"I know you are anxious, but don't worry. Although they jumped off the cliff, a huge energy fluctuation was found at the cliff at that time."

Looking at Li Meiya's appearance, Haichen said in a panic.

"You'd better finish your words at once."

Limeya clenched her fists, as if she would fall on Haichen with her murderous hands if she didn't finish her words.

"According to the members of the Galaxy Group, they used their three generals and Hunter J to encircle and suppress Daigo's team, but when they chased them to the edge of the cliff, six people jumped off the cliff fearlessly. They had no choice but to withdraw their troops and abandon this stronghold."

"After learning this clue, our forest rangers investigated this cliff and found that there were a lot of space fluctuations here. I think it should be the powerful waveguide power of Ye Xingchen and Xuan Yi that opened a large secret realm in this area."

As Hai Chen spoke, his eyes were filled with a hint of heat.

"You mean the large secret realm?"

Yun Xiao was surprised. He didn't expect that in addition to the reversed space, there really was another space in this world.

"Yes, I think that should be the Xicui Secret Realm I saw in the book!"

Hai Chen nodded and took out an ancient document and presented it to everyone.

"I've seen this book. Kalum has also studied the Pokémon in this Xicui secret realm. His Fire Rock Mouse has not evolved because he wants to try to evolve it!"

Limeya looked at this ancient document in shock. She didn't expect that the secret realm that Kalum and his friends fell into would be the legendary Xicui secret realm.

"It's incredible. I didn't expect that such a place really exists. Since you said that they used the power of waveguide to open this secret realm, can Bai Miao's Lucario also open it?"

Jiutianjin stepped forward and raised her own questions. Bai Miao also released Lucario. She was also curious whether it could be done alone with Lucario's waveguide.

"As a waveguide expert, Lucario should be fine in theory, but I think it should still require a human waveguide warrior to assist. After all, compared with Lucario, human waveguide will be more pure."

Haichen touched his chin and said to everyone after thinking for a while.

"Don't look at me, I don't know how to use waves, my ability is the power of Changpan."

Jiu Tianjin saw everyone looking at him, and shrugged helplessly, he didn't know how to use waves.

"My ability is the power of the dragon, I shouldn't be able to help."

Natsume shook his head, it was a pity that he was not a wave hero.

"I think maybe there is someone who can help us."

Just when everyone was at a loss, Yun Xiao's words made everyone look at him together.

"Lucario, in your perception, there should be someone in our team who has a strong wave but has not been developed yet?"

Yun Xiao did not answer everyone, but looked at Lucario.


Lucario closed his eyes tightly, then spread the wave, and after the induction, he opened his eyes and nodded to Yun Xiao.

It pointed his finger behind Yun Xiao, and everyone looked over curiously.

"Ah? Is it me?"

Yun Xiao was holding a combat meeting, and Xiao Zhi didn't want to disturb him too much. After all, he knew that he couldn't provide Yun Xiao with any other help except fighting.

But now Lucario pointed the finger at him, which made him a little overwhelmed for a while.


Lucario nodded. In its perception, this person's wave power was even better than its own.

"Sure enough, in the past few days of getting along, I feel that Xiao Zhi will exude a kind of suppressed wave power from time to time. Sure enough, you are also a user of wave power!"

Yun Xiao was not surprised. He felt it in a previous battle with Xiao Zhi, but he was not sure. Now Lucario pointed out his doubts and officially confirmed that Xiao Zhi possessed wave power.

"Wave? What is that."

Xiao Zhi scratched his head in confusion, obviously not understanding this unfamiliar word.

"Waveguide, this ability is quite special. In addition to being able to move objects, it can also see through objects and detect minds. Some powerful waveguide users can even use waveguide missiles like Pokémon, which is a very convenient ability."

Ye Xiu stood up and explained to Xiaozhi. This ability was originally a hundred-mile choice.

First, I didn't expect that in addition to Ye Xingchen and Xuan Yi, there was another person with wave power.

"Really? I've never had this feeling."

Xiaozhi scratched his head and tried hard to release the wave power, but apart from a fart, no other power spread out.

"I think I'll let Bai Miao command Lucario to guide your wave power. After all, you are a beginner and you still need Lucario to assist you."

Yun Xiao pinched his nose, fearing that he would inhale Xiaozhi's fart. Bai Miao nodded and didn't say much.


After a morning of flying, everyone finally arrived at the place where Daigo's team jumped off the cliff. The ten people looked at the bottomless cliff together and swallowed their saliva.

"Are they jumping from here?"

Xiaosheng looked at the cliff with some trembling legs. How much courage does it take to jump from here?

"From the intelligence, it should be."

Hai Chen nodded. Now the people of the Galaxy Group and the Hunter J Group have withdrawn. From the intelligence given by the Galaxy Group, the situation at that time would only be more dangerous than it is now.

"What should we do specifically?"

Bai Ye asked Hai Chen, after all, only he could open the secret realm here.

"We have to jump down too."

Hai Chen said truthfully, after all, the intersection of the secret realm is at this cliff, and only by jumping down can the secret realm here be opened.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's jump down quickly."

Limeya was ready to jump without saying a word, but was pulled back by Ye Xiu.

"Ye Xiu, what are you doing!"

Limeya, who was held by Ye Xiu, waved her fist to let Ye Xiu let her go.

"Don't worry, you can't enter the secret realm if you jump down now, but you will be crushed to pieces."

Ye Xiu said lightly, and then put Limeya down.

Limeya calmed down after hearing Ye Xiu's words. Now that they have reached the entrance of the secret realm, they just need to wait for Haichen's instructions.

"Next, Lucario and Xiaozhi will form a group. Lucario will be responsible for guiding Xiaozhi to use the wave power. At the moment of jumping down, you must activate the wave power to open the entrance of the secret realm. Do you understand?"

Haichen looked at Xiaozhi and Lucario with a serious face. Their lives were in their hands.

Xiaozhi and Lucario nodded heavily. Although Xiaozhi was still a little nervous, he successfully guided the wave power under the guidance of Lucario.

"Now, let's jump!"

A group of ten people, including Lucario, jumped down the cliff together. At this time, a huge vortex gradually opened under the wave power of Xiaozhi and Lucario.

When everyone sank into the vortex, the place returned to calm again.

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