Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 241 Hunting the Apostles: [Strengthening the Heart]

Hearing these words, Xiao Zheng's expression changed drastically. He kept suppressing Liu Fusheng's fire while shouting:

"Lao Yi!"

But Yi Zhiyu was determined. He was very clear about his physical condition. If he didn't use the [Strong Heart Stimulus], he would not be able to maintain a high-intensity battle.

"Strong shot in the arm!"

He repeated it again.

Liang Wan frowned, and the sound of gunfire continued. She looked at the figure dodging back and forth in the firelight, and then at Yi Zhiyu who was squatting on the ground. She couldn't help clenching her fists together.

This feeling of powerlessness...


Canglan took out an injection wrapped in black material from under his robe and threw it to Yi Zhiyu.

The latter reached out to catch it and tore open the outer packaging, revealing the same black needle inside.

He gritted his teeth, held the injection in one hand, pointed the needle tip at his heart, and plunged it in hard!


The moment it was inserted, the liquid in the injection came into contact with the blood. Yi Zhiyu felt as if his heart was going to explode, and the expansion of the heart was unprecedentedly violent!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

His eyes were wide open and bloodshot. Yi Zhiyu took a big breath, but his heartbeat did not slow down at all.

His current heart rate has exceeded... three hundred!


With a suppressed roar, Yi Zhiyu crushed the empty syringe, stood up, and opened his sleeping eyes like a tiger.

The rapid heartbeat continued. A normal person would have been unconscious at this heart rate, but after a few seconds of adaptation, he no longer felt any discomfort at all.

At this time, his consciousness was extremely clear, and his facial features were extremely sharp. He could even hear the sound of air flowing by his ears. No subtle changes within a hundred meters around him could escape his perception.

The atrophied muscles replenished and he clenched his fists, feeling stronger than ever before!

"Is this the power of a shot in the arm?"

Between breaths and breaths, pink mist swayed from his nostrils, which was a mixture of water and blood. His body temperature increased and reached 60 degrees Celsius in a very short period of time, but the surface of his skin was cold.

All the pores in the body are opened, heat dissipation reaches the extreme, and all internal organs and cells are working overload.

This is the most peak state in Yi Zhiyu's life.

What is burning is his life potential!

"Come, apostle!"

The ground trembled, revealing two deep footprints. Yi Zhiyu's body had disappeared, leaving only a howling wind.

In the blink of an eye, he had already rushed into the explosion and came to Liu Fusheng!

Xiao Zheng calmed down the gunfire slightly, but did not stop it completely. He took out a cigar from his pocket, placed it on the hot muzzle of the gun, lit it, and held it in his mouth. Judging from his appearance, he actually planned to continue providing long-range support.

You must know that the speed of the two people in the battle is extremely fast, and it is difficult to catch the movement with the naked eye. In this case, long-range attacks are most taboo, because if you are not careful, you will accidentally injure your teammates, and it will also disrupt the rhythm of the two people's battle. You can It is said that the enemy is injured a thousand times, but the self-inflicted damage is also a thousand, which cannot provide an advantage to teammates at all.


Xiao Zheng is a Class A investigator of the Salvation Foundation!

No other reason is needed, this identity alone is enough to prove many things.

What others can't do, he can!

No matter how incredible things are, if placed in the hands of an A-level person, they will and must become a matter of course.

This is the strength of A-level!

Squinting his eyes, Xiao Zheng watched the two people's movements closely, and then fired!

In the center of the battlefield, facing Yi Zhiyu's more ferocious offensive, Liu Fusheng chose to avoid the edge temporarily.

The apostle's perception was equally keen. As soon as he made contact, he could see the opponent's physical condition. Such a super-strength attack could not last long.

Tonight is still very long, and for him, everything just now was just a warm-up.

However, just as he was about to retreat, a cannonball was about to fall near the place where he was about to retreat. If he persisted in taking this step back, although he had temporarily escaped Yi Zhiyu's attack, he would also be hit hard by the cannonball. arrive.

He was not worried about the damage the explosion would cause to him. The trouble was that the explosion would affect his next actions, making him passive and Yi Zhiyu finding an opportunity to strike.

After weighing the situation, he did not retreat. Instead, he raised his arms and received the opponent's elbow.


The moment the arms came into contact, Liu Fusheng looked a little surprised.

The next moment, his body flew out and hit the ground, plowing a deep hole.

Yi Zhiyu's whole body was almost close to the ground and he quickly pursued him.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong."

Liu Fusheng's eyes were a little excited, and one of his arms was limp. It was actually broken in the fight just now.

It has been so long since the battle started, and this is the first time he has been so seriously injured!

But then, the arm recovered and became intact again.

"Then, let me see what you can do!"

What responded to him was a series of ferocious attacks.

Yi Zhiyu remained silent, each punch was like a heavy truck crashing at high speed, but this time, Liu Fusheng no longer dodged.

The two of them fought so fast that Liang Wan, who was on the edge of the battlefield, was dazzled.

She thought about it, and if she was placed on either side, the outcome would probably be determined just after they met.

He is worthy of being a powerful investigator. Even though he used a booster, he was able to face off against the apostles without falling behind. This is amazing enough. This strength, if other factors are not included, can almost be regarded as S-level. .

Unfortunately, it couldn't last long.

The sound of gunfire continued, and Liang Wan turned her attention to Canglan.

Canglan, who is also an A-level investigator and looks like a teenager, is much more silent than the others. Especially tonight, she didn't say a single unnecessary word unless necessary.

"The injury just now is okay, right?"

Liang Wan asked with concern.

In order to protect the [Universal Potion], she was scratched by the apostle while in the [Snake God] state. She has not been seen dealing with her injuries since then, so she is a little curious.


Cang Lan replied dryly, his eyes always staring at the two people fighting in the gunfire, extremely focused.

The air was extremely hot, and the smell of burnt earth was everywhere.

Liang Wan also turned her attention back to the two people in the center.

Yi Zhiyu was still suppressing the apostle steadily. His eyes were red at the moment, and his skin had begun to ooze blood. The skin all over his body had turned bloody red. He didn't know how long he could hold on.

Liu Fusheng didn't feel well either. A piece of skin on his forehead was missing, revealing the stark white bones inside. This was just the result of being rubbed by the opponent's fist. There were no less than ten injuries like this on his body, and his left abdomen was even blasted. There was a semicircular wound. No matter how powerful the apostle's recovery ability was, it would always be exhausted.

Liang Wan suddenly realized a problem.

The apostle still maintains his human form to this day.

He is far from giving his best!

"Yi Zhiyu is going to die."

Cang Lan suddenly said, the golden vertical pupils under the black robe blinking repeatedly, as if confirming some important information.

"He was poisoned."

In her field of vision, black patches adhered to the surface of Yi Zhiyu's skin. As he moved, they gradually eroded deeper into his body, gradually occupying the red part of his body that originally represented heat, and dyed him mottled. Red and black, ugly.

The source of the black spots was every contact he had with the apostles.

There are at least about five chapters left. In order to maintain the continuity of the plot, the contained objects that have not been introduced will be gathered in one chapter and introduced in detail after the end of this plot.

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