Chapter 111. Side Story 4

“When I think about the future political situation, I think it’s good to have both of them.”

Kwanach stared at me and reached out. His large palm enveloped my slightly swollen lower abdomen.

He said in a low voice.

“Let’s ask the children later.”

“If they want more siblings?”


“That’s good, too.”

What would the little ones answer? we had not seen the children’s faces yet, but just imagining it a smile appeared on our lips.


 ‘I can’t wait to meet you..….’

* * *

Eight years later, at the Fahar River.

As artists began to part, the riverside, which had always been noisy and colorful, was quiet today. Next to it, the river that emitted clear light was flowing with a slow current.

I slowly looked around.

“It’s strange when it’s so quiet here. The last few years have been particularly active.”

As the political situation entered a completely stable period, the cultural community flourished even more. The number of artists who came to build their nests along the Fahar River had increased, and the size of related businesses had also risen.

The time when densely packed stores start to open one by one. But right now, the only people around here were me and Kwanach.

“Isn’t it good for us to have some peaceful moments for a day?”


“It’s been a while since just the two of us went out.”

I took time out for a walk with Kwanach at dawn. For that, Kwanach briefly blocked the passage of this area. Traffic restrictions were not long, and merchants were not complaining much because it was early in the morning.

But I didn’t think he needed to do this…

It was nice to walk alone on the quiet side of the road.

When spring flooded here, green trees sprang up and wild flowers bloomed. Every year when the flowers bloom, we visit this place.

There were times when the traffic was restricted for a while as it was now, we disguised ourselves and mixed into the crowd to play for a long time.

It was not even an anniversary, but it had already become a small annual event for us.

I remembered the first time I came to this river with Kwanach. At that time, I came here to find clues about the disease.

“This place is really pretty. Later, when we have more time, we can come out for a picnic.”

“If you ask me to go, I can create a time that didn’t exist. Anytime is fine.”

“Then come when it’s prettier. Spring would be nice.”

Words that I shared with Kwanach like passing by.

But he didn’t forget it and took me to the river in the spring. I looked very happy then, again the next year.

Even when we were busy with our young children, we took a short break for our alone time.

What started with such a small promise became an annual meeting and was established.

I leaned closer to Kwanach and arm in arm. He walked slowly with me.

“The water has become very clear.”

Kwanach nodded as I spoke quietly.

“When I first came here, I was very lost…….”

I mumbled, remembering the past.

The time I found the clue to treat sclerosis. How terrible and dangerous this river looked back then. Now that more than a decade has passed, it couldn’t look better.


Kwanach, who had been walking silently, opened his mouth.

“Time flies.”

“That’s what I think these days. Our children grow up quickly, too. I get surprised when I watch them. When did they grow so big?”

When I talked about the children, I laughed and talked faster without realizing it. Kwanach looked at me with a light smile and said softly.

“I’m sorry that time passes so quickly.”

His voice was low. There was a hint of bitterness on his face. It disappeared quickly, though.

After living together for 10 years, it was common to notice Kwanach’s feelings. I asked cautiously.

“What’s going on these days?”

Kwanach shook his head.

“It’s just a thought. This is happiness. But one day, the end will come.”

“Are you already worried about the end when you’re only in your 30s? Isn’t it too early?”

“It’s a pity. Why can’t we go through this kind of life twice or three times…Don’t worry about me. It’s not a big deal.”

I could understand a little bit of Kwanach’s bitterness.

We had been through two lives side by side.

In particular, Kwanach had a hard life both times. It was us who managed to be together after enduring so hard. But this life would not be repeated as before.

It was still a long way, but one day the end would come. And unlike the last death, the end of this one would complete our lifetime together.


“I know what your feelings are…It’s a non-repeated life, so now we have to live this life to the fullest.”

Kwanach paused and leaned his forehead on my shoulders. The size difference between the two of us would have been ridiculous to look at.

As he rubbed his forehead, he looked like a beast being cute.


It was only with me that he acted like this. I liked the fragility he showed only me. The fragility of a huge man who ruled a vast empire.

“……I love you.”

Kwanach murmured with his face down.

