The two of them were very close, and the two of them were very close.

"Yun Xiao, you have already obtained three badges. If you get another one, you can challenge my father."

Xiao Sheng held the navigator in his hand and congratulated Yun Xiao while looking for the next city. He was also looking forward to the duel between Yun Xiao and his father.

"Well? Aren't you worried? If I beat your father, wouldn't you be sad?"

Looking at Xiao Sheng's expectant look, Yun Xiao was a little curious about how his father would react if he defeated him.

"Hehe, no, after all, you are my future sister...ah, future competitor, I will defeat you with my electric monster, and along the way, seeing what the gym trainers here have done, I also understand what gym trainers represent."

Xiaosheng wanted to say future brother-in-law, but after seeing Xiaoyao's murderous eyes, he immediately changed his words.

If he saw Yunxiao defeat his father when he first started traveling, he might feel that his faith collapsed, but now that he knows the significance of gym trainers, he no longer thinks so, but instead yearns for the significance of becoming a gym trainer in the future.

"Then I look forward to your challenge, but I'm not that easy to deal with, by the way, where are we going next?"

Yunxiao touched Xiaosheng's head, and then asked about the next destination.

"Hehe, the next destination is of course Qiuye Town, where the gorgeous competition will be held soon."

Xiaoyao also raised her hands at this time, after all, participating in the gorgeous competition is something she has been thinking about for a long time.

"But there is no gym in Qiuye Town, and it is not on the way to the next gym, Kamuen Town."

Xiaosheng looked at the navigation system and found that the two towns were not adjacent.

"It doesn't matter. There is still a long time before the Hoenn Tournament, and there is no rush to collect badges. Let's go to Qiuye Town first."

Yun Xiao didn't mind taking a detour. After all, he couldn't let his partners give up their goals for him.

"Great, long live Yun Xiao!"

Xiao Yao shouted happily.

After everyone decided to go to Qiuye Town, they stayed in Zijin City for one more day. After reporting to their sister that they had successfully won the gym badge, everyone set off again.

However, as soon as they entered the forest, Yun Xiao began to train Xiao Yao specially. After all, Robert was a gym leader-level opponent. If Xiao Yao's strength was not improved now, when the grand celebration came, he would definitely lose if he met Robert.

The infancy of the water jump fish and the ink sea horse had passed, and they should also undergo formal training.

So, Yun Xiao took Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng to train in the Violet Forest for two weeks. After successfully raising Xiaoyao's Charmeleon and Hunting Swallowtail to the intermediate level, Yun Xiao decided to continue the journey.

It is worth celebrating that in these two weeks, Yun Xiao's Water Leap and Ink Seahorse have both been raised to the primary level, while Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng's Galarian Charmer and Electric Monster are still in the novice stage.

Except for these little guys, other Pokémon have not made any substantial improvements. After all, after reaching the intermediate level, the speed of improvement is getting harder and harder.

On the way to continue the journey, the group came to a beautiful lake, where Yun Xiao and others met three familiar figures again.

"Xiaozhi and Pikachu?"



The three people reported a name each, and looked at the boy with Pikachu on his back in surprise.

"Pika? Pikapi!"

Pikachu turned around and saw that it was Yun Xiao and others, and greeted them happily.

"Ah, Yunxiao, you're here!"

Xiaozhi also turned around and greeted the familiar figure immediately.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia also came over. From their conversation, I learned that they were planning to have a picnic next to this beautiful lake.

Yunxiao also noticed the Pikachu in front of Xiaozhi at a glance. After seeing Pikachu, the whole person was not calm. Pikachu, which was originally only at the intermediate level, has now been upgraded to the gym leader level under the observation eye?

You know, the strongest one in his hand now is Gyarados, and its current strength is still at the intermediate stage!

To reach the advanced stage, Yunxiao felt that it would take some time for his Gyarados, but Pikachu has been upgraded in such a short time?

Fortunately, Xiaozhi, in addition to Pikachu at the gym leader level, Woodbine, Oolong and the lobster soldier in the novice uniform are still at the intermediate stage, and Woodbine is still

No evolution.

