Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 243 Hunting the Apostles: Super Hot Bullets!


Although the incident happened suddenly, Liang Wan reacted quickly. She was standing next to Canglan, so she directly reached out and grabbed the other person's black robe.

The next moment, the wide brim of the hat slipped down, and Canglan's appearance was exposed to the air.

The skin on her face was covered with large black snake scales, and she looked like she was wearing half a mask. Her golden eyes flashed with cold light, and her dark vertical pupils glanced at Liang Wan.

The moment she was stared at by these eyes, Liang Wan felt goosebumps all over her body, and intense fear eroded her mind.

This look is definitely not human!

"Who are you……"

She stabilized her mind and suddenly thought that when the other party was injured not long ago, there was no blood flowing out of the wound, but black mist.

An incredible guess came to mind.

Liang Wan's eyes widened and she exclaimed: "No, you are not Canglan, you are the [Snake God]!"

Who would have thought that during this critical mission to hunt down the apostle, Cang Lan, the Foundation's A-level investigator, did not come to the scene in person!


The incident here attracted Xiao Zheng's attention. He turned his head and saw the same scene.

Canglan had already made plans when she received this mission. She was not optimistic about the Foundation from the beginning to the end. Years of poison research made her doubt the Foundation's philosophy. Even the most powerful human beings , even A-level investigators cannot escape the fate of being corroded by pollution if they have been in contact with it for a long time.

If you stare into the abyss for too long, you will become part of the abyss.

Can humans really eliminate pollution completely? The Foundation has been established for so long and has produced so many legendary investigators. Has the pollution become less?

She had been thinking about this problem from a very early stage, and finally found that no matter which way she looked at it, the ending was completely hopeless.

The Salvation Foundation is just a joke made by a group of people who refuse to see the reality clearly!

"It's useless. We can't win. Just like tonight, no matter how hard we try, even if we defeat this apostle, it will be useless against the pollution of the entire world. It is useless to blindly fight and contain..."

[Snake God] pulled on his hat again and hid himself in the darkness.


Liang Wan's voice couldn't help but tremble.

Yi Zhiyu's death had already greatly reduced the foundation's strength. At this critical moment, if Canglan defected again, then he and Xiao Zheng would be the only ones left, and it would almost be a sure defeat!

And she had already guessed where Canglan planned to go next.

The Foundation is so big that they have branches in every corner of the Blue Star. Of course, there are also defectors. Most of these investigators who escaped the Foundation went to a hostile organization.

——Wizards Union!

Especially if an A-level investigator like Cang Lan, who has relatively in-depth research on pollution, becomes a member of the other party, it will be a big blow to the foundation.

What's more important is that she is carrying the [Universal Potion] at this time!

This is the only thing that cannot be leaked out!

The air became scorched, the temperature rose rapidly, and Liang Wan's eyes showed a look of struggle.

"Are you going to use your trump card against me?"

[Snake God] warned in a cold voice, like a basin of cold water poured on Liang Wan's head.

Just as she hesitated for a moment, the empty black robe fell to the ground, and the [Snake God] had escaped into the darkness and disappeared.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Liu Fusheng clapped and shook his head. He didn't know whether he wanted to express regret or simply thought the scene was interesting.

He showed no surprise at this scene, obviously he had already noticed something was wrong with Cang Lan.

The reason why he didn't take advantage of the opportunity just now was entirely due to self-confidence.

After Canglan left with the gardener's blood, nothing could really threaten him. Unless Yi Zhiyu, who was no longer breathing on the ground, was resurrected with blood, he might still be afraid, but even without thinking, he knew that this It's completely impossible.

As for others,

Although Xiao Zheng's artillery fire caused him a lot of trouble just now, even if he received his most powerful artillery fire to clear the battlefield, his life would not be in danger. After all, the power of thermal weapons has its limit.

There was another woman standing behind. He was a little wary because she had never really made a move until now, but that was all.

The other party doesn't look like an A-level person. Among the four of them, she is probably the weakest. Just pay more attention in the future.

"So, what other methods can you use to deal with me next?"

"Oh no,


us. "

In the deep ditch, another Liu Fusheng had fully recovered from his injuries and climbed out of it.

Two identical people stood together, the pale moonlight shining on their pale skin, and the chill gradually spread on the battlefield.

Yi Zhiyu died and Canglan defected. The already serious situation suddenly became like an avalanche and became irreversible.

Liang Wan gritted her teeth. They had no way to retreat and they would not retreat!

"We will die."

At the critical moment, Xiao Zheng's tone was extremely calm.

"Everyone dies."

Liang Wan replied.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Xiao Zheng suddenly burst out laughing, laughing so wildly.

"Okay! Then, I'll go first!"

Without hesitation, he took out the [Strengthening Needle] from the backpack on his waist and inserted it directly into his chest.

His face instantly turned purple, the veins were exposed, his eyes were bloodshot, and all the muscles in his body could not help but tremble violently. Xiao Zheng's physical body could not be compared with Yi Zhiyu, and it took him more time to adapt to [Strong Heart Needle] 】The increase in power brought about.


He roared in the direction of Liu Fusheng and put his hand into the backpack on his waist again.

This time, what he took out was a large bottle of ultrapure water!

The magazine opened, and a large amount of water poured out from the mouth of the bottle. The special bottle just filled the magazine.

With a "pop" sound, the magazine closed.

Xiao Zheng's expression was a little crazy: "Liang Wan, find cover!"

Although Liu Fusheng is conceited, he is not stupid enough to wait for the enemy to prepare a killing move.

So he had already launched an attack when Xiao Zheng used the heart booster. However, because Xiao Zheng's vitality suppression at the beginning and Yi Zhiyu's tiger roar pushed him far away, he couldn't immediately Rushed to stop it.

When he came to a distance of more than 100 meters from Xiao Zheng, the opponent's gun was already pointed at him.

"Let you see the ultimate form of boiling water.

I call it - super hot bomb!

Hahahahaha! "

Accompanied by crazy laughter, the [Material Fission Cannon] was fired!

Different from the steel ball, what was shot from the muzzle this time was not a cannonball trailing a scorching tail flame, but a round transparent water ball with a volume about the same as a small steel ball.

And its speed is not fast, at least it cannot be compared with ordinary cannonballs. It can even be called slow and leisurely, just like a cluster of water splashes shot from a toy water gun. Normal people who move a little more quickly can avoid it.

On this battlefield where life and death can be decided in an instant, such a seemingly non-threatening shell is like a bad joke.

But no one present would think so.

The magazine of the [Material Fission Cannon] is a cube with a length, width and height of 0.2 meters, which can hold a total of eight liters of water. The large bottle of water just filled up.

When eight liters of ultrapure water is fired from the muzzle, its volume shrinks nearly 20,000 times!

Such great pressure and the energy accumulated in it are completely unimaginable. Once this energy is released...

Liang Wan started looking for a bunker when Xiao Zheng reminded her. However, the surrounding forest was either flattened by a cannon or shattered by Yi Zhiyu's tiger roar. There was no suitable bunker to hide in.

Fortunately, the ground became extremely soft due to the power of the tiger's roar. Liang Wan found a hole and lay down in it, burying herself with soil at the same time.

But Liu Fusheng was not so lucky.

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