Brandon saw that Blizzard couldn’t stop Lucario’s approach, and immediately changed the order, asking Regice to give the opponent a close blow.

Bai Mo naturally did not give the opponent a chance to attack at close range, and immediately issued the order.

Blaze Kick!

Chapter 0980 Lucario’s crisis!

Following the commands of Brandon and Bai Mo!

In the field, Regice gathered his hands on his chest and quickly gathered the power of ice blue!

But when it was about to launch, Lucario had already bullied it forward, and his right foot burning with fierce flames kicked directly at the place where the frozen light energy converged!


The power of the flame temporarily blocked the burst of Regice’s power!

Lucario seized this opportunity, instantly using his right foot as the fulcrum and waist as the axis, turning his left foot and hitting the body on the left side of Regice!


Lucario’s this move hits, with a crisp sound, driving Regice’s body to turn right!


The power of frozen light burst out at this time due to the suppression of the loss of Blaze Kick’s power!

All you can see is that Regice’s half-time is frozen into thick ice in an instant.

Here comes out, Lucario’s second Blaze Kick attack! Too Zi exclaimed excitedly, this Blaze Kick second stage is the Unique Ability trained by Lucario when Bai Mo was practicing with her!

And this Blaze Kick is Fire Element Unique Ability, it definitely hit Regice a lot.

If this kind of frozen light is hit, it will definitely be one strike certain kill! Lena said in shock at the frozen halftime.

But Bai Mo will not give the opponent such a chance. Ellu said confidently.

tsk tsk spray~~ Ma Xiu makes a teasing sound!

Regice, Blizzard!

In the field, aware of the danger of being approached by Lucario, Brandon immediately issued an order.

Regice reacted swiftly. The hands that were still deflecting to the right suddenly let go, and the fierce Blizzard scraped again!

The strong cold air directly left Regice’s body due to the reaction force after the kick, and Lucario, who was in mid-air, was lifted straight out!

;Lucario immediately circled his body, and under Blizzard’s blow, he backflips towards Bai Mo’s half-court.

Good brilliant technology, so you can minimize Blizzard’s damage! Yahida eyes shined and praised.

Write this down too! . Lem quickly took out the camera and recorded it.

Regice, freeze the light!

Brandon once again commanded Regice to launch an ice attribute attack. His current idea is to use ice attribute Unique Ability to continuously attack!

Although the ice attribute does not work well for Lucario who has Steel Type, the continuous attack will definitely make Lucario’s body cold!

It is certain that Lucario will slow down by then, and it may even be frozen.

Brandon now needs and waits for such an opportunity.

Following Brandon’s orders, Blizzard of Regice immediately converted into frozen light!

A strong ice blue light was emitted, but it was not aimed at Lucario, but at the area where Lucario was about to land!

Bai Mo’s half-time was instantly covered by a thick layer of ice.

The venue has all turned into ice!

A smile flashed across Brandon’s face, shouted loudly!

Go on, Regice, use Focus Punch!

On ice, the speed of that Regice should become very fast! Lisa asked immediately curiously.

Now Lucario is still on his way to land! Suicune said and analyzed that whether it is in the air or the moment it falls on the ice, it is beneficial to Regice!

The situation is not good for Bai Mo Professor now!

In the arena, as Brandon’s voice fell, Regice’s right arm emitted white rays of light, and quickly slid on the ice to rush towards Lucario, who was falling down curled up.

Can’t avoid it!

Bai Mo’s eyes were swept away in the field, and he had already made a judgment in his heart.

If you land on ice, Lucario will definitely have

a time to find the balance again!

Being hit during this time is definitely more damage than being hit in the air.

But even if he is hit in the air, Lucario will inevitably suffer a heavy blow!

Bai Mo quickly thought about the coping method in his mind!

Seeing that Regice had rushed up, he immediately issued an order

Lucario, Aura Sphere!


Lucario’s body began to stretch out, and the power of Aura Sphere quickly gathered between his hands, and he pressed his fist in response to the hitting Qi!


In an instant, a huge explosion spread between the two, swept by violent power!

Lucario was also punched by the power of Regice’s remaining qi and fist, falling on the ice and slid backwards quickly.

Awesome, in this way, the damage of Qi Hequan is reduced to a minimum! Saqi immediately praised.

What’s the matter? Little Huang didn’t understand yet, and asked.

Let me do it! Ma Xiu is also a Gym Trainer, with very good eyesight. Explaining that Regice’s Qi Hequan was first weakened by Lucario with Aura Sphere, and then Lucario’s body was kept as far away from Regice as possible by the impact of the explosion!

And Regice’s body will also be affected, and he will step back!

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