Xiaozhi was envious when he saw the Pokémon in Yunxiao's hand, especially because Yunxiao's Bryce had evolved into a Forest Lizard.

Xiaozhi's Bryce also looked at the Forest Lizard with fiery eyes, wanting to fight him.

Just when Xiaozhi wanted to challenge Yunxiao, Miss Joy's voice rang out.

"Everyone, are you also here to watch the Yuanyao Festival at Yuanyao Lake?"

After hearing about the Yuanyao Festival, everyone asked curiously.

"Yes, the Yuanyao Festival is here to watch the light dance of the sweet fireflies and electric fireflies. It is said that couples who watch them dance here will gain eternal happiness."

Miss Joy explained to everyone kindly.

"Eternal happiness?"

The two women put their hands together, feeling yearning, one looked at Yunxiao, the other looked at Xiaozhi, and then sighed helplessly.


The two were confused by Xiaoyao and Xiaoxia's looks, and they didn't know why they suddenly looked at themselves and sighed.

"Yes, look at the two trainers in front. They are the trainers responsible for training Sweet Firefly and Lightning Bug, Romeo and Juliet."

After Joey's introduction, the two began to practice the performance. However, because Romeo was too nervous, the practice was messed up. Lightning Bug, Sweet Firefly and Romeo fell into the water one after another.

"Save me, I can't swim!"

After hearing the call for help, Yun Xiao and others immediately started to rescue. Yun Xiao directly sent out Gyarados and Milotic. With the efforts of the two Pokémon, Sweet Firefly, Lightning Bug and Romeo were rescued one after another.

"Mienshao is still so beautiful."

After seeing Milotic, Xiaoxia couldn't take her eyes off it.

After Romeo was rescued, after some adjustments, Romeo took back his electric firefly at the Pokémon Center. After performing alone for Yun Xiao and others, it was found that his performance was completely different from before. He was much better when he was training alone than when he was performing with others.

"It's not bad when we practice alone, but when we practice with Juliet, we will be very nervous."

Romeo said helplessly.


Xiaozhi asked puzzledly.

"Yes, Peter will perform abnormally like me after seeing the sweet firefly."

Romeo nodded, feeling a little depressed.

"That is to say, at that time, he would be too nervous to show his due strength."

Xiaosheng also understood.

"It's really strange, why have I never been nervous before."

Xiaozhi said with a depressed look.

"Me too."

Yun Xiao also nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Romeo, what will you become in front of Juliet?"

Xiaoyao walked forward and asked.

"That's right, my chest will suddenly tighten, I will feel a pain, my heart will beat wildly, my palms will sweat, and I will be anxious."

Romeo told everyone about his symptoms.

"You must be sick, you have to go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible."

Xiaozhi pointed at Romeo and said.

"Yes, you are indeed sick, and you are seriously ill, but this disease cannot be cured in the hospital."

Xiaoyao said with some confidence, she had already heard what Romeo's illness was.

"Because this is love."

Looking at the confused expressions of Yunxiao and Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia also jumped out.

"Yes, you must have fallen in love with Miss Juliet."

Xiaoyao also smiled at Xiaoxia and gave the answer.

Then, after learning everything, Xiaoxia and Xiaoyao led everyone to help Romeo pursue Juliet. With the help of Team Rocket, Xiaoyao and Xiaoxia, Romeo and Juliet, as well as Peter and Tiantian Firefly, successfully became a couple.

And they finally enjoyed the light dance of Tiantian Firefly and Electric Firefly at night. Although the girls, Xiaogang and Xiaosheng were very moved, but...

"Yunxiao, I can't bear it anymore!"

After watching the light dance performance, Xiaozhi clenched his fists and looked at Yunxiao.

"What do you mean?"

Yunxiao, who was confused by what Xiaozhi said, asked.

"I want to duel with you. How about a 4v4 game?"

After Xiaozhi put his hat on backwards, he said with high fighting spirit.

"Okay, I accept your challenge!"

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