Chapter 0862 Charizard X’s fierce battle with Lucario

Thinking of this, Bai Mo said:

“Since you want to fight, we will leave here, to a wider You don’t want this castle to be destroyed because of the battle, do you?!”

“And do you want to know about Aaron Imprison after you? Follow me and I will tell you .”

As Bai Mo said, he let Salamence fly back in the direction of World Tree.

Lucario actually didn’t want to pay much attention to Bai Mo, but after hearing the name Aaron, he could no longer remain calm, and immediately jumped off the balcony to chase in the direction of Salamence Flying.

“Hey, my mouth is hard, but I still can’t let go of Aaron’s news.”

Bai Mo turned his head to Lucario running on the ground behind him, and smiled in his heart. Only Lucario’s loyalty to Aaron now is the loyalty to him in the future. He has this confidence!

After coming to a place, Bai Mo released Charizard X, and also released his own Lucario, and it explained the situation, let him watch the battle next!

When the Lucario arrived, Bai Mo reached out and pointed at Charizard X and said, “Lucario, your opponent is Charizard X. As long as you defeat Charizard X, I will tell you about Aaron. But if you fail, you will follow me in the future.”

“This is the fate to be obeyed as Pokémon!”

“hmph, the cowardly man, I I won’t care about him!”

“I just want to know why he wanted my Imprison to escape from the castle at that time!”

“As for you to defeat me, as long as you are not cowardly If you agree to bet you must accept to lose!”

Lucario yelled, putting his hands together, and a condense Aura Sphere quickly launched towards Charizard X.

“Fast speed!”

Bai Mo couldn’t help but be surprised when he watched Lucario’s move. It seems that when he followed Aaron, the training he went through was also Quite a lot. Sure enough, every generation of Aura heroes are not weak. These thoughts just flashed past. Bai Mo immediately ordered:

“Charizard X, Fire Blast!”

Charizard X did not react slowly. After hearing Bai Mo’s command, he immediately opened his mouth and sprayed out with a flame, which turned into a “big” character in the air, facing Aura Sphere.

But soon, the Fire Blast was continuously rotated by the Aura Sphere, as if the meat grinder Normal burst into flames from the middle.

After that, Aura Sphere hit Charizard X directly.

“hong long!”

A giant Explosion is produced!

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Lucario next to Bai Mo suddenly became brighter. Bai Mo couldn’t help but admire:

“What an Aura Sphere, and Salamence When using Hydro Pump, let the water flow rotate to increase destructive power!”

“I said just now how did Aura Sphere explode when it collided with Hydro Pump!”

“Awesome! “

“But this attack can’t defeat my Charizard X!”

“Charizard X, Earthquake!”

Aura Sphere broke open. There was a big word fire, but there was not much remaining power. Charizard Xnot at all suffered much damage.

“bang! ”

But Charizard X, who was hit first, hadn’t encountered such a situation for a long time, and was very upset. Hearing Bai Mo’s order, they flapped their wings. , Release a Yellow Energy Ball.

Energy Ball came to Ground and suddenly burst!

The whole Ground also began to shake violently. One after another cracks continued to spread to the outside with the Yellow Energy Ball as the center.

This origin is not far from Lucario, who was hit before dodge, shaking suddenly!

“hong long!”

Lucario was not comfortable with Earthquake’s attack, but his strength was not simple, and he could actually borrow strength from the constantly shaking Ground and jump into the air. , The backhand once again gathered a purple ball of light and quickly shot towards Charizard X!

“Hey, it was the fluctuation of the dragon, so fast to counterattack!”

Lucario’s performance surprised Bai Mo, but at the moment Lucario is still in the air. At that moment, he immediately shouted:

“Defense with Dragon Claw!”

“Next, use Fire Blast to charge!”


Charizard X heard the order, issued a Roar, flapped its wings and rushed up, while flames were brewing, and a purple giant claw was ready on his hands.


The purple giant claw and purple’s wave ball collided and eventually canceled each other out.

At this time, Charizard X opened his mouth and spit out a Fire Blast!

Although Lucario doesn’t know what Bai Mo’s Fire Blast charge means, he has a keen perception and instinctively feels a little threat. He is unable to move in the air, so he chose to gather another Aura Sphere. Fired at the large-shaped flame.

Lucario’s plan is very simple. He hopes that his Aura Sphere can break Fire Blast and block the opponent’s Unique Ability while giving it a chance.

In the future, as long as he returns to Ground, it is the time to fight back!

But this time Lucario’s Aura Sphere plan is obviously miscalculated.

Charizard X quickly appeared flames, and then rushed into the Fire Blast.

In an instant, Charizard X absorbed the power of Fire Blast and formed a sphere less than three meters in diameter, braving the blue and black flames.

Charizard X’s dark figure can also be seen faintly in the sphere.

In this flame, the Black flame occupies about 1/4 of the entire flame.

Charizard X broke the Aura Sphere directly with terrifying heat and ran into Lucario.

Facing this move, Lucario pupil suddenly shrinks his eyes, knowing that even if he confronts this move with his own strength, it is bode ill rather than well.

But when he thought of Bai Mo’s previous words, and thought that as long as he defeated Charizard X, he would learn about the coward, and he felt unwilling.

In the end, these unwillingnesses became Lucario’s final anger.

It was loudly roared, with both hands together, and then a beam of light glowing with metallic luster suddenly burst out, colliding with the big-character flame car.

“hong long!”

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