Seeing Treecko’s actions, Roxanne also responded immediately!

Hearing the command, Graveler’s whole body instantly shrank into a ball, and then it spun and turned into a huge ball rolling out.

Bullet Seed at this time hit Graveler, but it is obvious what damage it does to Graveler not at all in Rollout!

Due to Graveler’s continuous rollout, the Bullet Seed just fell off the surface one by one!

Successfully blocked Treecko’s attack, Roxanne also seized the opportunity to shout at Graveler, “Run!”

The turning Graveler immediately heard the command Rolling in the direction moved towards Treecko with a very fast speed.

Seeing it, Bai Mo frowned and Treecko are good at Aptitude, but he hasn’t got it for less than a month, and he has limited intermediate rank, and there are not many Unique Ability available!

At the moment, at least there is no Ability that can prevent the Rollout attack used by the Top Rank Graveler!

“Jump up and hide.” Seeing that Graveler was about to reach Treecko, Bai Mo could only let it dodge first!

“Just touch it.” With a cry, Treecko immediately relied on his speed, and jumped high in an instant!

However, when Treecko jumped into the air and became a living target, Roxanne eyes shined immediately shouted, “Graveler, jump up with the impact brought by Rollout.”

“Then Use it!”

“Million tons of boxing!”

In the field, when he heard his Trainer’s command, Rumble jumped up like this Rollout, moving towards In midair’s Treecko flew away, and when it approached, it returned to its original state, and a dazzling rays of light appeared on the big hand on its right!


next moment, Treecko had no chance to evade, and was hit directly by Graveler!

The huge power brought by a million tons of boxing took Treecko’s body away in an instant, and finally hit a piece of Rock heavily.

Because the power was too great, that piece of Rock was directly smashed by Treecko, raising a layer of dust!

Seeing this scene, the corner of Roxanne’s mouth evokes a proud arc:

“This is called applying what you have learned!”

Chapter 0118 in the battle Evolution: Grovyle

“Take care of it!”

Seeing the situation in the field, Bai Mo sighed in his heart.

Graveler itself is heavy. With the impact brought by Rollout and the unique Ability effect brought by the million tons of boxing, the formidable power is naturally even greater!

The most important thing is that through the acceleration and inertia of Rollout, the speed of Graveler is much faster than that of Treecko, and there is no room for it to dodge!

“But, everything is not over yet!” Although his carelessness caused Treecko to suffer a lot of formidable power damage, Bai Mo firmly believes that Treecko can’t be solved with a single blow.

Even if the opponent has various advantages, there is Level suppression!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo glanced at the situation in the smoke and dust with Psychic!

Sure enough, Treecko was standing up on the Struggle with one hand on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Treecko immediately telepathically said, “Treecko, I believe you!”

“Stand up!”

“Cha, cha Touch.”

I heard Bai Mo’s familiar voice in my heart, and felt that strong trust.

Treecko suddenly raised his head, his eyes became firm!

“This is!”

At this time, the smoke and dust slowly dissipated, and everyone only saw that Treecko was covered by a dazzling white radiance at this moment, and his eyes were full of unyielding. fighting intent!


Everyone knows what Treecko is going through at this time, and there is a strong expectation in their eyes.

Evolution, the most charming and magical moments of Pokémon, this kind of process is fascinating!

At this moment, the white light from Treecko’s body dissipated in the venue.

What reappeared in front of everyone was a Pokémon about 1 meter tall, with three dark green leaves on the wrist, and the same lizard on the outside!

“Finally evolved!” Seeing Grovyle, Bai Mo’s mouth twitched.

At this time, the green light in Grovyle’s eyes rose sharply in the venue, and green leaves immediately appeared in the void.

After the emergence of Leafage, Grovyle’s legs were slightly harder, and he jumped up easily. Then, its body turned in midair with ease, and a line of green rays appeared on the tail. The strange power of light.

Under the grass of this strange power, a Twister suddenly appeared, swept in the direction moved towards Graveler after engulfing all the Leafage.


Seeing this scene, Roxanne secretly sighed a bad sound, and quickly ordered, “Graveler, Protect!”

“Long !”

A white light curtain appeared immediately on Graveler’s body!

“Leaf Storm!”

“comprehended new Ability!”

“Very good!”

At this time, Bai Mo Seeing Grovyle using the new Ability, he clicked nodded with satisfaction, and then suddenly eyes shined and shouted, “Grovyle, blade!”


In mid-air After receiving Bai Mo’s order, Grovyle’s eyes Lock On the Graveler’s position, one turned and fell to the ground, interrupting the use of his Ability!

After that, with the fierce force of both legs, Grovyle’s figure instantly turned into a green light and shadow moved towards Graveler and ran in the direction!

“This is!?”

Seeing this familiar look, Toozi frowned who was watching the battle, immediately stretched out, and a hint of admiration flashed in his heart.

What Bai Mo is using now, isn’t it exactly when he was playing against Maxie in the morning, Maxie used Mightyena’s opponent Gardevoir’s routine?

At the same level, Protect can only withstand one Unique Ability.

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