Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 240 Hunting the Apostles: Power! strength!

There was a loud noise and a large amount of dust was thrown up. Liu Fusheng's body fell to the ground at an even faster speed, dragging out a deep ditch more than ten meters long to offset the powerful force.

Yi Zhiyu pursued the victory, his strong body like a human tank, taking heavy steps, continuing to put pressure on him.


Liu Fusheng coughed twice. The back of his hand was a little red and swollen from the punch just now, but the rest of his body was still pale. The series of artillery attacks and the punch just now did not cause him any injuries. !


Yi Zhiyu raised his fist, his eyes wide open, and his speed was as fast as lightning.

The muscles in his arms are harder than steel, and the strength contained in each muscle is enough to split gold and stone;

His skin can withstand bullets, and even boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius cannot cause any damage to him, making him safe in any harsh environment;

His muscles and bones are comparable to tough alloys, and he will not break even if he jumps from a height of 100 meters;

This is the top human body,

This is human,

The strongest,

strength! ! !

Faced with Yi Zhiyu's domineering aura, even though Liu Fusheng was confident in his own strength, he did not dare to resist his attack.

But in the blink of an eye, Yi Zhiyu had rushed forward and punched him from the top of his head with a fierce punch. If he had been hit, the hard skull would have been smashed in an instant!

Liu Fusheng didn't dare to take the fight head-on. At the critical moment, he bent down and jumped backwards, narrowly escaping.

The wind roared, and although the fist was still thirty centimeters away from him, the wind it brought was as sharp as a knife, directly opening a shallow wound on his chest.

Yi Zhiyu's punch was full of force. Although it did not hit Liu Fusheng, the force did not diminish and it hit the ground directly under his feet.


There was a short explosion, and the thick earth trembled.

The air seemed to condense for a moment,

Then, there was another explosion.

Centered on the fist, the ground cracked like a spider web and spread instantly!

Large chunks of land shattered, and sand, gravel and tree roots burst out from the cracks and were thrown into the sky. With just one punch, the flat land just now turned into ruins like an earthquake!

Liu Fusheng's body was still in the air, and there was no suitable foothold under his feet. However, Yi Zhiyu had already adjusted his condition and continued to rush towards him!

On the other side, without Yi Zhiyu's reminder, Xiao Zheng and the others had already returned to Liu Fusheng's original paralyzed body.

Canglan took out the [Universal Potion] again. No matter what, one must be eliminated first!

Her poison was still taking effect, and the other Liu Fusheng was being suppressed by Yi Zhiyu. It was absolutely too late to return to rescue him at this moment.

Under the moonlight, Canglan raised the potion and was about to stab Liu Fusheng in the neck.

Suddenly, the pale moonlight between the two people was distorted. Liu Fusheng opened his eyes, his dull face regained vitality, and he grinned, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"how come!"

Canglan was shocked.

Could it be that the time for poison has passed?

No, absolutely impossible. She is very clear about the poison she prepared. Although she has never tested it on a real apostle before, but with so many years of poison-making experience, she can be sure that the poison will either not take effect. If it takes effect, Then the control time is definitely more than that short. Even if the apostle's body cannot be measured by ordinary standards, it always takes time to adapt and decompose toxins!

So, what's going on?

Could it be that the coma just now was an illusion? Liu Fusheng was deliberately lying to them?

On the other side, Yi Zhiyu's attack, which was bound to hit, only hit the air. At the most critical moment, the opponent suddenly disappeared without warning, leaving no trace.

He jumped in the air and landed back on the ground, looking around.

Liu Fusheng, where have you gone?

Before he could continue to think about it, he saw that there was a problem on Canglan's side.

Liu Fusheng's true body is awake?

From the time the battlefield was cleared to the actual start of the battle, the situation on the field had changed many times. No one except Liu Fusheng himself could truly understand what happened from beginning to end.

With a joking smile on his face, he reached out to grab Canglan's arm.

In desperation, the latter wanted to repeat his old trick, turning his whole body into a black snake, swallowing the medicine in his mouth, trying to break free from the other party's restraints, but the move had been used once, how could it achieve the same effect the second time? Liu Fusheng Holding both hands like claws, he grasped both ends of the [Snake God] respectively, and his sharp nails pierced its smooth surface. As the latter twisted, large pieces of snake scales peeled off, but what was exposed under the snake scales was Not flesh and blood, but a mass of condensed black mist.

"Liang Wan, get out of the way!"

Xiao Zheng shouted loudly, raised the [Material Fission Cannon], and pointed the muzzle of the cannon, which was still emitting heat waves, at Liu Fusheng's legs.

At the same time, Yi Zhiyu also reacted and rushed over to support, shouting at the same time: "His double has transferred back to his original body!"

The situation was critical, and Canglan was extremely critical. He must not be killed first. Liang Wan had just stepped aside when she heard a short cannon fire behind her. The hot red flames brushed across her arms, burning a tiny hole in her robe. of rift.

Liu Fusheng was not sure how powerful this shot was. The black snake in his hand was still struggling, affecting his movements. Although it was a pity, he could only give up Canglan temporarily and dodge the shot.

The shell hit the ground where he was originally standing, exploding a large amount of soil, but compared to the previous shot, its power was very small.

As soon as Liu Fusheng escaped, he realized that he had been fooled.

Xiao Zheng's shot hit the air in the magazine!

Taking advantage of this gap, Cang Lan quickly swam back behind Xiao Zheng. After transforming back into human form, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and it seemed that the injury was serious.

Liu Fusheng looked at his nails. The remaining scales turned into wisps of black smoke and quickly dissipated in the air.


He licked his lips and dodged Yi Zhiyu's attack again.

The two of them moved around and exchanged blows several times in a short time. Every attack by Yi Zhiyu was powerful and heavy. As his body moved, the air was overwhelmed and made bursts of bursting sounds.

Liu Fusheng's attacks are not very powerful, but they are insidious and vicious, attacking places that are difficult to defend against. The apostle has not received any training, but his own advantages are already large enough. His speed is even a few points faster than Yi Zhiyu. , but their fighting experience was very different, so he was suppressed and beaten by the other party.

But Liu Fusheng can withstand Yi Zhiyu's moves. If Yi Zhiyu is attacked by Liu Fusheng, the consequences are unpredictable. So it seems that Yi Zhiyu has the upper hand, but every minute and every second is actually extremely thrilling. Once he Any mistake and the battle might end immediately.


Yi Zhiyu found an opportunity, lowered his shoulders, exerted force on his waist and abdomen, and pushed against the opponent like a bull.

Liu Fusheng only had time to protect his chest with his arms before his whole body was pushed into the air.

Xiao Zheng took the shot with great tacit understanding and began to suppress the fire.

Liu Fusheng was temporarily blocked at a distance and unable to approach the crowd. However, the situation on the field was not optimistic.

Yi Zhiyu knelt on the ground, gasping for air. His skin was filled with a strange blush, a large amount of sweat evaporated, and a hazy mist formed around him. He looked like he had just come out of a sauna.

More importantly, his muscles began to shrink and gradually began to shrink.

His consciousness was a little blurry, Yi Zhiyu could clearly hear his heartbeat, and his body was exhausted.

Although it has always been nourished by the underworld water, after years of fighting, the pollution has accumulated to a certain extent, and it has finally reached the point of collapse.

Hallucinations began to appear in my ears. The dazzling lights and the roar of the crowd made me feel like I was in that arena.

He shook his head, raised his head again, and his eyes became firm again.

How could he fall down in a place like this so easily!

"Canglan, give me a [heart booster]!"

Thanks to Chiyu for the tip!

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