Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 244 Hunting the Apostle: Searing Lotus

His vision was excellent and he could see things thousands of meters away in the dark, so he saw clearly the scene when Xiao Zheng filled the cannonballs in the first place.

I didn't think that Xiao Zheng would pose any threat to me before, because I saw clearly the cannonballs in his hands, which were of the same size, like steel balls removed from the bearings, and in the subsequent battle, whether it was Xiao Zheng Whether it was the one shot that cleared the battlefield just after Zheng landed, or the subsequent shots used to block his actions, the ammunition was filled with these steel balls.

Liu Fusheng subconsciously believed that the opponent's hand cannon could only use this kind of bullet, so he relaxed his vigilance.

But at this moment, looking at the small drop of water so close at hand, the sense of crisis rising in his heart was stronger than when he faced Yi Zhiyu's Tiger Roar.

"You must not get hit!"

He rushed over very quickly. This speed was originally used to stop Xiao Zheng, but now it became a burden on him. Halfway through, he could not forcefully stop his forward body and could only barely deflect it. direction.

But it's not enough!

The water drops have begun to fall and are about to explode, so close...

The two Liu Fusheng looked at each other. One of them suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the other's body. Then he stamped his feet on the ground, forcibly slowing down his speed, and then used inertia to throw the other person far away.

In an instant, the other self was thrown dozens of meters away, and at the same time, the water droplets touched the ground at the feet of Liu Fusheng, who was staying in place. The latter immediately disappeared and transferred back to the main body in the air.

But, it's still not enough!

The sense of crisis has not been lifted yet!


A whimper, like the strange cold wind in the mountains, making people shiver.

A terrifying aura spread out and surrounded the entire battlefield.

In mid-air, Liu Fusheng's skin cracked, and red, silk-like slender tissue stretched out from under the skin, rapidly expanded, and turned into new flesh.

His body size suddenly increased, and his body was now completely out of the human category. His facial features disappeared, and his limbs were covered with new muscles. Those threads continued to pour out, waving crazily in the air, so densely packed that they seemed to be lingering in the air. The fuzz all over his body, at this time, Liu Fusheng is like a terrifying underdeveloped sarcoma in an embryo, a devil's egg, and a grotesque maggot parasitizing the earth. However, no matter how filthy and evil words humans have invented, they cannot accurately describe it. His appearance at this time is truly indescribable. Just a glimpse of his appearance can make an ordinary person with a sound mind lose all reason in an instant and be twisted into a chaotic evil thing!

Only then did Liu Fusheng finally reveal his true appearance.

This is the identity of an apostle!


The whine resounded through the sky, the earth trembled, and dark and deep gaps opened.

From the gaps, horrifying wails were deafening, like countless dead souls pouring out their sufferings to the world. In the surrounding forest, the remaining vitality turned into dark smoke, rising from the fallen trees. Clouds gathered overhead, covering the stars and moon, and the hot air heated up again. The pale moonlight penetrated the black clouds and projected onto the ground, turning into a terrifying dark red light, turning the entire battlefield into a world stained red with blood.

After Liu Fusheng revealed his true form, in the blink of an eye, the scene within a five-kilometer radius turned into a horrific scene like the coming of hell.

Liang Wan lay in the pit, her whole body trembling uncontrollably. Terrible hallucinations appeared in her brain, disturbing her mind. The necklace with the old seal pattern on her chest became hot, like a soldering iron. The constant burning of her skin also showed how intense the pollution in this environment was!

The situation of Xiao Zheng, who was looking directly at Liu Fusheng, was even more serious. His skin, which had been flushed due to the [cardiac injection], now showed a strange purple color, and the subcutaneous blood vessels bulged, forming lumps of different sizes, and All over the body.

The crazy look in his eyes gradually became uncontrollable. He grinned and uttered a string of languages ​​​​that had never been created by humans, and the way he spoke was completely contrary to human physiological structure, just like... those evil Prayers used in pagan sacrifices!

And just as hell descended, that simple drop of water finally touched the soil,

Then, explode!

The turbulent air waves flew away the soil, and then quickly retracted as if the reverse button was pressed.

The battlefield in the middle, including the entire forest, was silent for a moment.

But all the electrical components present had been destroyed instantly. This was not Jing at all!

The super power generated by the explosion raised the vibration frequency of the surrounding air to an unprecedented height, completely beyond the range that the human ear can detect!

Blood beads penetrated the skin of Xiao Zheng's body, and Liang Wan, who was immersed in the illusion, was also forcibly awakened.

Then, unparalleled air waves erupted together with ultra-high temperature heat!

The environment just created by the arrival of Liu Fusheng's body was instantly torn apart. The black clouds disappeared without a trace in an instant under the heat wave. The red light was also replaced. All the chaotic sounds were buried by the sound of the explosion.

The land closest to the explosion site was purified into crystals under the high temperature. The trees burned and quickly turned into black coke, with no oxygen left.

Heat waves swept through the dust and flattened the earth. Water molecules in the air evaporated and condensed, forming a milky white mist at the edge of the explosion.

Between the bright moonlight and the scorched earth, a huge and beautiful white lotus bloomed quietly.

However, it brings not only breathtaking beauty, but also endless death and ending.

All the trees within ten kilometers fell, the [Black Curtain] was torn open, and all six stage lights collapsed. The six [Meditating Snowmen] completely absorbed the sound waves, and then exploded.

White snowflakes flew and fell on the shoulders of the twelve D-class personnel with horrified expressions on their faces.

However, they didn't care about anything else for a while. They just raised their heads and stared blankly at the blooming white lotus in front of them. They were shocked beyond measure.

Two hundred kilometers away from Jianghe City, on top of a tall building.

A woman wearing a leather jacket and black stockings sat on the edge of the rooftop, her long hair blowing in the cold wind. The woman looked silently at the traffic below, her two long legs swaying alternately in the air, as if she were sitting by a pond and playing with water.

Suddenly, the woman raised her head and looked into the distant night.

There was only darkness there, but she seemed to have seen something, and her face gradually became serious.


She muttered to herself, then jumped down from the sixty-story building.

Jupiter City is six hundred kilometers away from Jianghe City.

The Third People's Hospital, inpatient building, fifth floor.

Cheng Shuangshuang woke up from her sleep, pulled back the quilt, jumped out of bed, lay down by the window and looked at the night in the distance.


She frowned and bit her lip, her expression struggling.

She looked down at her feet, which were not wearing shoes because of her haste. She could feel the biting coldness when her smooth feet stepped on the floor.

Such a body...

At the same time, dozens of people looked in the same direction at different locations in the capital of Luohua, either secretly or in bustling places.



It’s the Chinese New Year, and there are a lot of things going on, so updates will be unstable, so I apologize. The chapter of "Hunting the Apostles" will end tomorrow. From the beginning, Bai Mao had no confidence, but now he has gradually started to feel like he wants to write. To be honest, he feels a little bit accomplished, hehe. Thank you for your support! Friday is New Year's Eve. My little cuties, spend more time with your family, and I will try to spend as much time with you as possible!

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