Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 239 Hunting the Apostles: Routines and Counter-Routines

[Universal Potion] was not discovered and kept by the Foundation like other contained objects. It was truly blood taken from the gardener. Every drop is extremely rare. Because of its extraordinary characteristics, it was classified by the Foundation as Category of contained items.

A drop of the gardener's blood can bring life and death. Flesh and white bones, as long as there is still one breath, can instantly return to the peak. The powerful vitality contained in it cannot even be compared with the purest water. It is a veritable panacea, no matter how much money it is, There is no way to measure its value.

In fact, [Universal Potion] is rarely used to treat diseases. Except for one time when it was used to maintain the life of a doctor, without exception, it was used as a decisive weapon in the battle with the apostle. use.

Just like the situation before me.

[Universal Potion] is like the relationship between water and fire to the apostle. As long as it is injected into Liu Fusheng's body, this mission can be declared a complete success!

But again, risks and opportunities coexist. There is only one potion, and it is extremely easy to be damaged. If they fail, even if they are four A-levels, they will have little chance against the apostles.

Therefore, they must be cautious and make sure nothing goes wrong before taking action. Otherwise, even a slight mistake will cause irreversible serious consequences.

The three people's eyes were all focused on Cang Lan's hand. They couldn't help but swallow their saliva and stared eagerly at the liquid that exuded emerald green fluorescence.

[Universal Potion] has an almost instinctive and powerful attraction to life. Even determined A-level investigators cannot completely resist its temptation, especially for those of them who have been more or less contaminated. If a drop of it is needed, perhaps their distortions can be corrected and their bodies and minds can return to normal, as if they were reborn. Who can say that they are not moved?

Canglan's hands were trembling slightly. Because [Snake God] is a auxiliary containment object and she is relatively petite, the apostle would not regard her as the main target in a fight, so [Universal Potion] is natural. The land was also given to her for safekeeping.

Under the black robe, no one could see her expression clearly.

Among the four, only Liang Wan is the most sober.

This was a very contradictory feeling. She was obviously eager, but she felt extremely resistant. The two emotions were entangled together, which allowed her attention to temporarily get rid of the attraction of the medicine.

Liang Wan has never participated in hunting an apostle. This is her first and perhaps last time to participate in such a difficult mission.

But it was precisely because of this that she had a more detailed understanding of all the battles with the apostles recorded by the Foundation. Since there were no bystanders and there were very few survivors who participated in the battles, most of the battle records only had a few records. In one sentence, she could describe the extent of environmental damage and casualties caused at that time. With just a few simple and straightforward words, she could imagine how intense the apostle's battle scene would be, and she was mentally prepared for it. To face the destructive power comparable to a natural disaster.

But now,

too easy.

There was just an accident at the beginning of the battle, which caused them to temporarily lose the position of the apostle. Then almost nothing thrilling happened. Xiao Zheng cleared the battlefield, and then Canglan used the snake god and the poison she prepared to control it. When meeting the other party, the process went smoothly, as if it had been rehearsed in advance. It was a breeze.

So easy that she started to feel...scared.

A total of ten seconds passed from when Liu Fusheng fell into coma to when he took out the potion.

"hurry up."

Liang Wan couldn't help but urge, her voice trembling.

As time went by, the fear in her heart became more and more intense, as if Liu Fusheng might wake up at any time.


Canglan nodded slightly, then pulled off the protective sheath on the glass tube, revealing the sharp needle tip.

She took two steps forward and came to Liu Fusheng. She raised the [Universal Potion] and aimed it at his neck.

The other three held their breath.

Success or failure depends on this!

In the illusion, Liu Fusheng's body had not yet hit the ground, and Yi Zhiyu's fists continued to fall on various parts of his body. Each blow was powerful enough to penetrate the wall, leaving him with no time to recover from his injuries.

It hurts, that's for sure.

Even an apostle can feel pain, the difference is that very few things in this world can hurt him.

If it were an ordinary person, the injuries of broken bones all over his body would be enough to make him faint from the pain.

Liu Fusheng didn't feel that much pain, but the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

A second can be very short, or it can be very long.

Sometimes the distance between life and death is just between the first second and the next second.

The emerald green liquid had less than ten centimeters left before it could contact its old enemy. Without any warning, a pale hand stretched out from Liu Fusheng's shoulder and instantly grasped Canglan's slender wrist.

"There really is a gardener's blood..."

Then, just like the model-wearing scene in the game, another Liu Fusheng poked her head out from Liu Fusheng's body and stared at the green potion in her hand.

"Originally you still had a chance, but now..."

Speaking of general words, Liu Fusheng stopped.

He looked at the expressions of everyone. In the dark night, they kept a distance of five meters from him, and there was no trace of surprise on their faces.

"Could it be?"

The palm of his hand suddenly felt cold, and Canglan's wrist, which was originally held by him, turned into a big black snake, swallowed the [Universal Potion] in one gulp, and then broke away from his control.

It is the ability of [Snake God]!

Liu Fusheng wanted to hold the big snake tightly, but the scales on the latter's surface were extremely smooth. In this short period of time, the situation on the field reversed again.

Liu Fusheng was a little angry. His naked body left his original body and planned to catch up with the big snake. [Universal Potion] was the key to this battle, and he must not let it fall into the opponent's hands again.

However, before he took two steps, the temperature of the air in front suddenly increased. Liu Fusheng raised his head, and several shells were heading towards him.

Just as the big snake swallowed the potion, Xiao Zheng had already raised the [Material Fission Cannon]!


The fire exploded, and the black snake swam back to Xiao Zheng, transforming into Cang Lan again. She took the black box handed over by Liang Wan and put the [Universal Potion] back in.

"He really does have two bodies!"

"Fortunately, with the information provided by Liang Wan, we made preparations in advance. Otherwise, if the potion was damaged, it would be hard to say what would happen tonight."

The explosions continued, and Xiao Zheng focused all his attention on Liu Fusheng, always keeping the distance between the two parties.

"But now there's a problem."

Liang Wan frowned and said worriedly: "There is only one potion, but there are two apostles!"

As soon as these words came out, even Xiao Zheng was distracted for a short time.

It had always been an assumption that Liu Fusheng had two bodies. No one thought that he would actually face such a situation.

One potion is only enough to destroy one apostle, but now it seems that the two Liu Fusheng on the field are genuine!

Taking advantage of Xiao Zheng's daze, some mistakes were made in the fire blockade. Liu Fusheng jumped out of the fire with his naked body, aiming directly at Cang Lan who was hiding at the back of the crowd.

"Don't worry so much!"

Yi Zhiyu roared, took a deep breath, and his withered body expanded rapidly, changing from a middle-aged man as skinny as a bamboo pole to a muscular man in his twenties. He met Liu Fusheng and punched him.

"You go and destroy the other paralyzed body first!"

With a punch in the air, Yi Zhiyu's arm as strong as a tree stump directly knocked Liu Fusheng upside down!

Thanks to the random little fat guy for the tip! It's the end of the year, are you planning to get married?

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