Following Bai Mo’s orders, Salamence, who was flying away from Registeel’s pursuit, immediately turned around, took a deep breath, and instantly launched a thick water column!

The water column flashed across the space in a blink of an eye, hitting the fire sand vortex!

But in front of the lava-like Twister, this little water column was instantly broken up by the rotating force in it!

But with the continued attacks Salamence, and plenty of water are also constantly being integrated into the whole fire tornado sand sand water gradually turned into a fire tornado, interleaved between!

Ultimately, the combination of three forces formed a strange and powerful energy!

in which Registeel issued extremely painful Growl.

This move is ……

This is a very compelling, Contest, but formidable power of endless tricks, everyone stared wide-eyed.

Several girls looked towards Xiao Yao, the latter is also an accidental fusion of water and fire!

May borrowed the power of water and fire in the recent Contest tournament.

Some are so many people sorry, he said in front of several people, and still is, water, fire, rock three-line energy blend, is really very Contest acting!


At this time, there was a huge explosion in the field like talking!

After hearing the prestige, the huge gust of wind exploded, exposing Registeel who was steaming all over!

At this time Registeel is standing in the field, motionless, apparently in a coma, and has lost the combat capability!

Registeel ~

Brandon shouted immediately, but Registeel obviously couldn’t make any response.

Registeel can not fight!

The winner, the BOSS of Battle Frontier, Bai Mo!

The referee immediately announced the result!

Fire and water alternately attack!

shrink provoke swelling, for Steel Type damage than using two separate large Ability many ah! Daisy did not forget a Lisa analysis at the end.

Win! And you do good, Salamence!

Listen to announce the referee, Bai Mo slightly smiled, took hold of the Salamence’s neck, touched its head!

No loss is the boss I recognize!

I had not played such a wonderful fight, your strength has been my approval!

Brandon has already withdrawn Registeel at this time. He walked up with a Badge and handed it to Bai Mo, saying that this is the proof of defeating my Battle Pyramid!

I heard about BOSS your collection addiction, this song is heroic

Also give you a symbol!


Bai Mo took the middle square in Brandon’s hand behind him. The inside is divided into four equilateral triangles by two diagonals. Badge haha. Congratulations, Bai Mo, my boss, You have now acquired all the symbols and carried forward the tradition of Battle Frontier!

This is the certification process, you can feel it too!

At this time, Ya Xida came over, a certificate will be handed over to Bai Mo, then asked, so I ask my boss, you want to start and what we do together manage Battle Frontier?

By the way, you play against the facilities ready! .

Chapter 0986 Battle facilities: Hanging Gardens, back Hoenn!

Wow, Bai Mo, this is your battle facility?

It is also handsome, right?

also very beautiful!

girl who looked at the front of the building, was issued with praise.

appear in front of a huge building, the building from the outside looked like a huge garden.

And in the middle of this garden is an old castle.

In front of the castle, there is a huge battlefield!

Bai Mo Weiwei, took the girls into this battle facility! name

This setting, called the Hanging Gardens, also can call – do a maze garden.

In this garden, there are four entrances to the most central castle.

Every entrance into, in fact, there are three forks in the road, it three options.

three fork, into left and right two.

Each of them can lead to the final battlefield.

But the difference is that one of them has Bai Mo’s own champion-level Pokemon placed there. The challenger needs to overcome to move on, otherwise he will lose his full challenge.

On the other end, there is no Pokemon.

So, before the games, good luck man, may have been playing Pokemon do not, bad luck need to play three games.

After this level, it was the battle with Bai Mo.

opponent to enter battle in hysteresis facility allows the use of six Pokemon.

The Bai Mo will only use three.

Because he has released three Pokemon in the previous level, it is only good luck people can avoid it!

This battle setting is really creative! Ram couldn’t help but admire.

Yes, it’s still beautiful! Guardian Liya nodded.

girl who is very fond of these good things.

I designed it after all! Bai Mo smirked, and everyone rolled their eyes.

Alright, now let’s use this battle facility to return to Hoenn directly! Bai Mo smiled at the girls and said that this battle facility can fly!

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