The old man was very angry.

"Xiaozhi, why is your Pikachu's level high and low at one moment, is there a cheat?"

Looking at the Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder dropping to the intermediate level again, Yun Xiao was really unsure of the actual level of this Pikachu.

It stands to reason that Xiaozhi, who has participated in two conferences, has an elite-level Pikachu at the lowest, but when they first met, it was only at the intermediate level, and when they met Pikachu this time, the observation eye showed that Pikachu's level was gym owner.

So Yun Xiao came to a conclusion that it was not that his observation eye was broken, but that Xiaozhi's Pikachu had a cheat that could change its strength level at will.

"Hang? Yunxiao, what are you talking about? Pikachu is Pikachu, let's start fighting."

Xiaozhi looked at Yunxiao on the opposite side with a puzzled look, and then urged.

"Then I will be the referee of the game. Yunxiao will fight Xiaozhi in a 4v4 match. The game begins."

Xiaogang also came out at this time. As a gym owner, he is also quite familiar with the profession of match referee.

In the first match, Xiaozhi sent out Swallow, and Yunxiao sent out Tadpole.

"Swallow, show Yunxiao our courage, use wings to attack!"

Xiaozhi clenched his fists and took the lead in issuing combat orders to Swallow.

"Tear it~"

After circling in the sky, Swallow swooped down towards Tadpole with its strong wings.

"Sprinkle bubbles all around, and use a series of slaps when the eagle comes to the front."

After receiving the order, the tadpole covered the eagle with a layer of bubble protection wall. The eagle crashed into the bubble field, and its originally fast speed suddenly dropped.

Seizing the opportunity when the eagle's movement became slow, the tadpole directly gave the eagle a series of slaps. The eagle wanted to fight back with its wings, but it was still slower than the tadpole because it was disturbed by the bubbles.

The tadpole kept slapping the eagle with its tail. After the eagle suffered a series of slaps, it fell to the ground.

"Aoguyan, show your perseverance!"

Looking at the eagle falling to the ground, Xiaozhi hurriedly cheered for the eagle. With Xiaozhi's encouragement, the eagle was revived with full blood and flew into the sky again.

Even the momentum was much stronger than when it first appeared.

"I didn't expect there is such a difficult skill. That's right! Swiftlet rushed directly to the front of the scorpion."

"Tear it~"

Swiftlet did not hesitate at all for Xiaozhi's command. Although it was also troubled by the bubble shield used by the scorpion, Xiaozhi must have thought of a way to let it rush forward.

"Scorpion, cast a bubble shield again, and wait for Swiftlet to show a flaw, then use the chain slap."

Although he didn't know what Xiaozhi was going to do, Yun Xiao still let the scorpion cast a bubble shield to protect himself.

"Right now, use the air blade!"

What Xiaozhi never thought was that he was waiting for this opportunity. After the scorpion cast a bubble shield and lost the space to move, Xiaozhi quickly gave the command.


Yun Xiao obviously didn't expect Xiaozhi to come up with such a trick. On the field, the scorpion was hit by the air blade of Swiftlet and flew out.

"Use Swallow Return!"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Swallow's Swallow Return hit the slug again, and the slug was seriously injured by Swallow's attack.

"Yes, yes!"

The slug roared at Swallow unwillingly. In the first battle, it lost to this trainer. This time, it didn't want to lose again!

White light began to emerge from the slug's body. Despite being seriously injured, the slug resolutely chose to evolve.

"I didn't expect to see the slug's evolution again."

Looking at the evolution of the slug on the field, Xiaoxia also fell into deep memories.

"Eh? Xiaoxia also has slugs?"

Listening to Xiaoxia's description, Xiaoyao also asked curiously.

"Yes, I also bred it from a mosquito-repellent tadpole. I wanted it to evolve into a handsome fast-swimming frog, but I accidentally let it evolve into a bullfrog."

When she thought of the mosquito-repellent frog, she was still a little happy, but when she thought of the silly look of her own mosquito-repellent frog after it evolved into a bullfrog, she felt a little helpless.

"That's the same as Yun Xiao. Yun Xiao also planned to breed this mosquito-repellent tadpole into a bullfrog.

Frog, form a rainy day team. "

Xiao Sheng also answered on the side.

"Rainy day team?"

Hearing Yun Xiao's team combination, Xiao Xia also became interested. As aspiring to become a water-type Pokémon master, she likes to hear that there are trainers who train water-type Pokémon as the main force like her.

While they were discussing fiercely, the mosquito tadpoles on the field had also evolved. The evolved mosquito frog had two pairs of strong hands and its height was raised to 1.5m. Compared with the average height of 1m, Yun Xiao's mosquito frog was obviously outstanding.

It should be said that it is really worthy of the benefits brought by calcium tablets. Each of Yun Xiao's Pokémon is much taller than the average height.

After the evolution of the mosquito frog, the wounds on its body gradually disappeared, but from the way it was panting, it was obviously not much better.

"Give it the last blow, Aoguyan uses Lightning Flash! ”

Although Frog has completed its evolution, Xiaozhi does not think that his Swallow will lose to it.

“Use Bubble Beam.”

I thought that this time I would use Bubble Beam to make a bubble shield like before. Xiaozhi was about to change his tactics, but unexpectedly he was hit by Bubble Beam directly. This time Yun Xiao’s attack was a straight ball!

The Bubble Beam directly hit Swallow, and Swallow fell down again.

“Mount Tai is pressing down on me!”

In order not to give Swallow a chance to climb up, Yun Xiao asked Frog to make a finishing blow directly.

Frog pressed Swallow with its huge body. When Frog moved away, Swallow had already lost its combat ability under this attack.

“Snake lost its combat ability.”

Xiaogang looked at the situation on the field and made a judgment immediately.

“Come back Swallow, thank you for your hard work. I’ll leave it to you next, Pikachu. ”

“Pika Pika~”

After Xiaozhi took back Argus and comforted him, he sent out his general Pikachu.

Originally, he wanted to take back Frog, but after seeing Frog’s determined eyes, Yun Xiao took back the Poké Ball and sent Frog to continue fighting.

“Frog, use Water Gun!”

After all, Frog’s physical strength was running low, so Yun Xiao chose to take the initiative.

“Pikachu, get out of the way and use 100,000 volts.”

It can only be said that Pikachu is worthy of it. Pikachu on the field dodged the water gun with a flexible jump, and then a strong electric current emerged from its body and attacked Frog directly.

“Use Hold, and then use Water Cannon to counterattack! "

After buying the learning machine, Yun Xiao asked all his Pokémon to learn this magical skill. However, when it was Mosquito, it was not good at using this move to defend, and it often failed.

But now Yun Xiao had no choice. After being hit by this 100,000 volts, Mosquito would definitely lose its combat ability, so he decided to take a gamble.

Fortunately, the luck was pretty good. Mosquito directly turned on the defense. After the defense perfectly blocked the 100,000 volts, it immediately used the water cannon on Pikachu.

"Use Thunder!"

Thunder and water cannon collided with each other, and neither side could do anything to the other.

But in the end, when Mosquito ran out of strength, Pikachu's thunder hit Mosquito, and Mosquito lost its combat ability. Of course, the main reason why Mosquito did not fight Pikachu was that it stood on the left!

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