“All of a sudden?”

“I feel like saying it all of a sudden.”

I reached out and smoothed Kwanach’s hair.

“Me too.”

* * *

After a short walk, we headed to the palace. When the cold of winter was gone and spring came. It was a busy time of affairs.

When we arrived at the palace and got off the carriage, Oslin, with a troubled expression, greeted us.

“You need to go to the training hall. Princess Sylvia…….”

“What about Sylvia? What’s the matter?”

As soon as the name Sylvia came out, Kwanach’s eyes widened.

Zakar and Sylvia. Although they were twins born at the same time, the two were clearly different.

Until now, Sylvia was always the culprit if there was an accident at the palace. She was fiery, emotional, and thoughtful, resembling her father.

So did her appearance. Black, curly hair, a sharp look in her eyes and the slightly tan skin.


Only the color of her eyes were different from that of Kwanach’s. Sylvia’s eyes were dark green.

Moreover, even her natural talents seemed to resemble Kwanach’s.

‘I didn’t expect her to show her characteristics at such a young age….’


Sylvia had been interested in swords since she was four years old. While her brother, Zakar, was fascinated with history in class, Sylvia Sylvia only thought about how to miss the classes.

At the age of six, she even went out of the window and hung on to the railing to sneak away from class. Both I and Kwanza were frightened, and our hearts were nearly knocked out. How frightening it was.

Kwanach, who was always gentle with the children, surprisingly scolded Sylvia that day.

But Sylvia wasn’t discouraged. She was scolded by her father for the first time, and even with her eyes full of water, she put strength on her neck and said clearly.

“Reading books is not fun at all. I want to learn swordsmanship like royal knights. I’ve told you so many times…….Father, no, Your Majesty doesn’t listen to me!”

It was the first time Sylvia called Kwanach Your Majesty

Perhaps that was quite a shock, Kwanach was lost for words, and in the meantime, Sylvia held back her tears and ran away to her room.

In the end, Sylvia won the war of nerves. We cut back on history and other classes as Sylvia wished and let her learn swordsmanship instead.

At first, the knights were uncomfortable with the young Princess entering and leaving the training hall, but they seemed to have gotten used to it quickly.

There were times when Kwanach personally trained Sylvia and became a rival.

Sylvia was a quick learner. She was very quick and flexible. Although she was not strong yet because she was young, she was very healthy with muscles.

She was so talented that she quickly learned the moves she had seen once and copied it.

The captain of the Guards, who coached Sylvia, praised her every time he saw me. He said she was a genius who had appeared once in a few decades.

Sylvia’s number of accidents had also decreased because she was devoted to learning swordsmanship. Perhaps she needed a place to let off steam. Things had been quiet for a while.

“What’s going on all of a sudden?”

If Oslin ran out and got us, it seemed no small problem.

And it was too early to go to the training hall.

What had Sylvia done since early in the morning?

She was completely opposite of Zakar, who had never been in trouble and had grown up quietly.

I and Kwanach were both worried and headed straight for the training hall. There were guards who came out for early training.

And in the middle of them, I saw black hair.


I screamed urgently and approached Sylvia.

Sylvia was holding a training sword and staring at the opponent in front of her as if she were going to kill him. Perhaps she was angry, her chest went up and down heavily.

The person Sylvia was aiming the sword at was a face I knew.

“Why are you here…….”

“Your Majesty.”

The only son of Linvera and Marquis Brooks. It was Mason, Oslin’s nephew.

Not long ago, Marquis Brooks and his wife visited the capital. It was the day when the marquis regularly visited the palace, and while he was here, his wife, Linvera, and his son followed him.

Mason was only two years older than my children (8 years old). However, he looked like he was 12 or 13 years old with his strong physique, perhaps because he looked like Marquis Brooks.

Mason had bright blond hair and green eyes like his father. However, his soft, affectionate eyes resemble his mother, Linvera.

Although he was still young, he was the only child of the Marquis, full of grace and manners. I heard that his personality was also very friendly.

“Do it again, properly!” (Sylvia)

But why was our daughter staring at Mason like she was going to kill him…….


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