After jumping into the vortex of the secret realm, Yun Xiao felt dizzy. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a snowy mountain.

The teammates who came in with him did not appear beside him. The heavy snow in the sky blocked Yun Xiao's sight. The cold weather made Yun Xiao shrink unconsciously.

"It's so cold."

The cold weather made Yun Xiao hurriedly send out Caterpie and Blaziken. With the warmth of the two Pokémon, Yun Xiao got a little better.

At this moment, it was snowing heavily in the sky. Yun Xiao looked around and fortunately found a cave.

Yun Xiao braved the heavy snow and groped his way into the dark cave under the protection of Flame Chicken and Growlithe.

After entering the cave, Yun Xiao immediately asked Flame Chicken to use the jet flame to ignite the branches beside him. In this cold place without a heater or a cotton-padded jacket, the fire source was the best support.

The cave was not big, and there was a nest inside. It must be the nest of a Pokémon.

The wind and snow outside were getting heavier and heavier, and the scenery outside was no longer visible. Yun Xiao looked outside worriedly. At this moment, the members were scattered outside and didn't know if they had encountered any danger.


At this moment, Growlithe bared its teeth and looked outside, blocking Yun Xiao with its body.

Yun Xiao looked out of the cave curiously, and saw a figure looming, sometimes clear, sometimes blurry.

The only thing that could be seen clearly was its long claws and the gray figure. Yun Xiao opened the Eye of Observation and revealed the name of the mysterious Pokémon.

Elf: Ula (Xicui)

Features: Stealing

Level: Advanced


The cold wind mixed with heavy snow drowned Ula, and Ula disappeared in front of everyone in an instant. However, in front of Yun Xiao who had the Eye of Observation, Ula's tricks were useless.

Under the Eye of Observation, Yun Xiao found that Ula was hiding outside the cave and preparing for a sneak attack.

"Growlithe, use Flame Wheel."

Since the opponent is as high-level as Growlithe, Yun Xiao doesn't mind giving Growlithe some experience points.

After receiving the order, Growlithe spun its body and quickly rushed towards the direction of Ula outside the cave.


Xianla didn't expect that he would be exposed so quickly. He quickly jumped back to avoid the attack of Growlithe, and then used his poisonous claws to suddenly reach out to Growlithe.

"Growlithe is poisonous, use the flame vortex."

Yun Xiao, who was chasing after him, immediately discovered the skills used by the opponent and quickly ordered Growlithe to launch a counterattack.

The flame vortex instantly wrapped Xianla, and Xianla's poisonous attack only made a sizzling sound when it hit the flame vortex.

Wrapped in the flame vortex, Xianla did not seem panicked. It first used the claws to sharpen, and then used the tile splitting to directly defeat the flame vortex.

After defeating the flame vortex, Xianla immediately used the lightning flash to approach Growlithe, and the poisonous claws suddenly stabbed out.


After being hit by the swift and powerful attack of Xila, Growlithe flew backwards in pain. Xila did not let Growlithe go and continued to chase Growlithe with Lightning Flash.

"Use Flame Wheel."

Although he was surprised by Xila's fighting ability, Yun Xiao did not forget to launch a counterattack.

Growlithe jumped back to avoid Xila's Lightning Flash, and then used Flame Wheel to hit Xila's body. The Flame Wheel touched Xila's body and triggered the burning effect.


Xila half-knelt on the ground, and the burning effect was activated, and sparks kept flashing on its body.

"Use Jet Flame."

Yun Xiao obviously would not miss this opportunity, and immediately ordered Growlithe to launch an attack, and Jet Flame covered Xila in it. When the Jet Flame dissipated, Xila had lost its fighting ability.

Yun Xiao threw a Poké Ball and collected the Nula. Fortunately, the Poké Ball can still be used as usual in this Xicui Secret Realm. The Poké Ball kept shaking, but Nula's physical strength had already run out. After another struggle, Yun Xiao successfully subdued it.

Originally wanted to teleport Nula back home, but unexpectedly, the illustrated book could not be used here, so Yun Xiao had to take this Nula with him temporarily.

"From the battle just now, this Nula should have a poison attribute, and the fighting attribute's tile splitting power is also good. Is it a dual attribute? In addition, it is not afraid of fire, and there is no ice attribute?"

For the treasures of the Xicui Secret Realm,

But Yun Xiao didn't know it very well, and the illustrations were useless. Yun Xiao had to judge the attributes of this Pokémon through the battle just now.


Growlithe sat in front of Yun Xiao obediently, doing the work of guarding faithfully.

"Thank you, Growlithe."

Yun Xiao squatted down and touched Growlithe's soft fur, and then handed a high-level fire energy cube to Growlithe's mouth.

The weather did not improve, but the snow was getting heavier. Looking at this white expanse, Yun Xiao had to return to the cave with the help of Blaziken to avoid the blizzard.

Fortunately, no other Pokémon attacked the cave in this blizzard, and Yun Xiao arrived safely in the cave the next morning.

The next morning, the heavy snow dissipated, and the dazzling sunlight appeared. Yun Xiao broke through the snow pile blocking the outside of the cave and stretched comfortably.

"It's time to find partners."

Yun Xiao took Growlithe and Blaziken and began to shuttle through the white snowfield.

The surrounding wild Pokémon were mostly ice-type Pokémon. They wanted to attack Yun Xiao, the uninvited guest, but after seeing the powerful strength of Blaziken, they all chose to retreat.

"Growlithe, can you smell Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng?"

Since he was looking for partners, Yun Xiao decided to find Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng first. Among all the people here, Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng were slightly weaker. Yun Xiao was worried that they would be attacked by wild Pokémon, so he wanted to find them first.


Growlithe sniffed the sky, but shook his head. Presumably they were not in this area.

"Is that so?"

Yun Xiao sighed. He didn't know how big this secret realm was. There was no map, no town, and he didn't know where to find his partners.

The endless white made Yun Xiao feel a little bored walking here, and when he was not paying attention, the wild Pokémon around him had gathered more and more.

There was some red in their eyes. They were far away, and Yun Xiao did not open the observation eye at this time, so he and Growlithe did not notice.


In the center of the Pokémon, a Pokémon that looked like Growlithe bared its teeth and looked at Yun Xiao in front.

It used its eyes to signal the Pokémon gathered around it, and after getting their nods, all the wild Pokémon scattered, forming a huge encirclement that gradually shrank towards Yun Xiao.

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