Fortunately, the stamina contained in Gyarados’s red scale armor and huge body is not fake. At this moment, the benefits of more stamina are reflected, not at all fainted, although it has been stunned by Confusion and Thunderbolt, Solar Beam hit!

But none of these attacks could cause great damage, and Gyarados Struggle raised his forehead again and uttered a triumphant roar.

In comparison, Solrock fainted directly after being attacked several times by Gyarados!

Solrock can’t fight!

The referee immediately announced the result.


Gyarados’ Giga Impact second-stage attack is very beautiful!

Brandon took Solrock back, his eyes filled with appreciation!

Although Brandon has left the temple clan, he still has feelings. He knows that Bai Mo and Shirona are together, so he takes the eyes of some elders.

Of course, this feeling will not affect its consciousness of being a subordinate. !

Now I want to make a real move!

Brandon’s expression changed, he took out a Poké Ball and threw it out, shouting

The next battle will not be so easy for you to win!

Go on, Regice!

Brandon threw the Poké Ball out vigorously as he said!


As the Poké Ball opened, a Pokémon covered in ice appeared in the field.

This is a pillar of ice god!

Regice, the iceberg Pokémon, whose body is surrounded by the air-conditioning of minus two hundred degrees, will be frozen into ice when approaching it, and the body will not melt when it touches lava! Daisy couldn’t hide the shock in her heart and told Regice about the situation.

This is a legendary Pokemon.

On the side, crystal eyes shined, quickly picked up the camera to shoot.

Listening to Daisy Pokédex’s commentary, many girls couldn’t help leaving a drop of cold sweat on their foreheads, and they said… What a strong Pokémon!

It’s really not a weak one! Latias, Meloetta and other women all ordered nodded.

But that’s all, because Regice is just a champion Pokemon!

This Pokémon is Brandon’s goal not long ago!

Although Ahida knew that Brandon wanted to subdue legendary Pokémon, he didn’t expect it to be the Regice.

Bai Mo also looked at one after another. He knew that if it followed the original trajectory, it would take Brandon more than a year for Brandon to conquer this Pokemon.

But now to catch the power of WT, he has received it in advance.

Gyarados, thanks for your hard work, leave this battle to other teammates, take a good rest!

With a big difference in strength, physical loss and subspecies, Bai Mo didn’t want to do what he couldn’t beat but had to fight, so he took back Gyarados with Poké Ball.


At the same time, I took out the fourth Poké Ball and threw it out,

Lucario, it’s over to you!

As Poké Ball opened, Lucario appeared in the field.

Oh, it’s Lucario. I heard that this Pokémon is very rare! Se Lena’s face immediately showed an expression of interest.

Fighting Type’s Lucario confronts ice attribute’s Regice, Attribute has an advantage!

The strength is all champions, but the opponent is the legendary Pokémon, it should not be so easy to deal with!

Yahida spoke out her own judgment. Said.

The Pokémon in the first three games is stronger than stronger, but there is always something missing!

Now this Lucario gives me a significantly different feeling from the first three. Putting it that way…… Is it a champion Pokémon? !

Just like me!

Brandon played Lucario, guessing secretly in his heart, and at the same time, he couldn’t help but give birth to an eagerness to win!

Regice, Brandon has just won, but his strength is definitely a championship level!

He is fully commanded by his champion-level trainer, combined with communication with the power of grams, and relying on the natural advantage of the legendary Pokémon, Divine Prediction is relatively large!

The referee’s eyes stopped for a while on the Divine Prediction of the two sides, and announced.

~The game begins!

Lucario, Aura Sphere! Following Bai Mo’s command, Lucario gathered a light blue ball of light with both hands together and threw it at Regice.

Regice, Blizzard!

Brandon looked at the super fast approaching Aura Sphere, secretly surprised in his heart, and immediately counterattacked.


Regice has not used Unique Ability, Aura Sphere is so fast, it has hit it head-on, making a huge explosion!

Regice’s body retreated uncontrollably!

Not as weak as the legendary Pokémon. When he stepped back and put his hands off, the powerful Blizzard shoved violently.

Lucario ~

Following Bai Mo’s shouted, Lucario released Aura Force, running through the court, constantly looking for Blizzard’s weak points, and quickly approaching the Regice.

The formidable power is so big, I feel cold here.

In the auditorium, affected by the power of Blizzard, the girls hugged their bodies tightly, and Yai said with trembling teeth.

That Lucario really strong, can actually maintain such a fast speed under this kind of Blizzard!

Yahida exclaimed.

Regice, freeze the light!

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