Chapter 110. Side Story 3

The children were expected to be twins.

A bird as red and shining as the sun, seen in a dream. When I came to my senses, I thought about it carefully, and it was one of the divine beasts in the myth of the creation of goddess Fahar.

I couldn’t believe it. It was a great dream.

As the silver forest said, it seemed to be proof that children were born with an important fate. The Empire of the Sun, the Children to Protect Radon.

Besides, not one, but two. It was a greater pleasure.

But as soon as he knew they were twins, Kwanach was restless and tried to stick around me.

“How can you be so small but carry two….”

Kwanach looked at me several times a day and said this. His face was full of anxiety and worries.

“Can you walk? Isn’t it hard?”

He was treating me like a person who would break at any moment. He tried to do everything for me. He even asked me if I could hold a fork, and he tried to feed me.

I was overburdened with his concern and he withdrew for a while, but his overprotection continued as if he couldn’t help it.


“But there’s no one who takes care of you more than His Majesty.”

Marianne told me stories of acquaintances that the husband became different when the wife was pregnant. I didn’t understand.

“You’re pregnant with his children. How can he not care?”


When my mother was pregnant with Jenner, my father was all over the place. But he wasn’t as restless as Kwanach.

“Nobody is as caring as His Majesty.”

“But it’s too much.”

“How worried he must be.”

Marianne, who was always on my side, this time secretly defended Kwanach. However I was grateful for his caring.


After I got pregnant, there were minor changes in the palace.

First of all, the diet has been completely changed to something good for pregnant women.

Where the railing was shallow or absent, a sturdy railing was built. The place where the flooring was slippery was carpeted.

It was Kwanach’s effort to make it as less dangerous as possible. But despite his worries, I was in good condition.


It was a relief. The Ministry of Health and Welfare was just busy introducing the new system. Although I was pregnant, I did not have much trouble continuing my work until the system was properly implemented.

There was not even morning sickness. I ate well. There were times when I felt a little nauseous, but it would subside quickly.

‘You two are calmer because you’re coming at once.’

I used to think like that. Then, I felt grateful and affectionate for the children in my stomach.

People around said, “It’s rare not to suffer with twins. When you don’t have morning sickness, eat as much as you want and take care of your body.”


Out of the blue, there was a problem with Kwanach’s body.


As usual, we were together, but Kwanach suddenly turned his head sideways and frowned.

Blood veins stood on his neck. He felt nauseous. He was bewildered and quickly tried to reassure me.

“Oh, it’s not a big deal…… Ugh.”

“I don’t think so. What’s wrong with you?”

“Well, it’s not bad. I was fine until yesterday. But….”

It seemed difficult for him to smell the food.

“That’s enough for dinner and go see the doctor immediately.”

“No. I have to make sure you eat….”

“No, you’re so sick that you can’t even breathe properly. Hurry up and go. I’ll finish the meal on my own.”


I raised my eyebrows and held Kwanach’s hand.

“Kwanach, how would you feel if I were sick?”

I recently found a way to dissuade Kwanach from being stubborn.

Being stern and determined didn’t work. Rather, if I was gentle and soothing, Kwanach’s stubbornness would collapse.

A couple of pats on the back of his hand, and soon Kwanach loosened frown and nodded.


As a result of the examination, Kwanach said that there was no major physical problem.

However, as he was so anxious and cared about my pregnancy, he had similar symptoms of morning sickness.

Occasionally, this seemed to be the case when emotional excessively transferred from pregnant women to the husbands.

It was a mental problem.

‘But I don’t have morning sickness……’

If the wife has severe morning sickness, the husband may be affected and have similar symptoms, but I was fine and only Kwanach was sick. It was a strange situation.

Kwanach canceled his scheduled administration that day and rest. The nausea was so bad that he couldn’t put anything in his mouth.

I quickly finished my work and headed straight to Kwanach. Kwanach sat in the bedroom, sullen with wrinkled brows.

“You’re sick. Why not lie down?”

He looked annoyed.

“I said I’m fine, but Simon forced me to rest…….”

“I asked Simon to do it. I’m sure you won’t rest.”

Kwanach’s thick eyebrows rose. He seemed to have a lot to say.

“Lie down first. I heard you haven’t eaten anything all day.”

“It’s nothing to starve for a day. I used to starve for days when I was young.”

“That was then. Lie down.”

“I’m not the problem, I have to take care of your body first…….”

Kwanach groaned stubbornly. I pressed down Kwanach’s shoulders and chest gently with my hands, regardless.

His stone-hard body moved at my feeble beck and call. Kwanach lay still in bed with a disapproving look on his face.

“I don’t want to lie down in front of you like this.”

Then he complained in a small voice.

“I don’t want you to worry because of me…….This is a situation where I have to take care of you. But I’m making you worry.”

Kwanach’s face was full of melancholy. He seemed angry with himself.


I sat down next to Kwanach. I rubbed his forehead and his angry face slowly loosened up.

“You should rest when I rest, too.”

“It’s not time for me to rest.”

“I’m okay now.”


“When I was nervous because I couldn’t get pregnant, you told me not to worry. You seem to be on edge these days.”

Kwanach sighed quietly and gently grabbed my hand. He placed it on his cheek. It was smooth and hot.

He rubbed his face against my palm for a moment. He was like a giant beast acting cute.

“………I am nervous. I’m worried about your body, but just my heart.”

Kwanach murmured in a low voice.


“I’m worried if I can be a good father. It’s not one child, but two.”


“Have you been thinking about that?”

“Yes, I don’t know what parenting is like. I didn’t have anyone. I don’t even know the name of the people who gave birth to me.”

I knew this huge, tough man had actually lived a very lonely life. I thought he had let go of this concern, but when I became pregnant, anxiety seemed to have inevitably come back.

“I don’t even know what a good father is. There’s no example to follow. Oh, God..”

Kwanach paused. His throat moved roughly up and down.

Poor and affectionate person.

That’s how I felt about Kwanach these days.

Maybe others wouldn’t understand. Everyone thought Kwanach was strong and indestructible.


But when he was alone with me, he would show such weakness. I felt heartbroken and bitter because he relied on me that much.

“Kwanach. Just having this kind of worry already makes you a good father.”


“It’s my first time being a mother, too. I’m nervous, but I’m not scared. If the two of us try, it’ll work out. Fortunately, there are a lot of people around to help.”

Kwanach slightly opened his tightly closed lips to make a sound of air escaping.

“……how can you be so strong? Your body is so small.”

Kwanach’s face was softer, as he said, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. I spoke in a laughable voice.

“I guess I’m trying to protect you.”

Kwanach rubbed his lower lip embarrassingly.

“By the way, when does my stomach feel better?”

“I don’t know. It’s a big mental cause.”

“I won’t be able to eat with you for a while. Is there anything you want to eat in particular?”

“no……. But I want to be with you at dinner.”

“Will you be alright?”

Kwanach looked sullen in silence. It was going to be difficult for a while because he became nauseous just by smelling food.

“It’s so hard…you can’t get pregnant twice. I’m glad the kids came at the same time.”

“……How can a father say that?”


“Well, I know. I think it’s a little weird.”

Kwanach was out of his wits and let out a false laugh.

“Well… I’m glad you’re not too sick. Oh, and I really think two is enough.”

“Don’t you like it more crowded?”

“Well, it’s nice when they are young, but once they grow up, things will be harder.”

I looked down at my stomach for a moment, nodding my head.

He was right. They were not ordinary children. The Prince and the Princess. Children who may take over the empire.

If they had several brothers, there could have been a split between them. I had two brothers, but didn’t I get to that point with Diaquit?


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