If the agreed time cannot be restored before, I will not intervene.

Isn’t it true that it’s good to eat people’s mouth? Doesn’t it exist?

Bai Mo glanced at the snacks in Lugia’s hand, and made a speechless comment, then he shook his head, muttered, just in time to make a move.

Zeraora is still very strong and worth conquering!

Chapter 0971 The crisis of Zeraora

Very good!

Be alive and kicking!

I accepted this Pokemon!

When all Johto in Fengliang City was worried about what was lost by the torch.

When Bai Mo is ready to go will be Jela-Ola for a while.

In the forest, two fully armed Pokemon hunters, after hearing Kagaqi’s nonsense, believed that there was a rare Pokémon in the forest, and started an illegal hunt.

They use weapons to deal with Pokemon and forcefully conquer them.

The untapped nature and lively dragon and animated tiger Pokemon are the most valuable for hunting. One of the hunters took it and said, and at the same time grabbed one after another net.

This is a net made of special materials, and even Pokemon below the elite level cannot break free.

In this network, a Sentret was caught at this time.

these two people keep moving towards the depths of the mountains and forests.

The direction they were moving forward was a dilapidated building. Before the building, the eldest daughter, La Ruguo, sat there with a frustrated expression.

The thing placed at his feet is exactly the sacred fire for Lugia to send the wind.

Is the celebration over? Rarugo looked up at Sky and sighed, not knowing what to think about.

At its feet, there is a Ditto and Teddiursa frolicking.

Don’t worry, there will be no problem this time, I will protect you. It seemed that Raruguo had made some decision, or in order to strengthen his heart, he scratched his head and said something in the moved towards the abandoned building.

And in the direction she turned to look, there was a Saffron with all-over hair, and Pokemon, who looked like a standing cat, was sitting on a rock.

This Pokemon is Zeraora!

Pure Electric Type Illusory Beast!

Zeraora lifted the head when he heard Raruguo’s words, her eyes were unusually bright.


Zeraora’s eyes suddenly flashed.

At this time, even a man’s voice reached Bai Mo’s ears.

Ha, didn’t expect there is such a place near Fengliang City!

Hurry up and find any rare Pokémon!

It is said that after the person informed that there is a rare Pokémon here, many people are eyeing this place, and now many people are coming!

_Help the idiots, let’s get rich and leave, we are all here, the goal is big, really when Officer Jenny is a vegetarian?


The rare Pokémon! ! Laruguo was hiding in the dark, her heart trembled suddenly, she instinctively took the rare Pokemon that the two men had said as Zeraora.

Never let them find it! There was a bit more firmness in La Ruguo’s eyes.

Ahhh~~, two Big Brothers! When the two middle-aged men walked to the abandoned building, La Ruguo took the lead and said, “Are you here for an outing?”


One of the bald man said with a smile Little Sister, are you a child of Fengliang City?

Do you know any better outing locations here?

Ah, I know! Raruguo quickly nodded, reached out and moved towards and pointed in one direction, saying that it was pretty good there!

Thank you! Bald man turned to leave, Raruguo saw it, sighed in relief.

But before she was completely relaxed, the bald-headed middle-aged man’s companion suddenly asked Raruguo, do you know if you have seen any rare Pokemon in the vicinity?

Ah! Raruguo was surprised, but fortunately, he had already thought up the excuse, and quickly nodded and said, I know!

Oh? ! The two men raised up suddenly.

La Ruguo reached out again and moved towards one direction and pointed to that side. There are a few Pokemon, um, I can’t describe it.

Oh? The two felt excited, and the Pokemon that an average person couldn’t describe, seemed to be a rare Pokemon.

Rare means rare.

The two men immediately moved towards that direction.

But at this moment, an accident appeared, and Teddiursa, hiding in the dark, accidentally hit a piece of gravel.


The sound of rubble attracted the attention of two middle-aged men, and looked towards that direction.

Oh? It’s Ditto and Teddiursa who placed the order.

It’s a rare Pokemon!

The two men showed interest. Ditto and Teddiursa are not low in value on the market.

Wait a minute!

Seeing that Teddiursa and Ditto were exposed, Raruguo came to them, stretched out his hand to stop and said that you should start walking quickly, otherwise the rare Pokemon might run away.


Is this okay?

I can’t leave it!

We also want these two.

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