Chapter 0861 vs. Lucario!

Aura Pokémon Lucario, very special.

Aura brave are very close to Pokémon who can use Aura, especially Lucario, who is a unique Aura Pokémon, is the Pokémon that every generation of Aura brave who inherits power in World Tree will definitely have!

Bai Mo also owns a Lucario.

This Lucario worked very hard. He is the Pokémon in the hands of Bai Mo. However, due to the limitation of innate talent, he has been lingering in the strength of Elite Peak.

Bai Mo believes that this Lucario, under his training, can definitely open the threshold and become a champion Pokémon.

But it will take time.

Now knowing that somewhere there is a very experienced champion Lucario or even a Sect Master Lucario, Bai Mo suddenly feels itchy.

This Lucario is only good for him to accept, there is no hesitation.

“Yes, just go to subdue it, although he had a master before, but Aaron is dead after all, and unless it is Aaron or someone with a strong Aura power Help , Otherwise Aaron’s setting of Imprison simply impossible to open at the beginning!”

“I believe it would be uncomfortable to come to Lucario after being imprison for hundreds of years.”

“It is not difficult to subdue. “

With a decision in his heart, Bai Mo no longer delays. Now Mew is still shy, he doesn’t bother him. He decisively holds Togetic, which has evolved but is still clingy, and sits on the back of Salamence. Go up and fly towards Alderland City!

Following the power of Arceus, Bai Mo quickly directed Salamence to fly to the balcony of a castle in the city.

Coming here, Bai Mo saw a woman standing in a classic queen-style dress with an indescribable elegant and poised temperament, and her expression full of the majesty of the superior.

At this time, the woman was holding a wand that was constantly shaking and emitting light blue energy, which seemed a bit difficult.

“Are you the successor of this Aura power?”

The woman looked at Bai Mo on Salamence’s back and raised the scepter in her hand and said:

“My name is Lin, and I am the Princess of this country. Since the natural phenomenon appeared in World Tree just now, this brave scepter also has a natural phenomenon!”

“Excuse me, you are affected by this brave scepter. Is the guide here?”

“Hello, Princess Lin, my name is Bai Mo, and I am indeed the successor of Aura Force this time!” Bai Mo seemed very calm, although he did not have Aura Force, his inheritance was indeed true. Being motivated by him, he is not a lie.

Speaking, Bai Mo shifted his gaze to the sceptre in the queen’s hand, said with a slight smile: “My goal at this time is also the sceptre in your hand. To be precise, it is the owner of this scepter, Ya Aura Pokémon with Lun Imprison inside.”

“How do you know that the owner of this scepter is Aaron?” Lin asked suspiciously: “And there really is an Aura Pokémon in Imprison. Is it?”

For so many years, Lynn knew its owner, but never knew that Imprison had a Pokémon among them!

“Princess Lin, this is related to Aura’s inheritance, please forgive me for not being able to explain!”

Bai Mo was much lazy and said directly: “As for whether Imprison has Pokémon in it, as long as You can know by handing the scepter to me.”

“I have no reason to lie to you.”

“At the same time, you don’t have the strength to let me lie.”


Yes, this Princess Lin will only be an Elite Trainer at best, and the strongest Pokémon will not reach the Championship.

In front of Bai Mo, such a Trainer is not strong!

“Well, I believe you!” Lin said, handing the scepter to Bai Mo, said with a slight smile: “The legendary people who gain the power of Aura are people with justice in their hearts. “

After receiving the scepter, Bai Mo pretended to shout: “Give me Aura.”

At the same time, the power of Arceus in his body, which is countless times stronger than Aura’s power, enters Inside the scepter, suddenly, there was a burst of bright radiance in the crystal ball on the top of the scepter!

After that, a curved white light shot out from the crystal ball, and a Pokémon with closed eyes appeared on the balcony.

After this Pokémon appeared, it immediately emitted a strange wave of fluctuations, and then asked the two people in front of him through telepathy:

“Where is this? “

Speaking, this Pokémon eyes slowly opened, first glanced at Lin, then turned to Bai Mo, and asked, “I sensed the force in your body that is stronger than the wave.”


“Princess Lin, thank you for the scepter.”

Bai Mo returned the scepter to Lin and said to Lucario.

“My power is very strong and I am also the successor of Aura power this time. I came to you this time. You should know why?”

“You want me Follow you?”

Just freed from Imprison, Lucario was still a little confused, but now when he heard Bai Mo’s words, it seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly became savage, Rage said:

“Everyone who knows how to use Aura is untrustworthy. Your power is stronger and definitely less reliable. I won’t follow you.”

Although Bai Mo’s power out of his body makes Lucario feel very Comfortable, but it is still timid to choose not to believe it!

“Oh? Is it because your former master’s Aaron Imprison killed you?!”

Bai Mo didn’t care and said: “His actions made you no longer believe Is the bond between humans and Pokémon?”

“Don’t say that cowardly person!”

Lucario seemed to be greatly stimulated, loudly roared waved and launched an Aura Sphere slammed into Salamence under Bai Mo!


Salamence is not a bully character. Seeing the other party make a move towards him, he decisively opens his mouth and uses a high-pressure water pump!

“hong long!”

When the two Ability met, they suddenly exploded. The huge force tide generated by Ability’s confrontation was so strong that it almost threw Lin away.

Fortunately, Bai Mo responded quickly and protected her with Psychic.

Later, Bai Mo looked towards Lucario with a little interest:

“You are very good, you are not far from Salamence’s strength.”

Although just now Salamence is just a hasty move, but the formidable power of the champion Quasi-Legendary Pokémon can’t be underestimated.

And Lucario’s Aura Sphere can be comparable to the high-pressure water pump, and it can also show the strength of this Lucario.

Bai Mo swept Psychic and found that this Lucario’s Aptitude was perfect, and its strength had reached the championship intermediate rank, and his body had some repercussions from Imprison.

If at the peak period, the strength of this Lucario will definitely reach the peak of the championship level!

This is definitely the best Teacher for Lucario!

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