Now, although Leaf Storm is unable to succeed, it still flies in the direction of moving towards Graveler steadily.

After Leaf Storm, Grovyle’s figure has begun to quickly approach Graveler’s position!


Leaf Storm finally at this time began to continuously Tackle on the Protect’s light curtain, but the subsequent power is not getting stronger and stronger, but slower Slowly lower until it disappears!

Roxanne obviously does not have the level of Bai Mo and Maxie when he played against Maxie. Protect used a formidable power Grass Type Ability that Grovyle used. She was sighed in relief when the Graveler Protect rays of light dissipated. , Command it to launch a counterattack!

But at this time, Grovyle’s figure has appeared in front of Graveler, a quick turn, the tail behind is glowing with green rays of light, and the powerful formidable power moved towards Graveler’s body Hit it.

At this time, the Protect rays of light on Graveler’s body just faded, and he fell into an alternative state of rigidity, and he could only watch Grovyle’s tail continuously enlarge in his own eyes!


Finally, the blade easily shattered Protect rays of light that had become thinner, and hit Graveler’s head heavily!

Graveler will be knocked out by a powerful force in an instant!

However, this is not the end.

At this time, after successfully hitting the Graveler with the blade on the tail, before Graveler was about to fly out, a knife-shaped green rays of light suddenly appeared on both sides of Grovyle’s arm, and moved again. towards Graveler’s head and slashed away:


Having not yet flown out of Graveler, he was hit by the blade on Grovyle’s arm again, instantly with a kind of Moved towards a faster time, flew out in one direction, and finally hit the wall on the side of the training ground.


Thick layers of smoke and dust also appeared at this time, making people confused for a while!

As always, I scanned it with Psychic. Bai Mo found that Graveler had followed in the footsteps of Geodude and completely lost the combat capability. This made his heart sigh, “Hey, Treecko, this is in the intermediate rank. It’s been suppressed for too long, it’s so fierce as soon as it evolves!”

“Sword blades can be used in three places, really excellent combat and physical innate talent!”

“When the time comes, see if you can train the last leaf on his head too!”

Bai Mo thought in his mind that he would train Grovyle afterwards. On the side of the field, the smoke finally cleared. Go, revealing the face of Graveler who has lost the combat capability and is completely unconscious!

“Graveler has lost the combat capability, so Grovyle is the winner!”

“Gym Trainer, please release the final Pokemon!”

The referee immediately announced again The result!

Roxanne immediately took out the Poké Ball and took Graveler back. Bai Mo also took out the Poké Ball at this time and took Grovyle back!

Being a Grovyle won two games in a row, in the last game, Roxanne will definitely use his quasi-king Pokemon, and this is obviously not the Grovyle who has just broken through to the Top Rank and has already fought two games. Can deal with it!

Thinking of this, Bai Mo’s finger clicked on the Pokemon belt, and finally he took a Poké Ball!

Chapter 0119, the elite Charmeleon

“Bai Mo is really amazing!”

At the spectator stand on the side, Toozi looks admired Looking at Bai Mo, the latter’s command is really excellent, every time, it’s just right, and deep plans and distant thoughts!

The intermediate rank treecko has evolved to the top rank Grovyle, and has won two games in a row. Such a record is really good for a Primary Rank Trainer!

Oh, that’s not right.

Bai Mo is no longer a Primary Rank Trainer, he is already a Top Rank Trainer!

While in the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy also sent Bai Mo’s training uniform and training Badge to him when he returned Poké Ball!

At the time of Pokemon Center, Bai Mo had only two quasi-Elite Pokémons, Gardevoir and Mightyena, and the others were intermediate rank and above. To become a Top Rank Trainer is as it should be by rights Thing!

Even, with Bai Mo’s growth rate, after the Hoenn Region’s Gym competition collection game ended, becoming an elite trainer is definitely a sure thing!

Even, Toozi believes that Bai Mo will definitely become a quasi-Elite Trainer.

Nothing else, just because Toozi thinks Bai Mo is much better than herself, and she has become a semi-Elite Trainer not long ago!

In the Unova Region Alliance tournament a few months ago, Touzi made it to the top sixteen. It was only because Serperior was not at all promoted to the pre-Elite level, so he was still an elite trainer!

But the day before Touzi met Bai Mo, her Serperior finally broke through, and she naturally became a quasi-Elite Trainer. The Pokemon she stayed at Professor Aurea Juniper all had Elite level!

Toozi thinks that she can become a quasi-Elite Trainer so quickly, Bai Mo will only be faster!

Thinking of this, Too Zipu looked at Bai Mo earnestly with big eyes. She felt that this man she liked was the best when she was fighting seriously!

At the same time, in the venue, noticed that Bai Mo had taken Grovyle back, Roxanne was not at all surprised, because this is what a qualified Trainer should have!

“Bai Mo researcher, didn’t expect me to lose so badly!”

“If this is the case, I will increase the difficulty of the gym competition!”

“Although your current Level is only Top Rank Trainer, I will take it seriously with the level of elite training and quasi-Elite Trainer!”

“In view of the fact that you won very much in the first two games Excellent, in this 3rd floor game, even if you can’t win, I will give you Badge!”

Speaking of which, Level took a deep breath and reached out to take a Poké Ball on the Pokemon belt and threw it at it. On the open space in front of you!

“Come out, Probopass!”

As Roxanne’s voice fell, a Pokemon that looked like a 1-meter-high stone sculpture head appeared in front of Bai Mo !

“Surely it is Probopass!”

Seeing Probopass, Bai Mo was not surprised, but just used his Psychic as always!

“High grade Aptitude, the strength of the quasi-Elite Primary Rank!”

Discovering that the strength of Probopass is only the Primary Rank, Bai Mo was a little surprised!

At this time, Roxanne suddenly said, “Speaking of which, Probopass can evolve, thanks to the article you published on the Pokemon forum not long ago, researcher Bai Mo!”

“Pointed out that the evolution of Nosepass requires a special magnetic field!”

“I also went to Mt. Coronet in Sinnoh Region last month to let Nosepass evolve!”


“Otherwise, his strength is estimated to stay at the elite level for a long time!”

“so that’s how it is!”

When I heard Roxanne’s words, Bai Mo immediately understood why the strength of Probopass was at this level, but from this point of view, Roxanne should have another quasi-Elite Pokémon!

“It’s good to leave it to Toozi and Serperior!”

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