very good! The eyes of the women showed excitement.

Bai Mo has now decided to go to the Hoenn Region to start the Hoenn Region’s opportunity to devour Team Magma and Team Aqua.

As for the agreement with Ho-Oh, Bai Mo has solved it for him in another way.

Bai Mo took the time to find Ash before, and from him he reached out and took the Rainbow Feather that could find Ho-Oh’s place on Tianqing Mountain.

is taken away, because Ash Bai Mo is said to move.

The Bai Mo say anything at all?

very simple, Bai Mo told Ash, Ho-Oh even he beat, etc. Which Ash feel I can play myself, and then to challenge the Battle Frontier.

As long as win myself, rainbow feathers return.

Ash agreed.

So, what fundamental challenge so it was resolved.

So now, Bai Mo can handle his own affairs!

Pokémon world is divided into two hemispheres of the Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere according to geography, culture, customs, color, among other factors!

There are many large and small continents in the two hemispheres!

In the Eastern Hemisphere, is based on the Kanto, Hoenn and Sinnoh three largest continent represented.

Among them, Kanto is located in the center of the Eastern Hemisphere, and the climate is mild!

Hoenn is in the Kanto Southwest direction, close to the equator, and the climate is hot!

And it is in Sinnoh to Kanto Northwest, close to the poles, the climate is cold. (I’m afraid of my own settings, but even in a milder climate, there will be cold and hot!

For example, the Orange Islands in the south of Kanto, the Seven Islands, and so on!

The hot climate of this island is no less than that of Hoenn.

Similarly, in the south of God W, there are places where the climate is no less mild than Kanto.

Bai Mo rode Hanging gardens proceed directly by the wind Orleans, moved towards Hoenn’s down south, Flying without sight; on the edge of the ocean

Bai Mo and Xie Zhaoshou girl who came to a transparent.! Strip, leaning on the railing, a top handrail!

skies above the saw!

cloud drifting around, clear blue sky!

by the sea breeze bottom-blowing out!

the closer Hoenn Region, you can see more and more Wingull their wings to soar coiled!

top down, you can see the sea waves, layer upon layer!

From time to time, there are one or two Water Type Pokémon jumping out of the water and bathing in the sun!

I even occasionally see a huge monster jumping out of the water suddenly, sinking In the melodious sound of Roar, the water column of Contest is sprayed out!

The water droplets are diffused, and under the sunlight, it looks like a rainbow hanging, nothing more beautiful can be imagined!


At this time, Bai Mo and posture the girl who came to the Hanging gardens of a big passenger ship, Bai Mo is not released Psychic.

then, mouth evoke a touch of arc.

how the? expression was observed Bai Mo Daisy asked.

look! Bai Mo manually adjust a bit in one place, then you can see below that the original transparent glass the emergence of rays of light.

then change a picture!

wow, is Wailord, really big head!

screen, the face of a girl Smile, crisp with infinite yearning and joy, incidentally, it also aroused the excitement of many people of the same year.

As far as I know, the average size of Wailord is the largest among ordinary Pokémon. Yes!


Am I right, Lord Diantha?

A boy’s voice suddenly sounded, just listening to that voice gave a kind of Serious scholar’s feeling!

And when I heard this voice, I saw That person, Xiaoyao, who was chatting speculatively with Se Lena, was corner of mouth twitching.

In the video, the boy’s purpose is obviously not only to discuss Wailord, but also partly; to attract Diantha’s attention.

As the Elite Four champion of Kalos Region, Diantha has a temperamental beauty whose reputation completely surpasses many Celebrity big names!

She was also on this ship at this time, just standing under the crowd, already attracted the cruise ship. Ignore the young Trainer!

With more adults around the child boat around in Diantha!

But it has not bothered!

Diantha apparently did not care!

After all, just because of being onlookers, you can’t disturb your interest in watching the sea on vacation!

even more how, Diantha Celebrity has long been accustomed to this effect.

Diantha but apparently also did not expect someone will come to the fore, and surprised her with a trace of curiosity He turned to the questioning of people.

Because many people around the around, shouted previous direction Wailord also stand a lot of girl!

Diantha looked, did not identify the girl who is!

However, in order to attract their attention to the boy at this time be like a crane standing among chickens stand out, Diantha expressed obvious.

By this time, a small Yao is speechless saying I have forgotten, this time, ah!

Chapter 0987 goodbye Diantha, a small victory: Bai Mo my brother!

ship, this time Diantha looked at from the boy in front!

He has deep azure, almost Black hair!

The face is immature, and he looks pretty good. Wearing a pair of glasses, he adds a bit of spirit to his poem!

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