly don’t have a reliable Pokemon, what should you do? !?”

“This!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Too Zi suddenly realized that he really seemed to think things simple.

Bai Mo at this time said again, “Finally, Toozi, have you ever thought about how the Elite and even the champions of each Region train Pokemon!?”

“How to cultivate!?” Toozi asked blankly.

“Elite training!” Bai Mo’s eyes in this brief moment became more serious than ever, “Which one of these people is not an outstanding person!?”

“But let them do this The rapid rise is because they spend limited time on a small number of Pokemon!”

“And it is to cultivate more worthy of training, good and bad eliminated!”

“But In this case, wouldn’t it be unfair to other Pokémon!?” Toozi blurted out, but after that she didn’t speak anymore, because it seemed that what she did was even more unfair to Pokémon!

Looking at the seemingly lost Toozi, Bai Mo’s face suddenly showed a warm smile:

“All, Toozi!”

” For each of our Pokémon partners, we must consider carefully before conquering!”

“Not to mention how strong each one is moved towards, but at least it must have the value of training, of course, also You need to like it yourself!”

“Because, we are not Coordinator, performer, Breeder, etc., etc.!”

“We are Trainer, Trainer, and fight with Pokémon as our bounden duty! “

“So, for each of our choices, we must take it seriously!”

“This is necessary to become a powerhouse!”

Hearing Bai Mo’s serious words, not only did Too Zi’s heart be touched, but his Pokemon also took a serious look at him.

If what Bai Mo said is serious, then Bai Mo’s affirmation and high hopes for them are really not as much as Normal.

It was at this moment that Tou Zi woke up.

As a Trainer, you should not focus on continuous acceptance, but instead focus on cultivation and serious training!

Chapter 0078 Team Magma is here!

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