The faces of the two middle-aged men were greedy, and with a flick of their hands, they threw out the Poké Ball.

Come out, Houndoom!


Two Pokemon appeared from Poké Ball and came to Ground, glare like a tiger watching his prey, watching La Ruguo.

Houndoom, Flamethrower!

Sneasel, Icy Wind!

The two middle-aged men directly ignored the Laruguo who blocked Teddiursa and Ditto, and let Pokemon use Unique Ability in their hands.

For Pokemon hunters, what law, what protects Pokemon, and what protects humans.



Just when Flame and Icy Wind are about to hit Larugo.

A golden figure appeared in front of her as if the thunder Normal appeared in front of her, surrounded by a circular electric power aura.

Power aura easily stopped two attacks!


Seeing the figure that suddenly appeared, La Ruguo hurriedly shouted, “No, you are still injured, and you can’t take care of it. It’s a Pokemon you haven’t seen!”

The two middle-aged men were excited to see Zeraora, this is definitely a rare Pokemon.

Fire Fang!


The two tacitly commanded Pokémon to attack.


But at this moment, Zeraora turned into lightning and came to Sneasel in a flash.

Sneasel waved in panic.

Zeraora flashed, opened more, and came to Houndoom’s side.

Houndoom turned his head to ask for Bite Zeraora, the latter turned into a lightning bolt and jumped up again, while the light dodge attacked, a powerful electric current appeared in his hand.


Zeraora slammed a punch to the ground, the current spread, burst out, knocked Houndoom and Sneasel down and pushed out.

At this moment, Zeraora knelt weakly to the ground.

On a tree, Bai Mo smiled upon seeing this scene

Oh, it’s time for me to play!

Chapter 0972 The truth about Zeraora!

The speed is really fast

But it seems to be injured!

Don’t miss this opportunity!

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

The two middle-aged men exchanged a smile, each planning to direct the Pokemon in their hands to continue the attack.

Ice Shard! The voice of bald man came out.

Sneasel! Sneasel flicked his hands, creating a pile of cold ice cubes moved towards Zeraora and flew away!


Zeraora has a lightning glow on his hand, wave it!

A power barrier is formed, blocking Ice Shard’s attack.

But Zeraora’s current physical condition seems to be really bad. After using his own power, his whole body also flashed with a strange lightning glow, making it impossible for him to win and pursue.

Observing this scene, another middle-aged man hurriedly shouted

Don’t stop the attack, Houndoom, use Flamethrower!

roar! Houndoom sends a flame towards Zeraora Spit Up.

Wow! Zeraora endured the physical discomfort and threw a fist.


The electric arm easily smashed Flamethrower’s attack, but Zeraora’s body mountain area reappeared with electric pa!

Finally, the powerful lightning glow seems to have taken away the Jera W Pulling all the strength, it made it fall to the ground feebly.

Zeraora! Raruguo was surprised.

When the two middle-aged men saw this, their faces showed excitement, and they stepped forward a few steps, intending to capture Zeraora.

But at this moment.

A rays of light appeared in front of Zeraora, accompanied by a sound, ah yeah, dealing with the injured Pokemon and one after another child is not something that two adults should do!

The moment the sound fell, the rays of light disappeared and Bai Mo appeared in front of everyone.

You are! ?

Two middle-aged man eyes shrank, they recognized Bai Mo’s identity.

Damn it!

I cursed secretly in my heart, these two middle-aged men didn’t even want their Pokemon, turning around as if they were about to run away!


A snapping sound appeared.

Blue rays of light appeared on the two middle-aged men!

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