Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 245 Hunting the Apostle: Fomalhaut

The majestic white lotus bloomed in the middle of the forest. It only lasted for ten seconds, and then quickly withered and withered, but the devastating impact it brought continued.

Within the area covered by the lotus, the original forest landscape has completely disappeared and turned into a scorched desert. A steady stream of groundwater gushes out from the cracks in the surface and is evaporated into scorching water the moment it comes into contact with the air. Steam, the temperature of this water vapor is hundreds of degrees, and the core temperature can even reach thousands of degrees.

The fog shrouded the battlefield, making it an absolute restricted area for life. Ordinary people could easily get burned just by standing on the edge. What was even more serious was that the air here was definitely not suitable for breathing.

The sand and gravel fell, and Liang Wan crawled out of the pit. She was far away from the explosion site of the superheat bomb, so the impact was limited. In addition, she buried herself underground and had a black robe specially made by the Foundation. It can isolate high temperature and cold to the greatest extent, so it was not seriously injured, but the tinnitus continued and the hearing was seriously damaged.

Due to the obstruction of the fog, Liang Wan could not see too far away, but she could still clearly see the terrifying creature suspended in the sky not far away.

Liu Fusheng was in an extremely miserable state at this time. On the surface of his nearly 100-meter-long body, all the waving slender tissues were destroyed. On the side facing the explosion, a large amount of skin and flesh fell off, revealing the unobstructed deep tissues inside, and the unbearable rancid smell. It spread out and filled the entire battlefield. The twisted bones, weird internal organs, and indescribable muscle shapes were all beyond the limits of human imagination and full of evil aura. Even Liang Wan was shaken looking at this scene. , there was a rolling feeling in the stomach, and the feeling of nausea was uncontrollable.

A-level is still like this. At the edge of the battlefield, the twelve D-level personnel glimpsed this scene from a distance, and their rationality instantly dropped to the lowest level. They murmured in their mouths like they were dreaming, and strange purple lines appeared on their skin. , the body walked uncontrollably in the direction of Liu Fusheng.

[Black Curtain] and [Meditation Snowman] were all destroyed, and the entire battlefield was exposed to the outside world without reservation. Fortunately, it was late at night, and the logistics department had blocked nearby roads in advance, so no one noticed this for a while. side situation.

Liang Wan looked up at the terrifying hanging creature and gritted her teeth.

Suddenly, a ray of red light struck at Liu Fusheng's exposed vulnerable spot, widening his wound again.


Liu Fusheng whined in pain and turned his huge body to face the direction of the red light.

He never thought that even without the Gardener's blood, these humans could still force him into this situation.

Now that his true identity is exposed, he is like a beacon lighting up in the darkness. His position has been sensed by all the gardeners in the surrounding city. What will greet him next is not only the containment of the Foundation, but also the pursuit of the gardeners!

He was angrier than ever before, and several fibrous tissues stretched out from the surface of his body, rushing in the direction of Xiao Zheng.

He responded with another shot!

"It's Xiao Zheng, he's not dead yet!"

Liang Wan showed a surprised look and ran in the direction of him in her memory.

However, when she came closer and saw Xiao Zheng's appearance clearly, she immediately stopped.

At this time, Xiao Zheng's skin was peeling off all over his body, and all the fat was dissolved. The bright red muscles were covered with a layer of dark blood. There was no skin on his face. Under the white eyebrows, a pair of bloodshot eyeballs protruded. The mouth full of sinister teeth is exposed, looking extremely terrifying.

More importantly, there were purple swellings all over his body, which was a symbol that he had been seriously polluted. His body had been deformed, and it was only a matter of time before he turned into a monster.

But even in this miserable state, he still did not fall, nor did he immediately become crazy.

He still remembered his mission and was still filling the [Material Fission Cannon] with ammunition and firing it towards the apostles, even though his movements were very uncoordinated.

"Xiao Zheng!"

Liang Wan's tears suddenly flowed out and she couldn't help crying.

Hearing the cry, Xiao Zheng turned his head stiffly and saw Liang Wan.

He was skinless and tried to put on a smile, but failed.

"We have already lost, leave the rest to me."

Liang Wan wiped her tears and opened her eyes again, her aura was completely different.

Xiao Zheng shook his head.

"You, no need, I have another trick!"

He raised the [Material Fission Cannon] in his right hand and spoke in a depressed tone, as if he was trying to suppress some emotion.

In order to be able to use this hand cannon, he cut off his right forearm before merging with it.

Having carried out so many missions over the years, this hand cannon has killed countless aberrations and infected bodies without ever failing.

Xiao Zheng gently touched his closest partner for the last time, with a moment of tenderness in his eyes.

"Let us present the most splendid art to this world!"

His words were full of madness.

Liang Wan sensed something was wrong and immediately realized that he wanted to do something dangerous.

However, it was too late to stop it.

Xiao Zheng took out a palm-sized lead box from the backpack on his waist.

Pressing the button, the top cover of the box popped open, revealing a square solid inside, emitting a dangerous emerald green light in the darkness.

"This is!"

Liang Wan opened her eyes wide and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

She recognized this thing, but there was a city next to it, how dare Xiao Zheng!

"What are you going to do! Stop it!"

Liang Wan shouted at the top of her lungs. She suddenly realized that the other party might have been severely contaminated by pollution when she received the mission, so she prepared the objects in the lead box in advance, which were full of radioactivity and unstable substances with heavy atomic nuclei.


He has already gone crazy!

However, Xiao Zheng seemed not to hear her warning at all, and still put uranium-235 into the magazine of the [Material Fission Cannon].

"The Foundation will never retreat, for...all mankind!"

Liang Wan was extremely anxious.

There was no time to stop it. The visual inspection of the piece of uranium-235 weighed about one kilogram. Judging from the light it released, its purity was estimated to have exceeded 90%!

If it explodes, the entire Jianghe City will cease to exist. Severe radiation will instantly affect several surrounding cities. Smoke and clouds full of radioactive materials will spread with the wind. A day later, even most of Luohua will be unfit for human habitation. Thousands of people will die from this!

This is already several times more powerful than the destructive power that an apostle can cause!

Now, there is only one way.

At the critical moment, Liang Wan calmed down.

She took off the necklace with the old seal pattern on her chest and looked up at the southern sky.

There, there are two bright stars, one of which is called Tusi Kong Star, and the other one is... Fomalhaut Star!

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