Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 246 Hunting the Apostles (End): The spirit of fire is coming!

From beginning to end, she didn't really take action in this battle with the apostles because she didn't need to.

She is the last trump card, a consumable product produced in batches by the Foundation specifically to deal with extreme situations - it can only be used once, but it is powerful enough to kill the apostles together.

Taking a deep breath, Liang Wan put her hands on her chest in a prayer gesture and began to recite obscure words.

"Ph'nglui mgfw'nafh Cthugha..."

Strange dark blue flame lines appeared under the skin of her forehead, and the awe-inspiring aura dispersed the surrounding fog, as if to welcome the arrival of some kind of terrifying existence.

At the same time, Liu Fusheng also heard her chanting.

He could understand the content, so he was afraid.

What also frightened him was Xiao Zheng's cannon muzzle.

But with such a huge body, where can I hide? There is no way to avoid it!

"Hahahaha! Go to hell! Apostle!"

Xiao Zheng raised the muzzle of the cannon, pointed it at Liu Fu's 100-meter-long body, and fired!

In an instant, daylight fell, but the cannonball, which was no bigger than a fist, was like the sun, releasing the most blazing light and hitting the huge body suspended in the air.

"Ph'nglui mgfw'nafh Cthugha..."

Liang Wan recited the entire spell for the second time.

In the sky, the star Fomalhaut seemed to flicker slightly, as if there was a vague invisible line connecting it to the Blue Star across the vast universe.

Finally, Xiao Zheng's cannonball hit Liu Fusheng's body. In a microsecond, the devastating power was about to be released... right now!

"Ph'nglui mgfw'nafh Cthugha!"

Liang Wan's third spell is finished!

In an instant, the day faded away, darkness once again enveloped the earth, and everything was silent.

Time seemed to stop, and then, several crimson lightnings tore through the space,

The dependents of the Explosives, the Fire Spirits, and the Fire Spirits that burn everything, descend on Blue Star!

Each lightning bolt is hundreds of meters long. They are wrapped in extreme temperatures. As soon as they appear, they immediately raise the temperature in the air. Then, the lightning collapses and turns into dots of fireballs. They seem to have intelligence. Flying in joy between the sky and the earth, even the air burned wherever it passed, and a sea of ​​​​fire suddenly filled the sky.

Then, the flame spirits seemed to have discovered something delicious, and immediately swarmed around the huge Liu Fusheng, and at the same time, the cannonball that had no time to explode completely, but in an instant, the energy released by one kilogram of uranium-235 was destroyed by the flames. The spirits were completely absorbed, and their size expanded several times as a result.

Liu Fusheng's body was also ignited, and he whined in pain, but his energy was robbed and his voice was swallowed up.

His flesh and blood became charred and black, losing all vitality, and this situation was getting worse. If this continued, in less than three seconds, he would be deprived of all vitality and die completely.

But the next moment, his huge body mysteriously disappeared into the air.

The flame spirits lost their target and began to wreak havoc everywhere. The forest was ignited and turned into a large sea of ​​​​fire, which continued to spread. The monstrous flames spread faster than an avalanche. The towns on the edge of the forest were the first to suffer.

Several town residents heard the loud noise, walked out of their houses, and watched in horror as the terrifying sea of ​​​​fire swept in. They died instantly. More people died quietly in their sleep.

Xiao Zheng also became the target of the Fire Spirits. His body was immediately reduced to ashes under the fireball, and the [Material Fission Cannon] also melted into magma and scattered on the ground.

Under the flames, everything disappeared. Only Liang Wan, as the summoner, was ignored by the flame spirits and survived for the time being.

But she didn't care about anything else.

In the brief moment just now, she saw Liu Fusheng's body disappear. She had seen this situation before in battle, and the opponent was transferred back to another body of hers through his ability!

But the Fire Essence would not let him go. Where could he escape to?

Suddenly, a neglected containment object appeared in my mind.

"[Rusty Paint Door]!"

Previously, Liu Fusheng left the battlefield prepared by the Foundation through the [Rusted Paint Door] and fled to this forest. If he was allowed to escape again this time, the consequences would be disastrous!

But she could no longer spare the energy to track down Liu Fusheng. She had been severely polluted by summoning the essence of fire. The mark of flames on her forehead was constantly eroding her sanity. In addition, although she had briefly looked directly at uranium at close range - The radiation from the fission of 235, the high-speed rays and high-energy particle flow with mass, passed through the eyeballs, directly destroying some of her nerves. Her eyes were now covered with a layer of red light, making it impossible to see objects at all.

What's more important is that she doesn't know where the door is now, only Liu Fusheng knows!

Subconsciously reaching for her trouser pocket, Liang Wan unconsciously took out a metal six-sided dice.

Nowadays, this is the only way.

In the firelight that filled the sky, Liang Wan's face was reflected in a gloomy and uncertain manner. The last time she used this [Destiny Dice], she permanently lost her sense of direction. This time she didn't know what the price would be, but even her life would be fine. ,

Already, there is nothing to lose.

She raised her wrist slightly, threw the dice into the air, and made a request at the same time: "Follow Liu Fusheng!"

[Used this time: Hundred-sided dice

Destiny Points: 4


The result of this judgment: perfect success! 】

"It actually worked!"

The dice fell into the palm of her hand again. Before Liang Wan could be happy, she felt a sharp pain in her eyes and her vision went dark.

She fell to her knees in pain, covering her eyes, her hands filled with warm liquid.

"The price this time is my eyes?"

But without her eyes, how could she track Liu Fusheng?

At this moment, a faint red thread suddenly appeared in the dark field of vision, extending into the distance.

Liang Wan understood immediately.

If this is the case, she can still find the other party even without her eyes!

The battlefield here is exposed. The Foundation must have discovered the situation and personnel will be here soon.

Liang Wan was planning to wait for a while, but then she was surprised to find that the red thread was fading at an extremely fast speed and was about to disappear. If she waited any longer, she might lose the clue to the other party permanently!

Clenching her fists, Liang Wan no longer hesitated, stood up again, and staggered along the thread.

Wherever she passed, the flames automatically gave way to a path, and soon she came to the half-collapsed door.

At this time, the [Rusted Lacquer Door - Replica (Modified)] had been ignited by the flames of the Flame Essence and was about to be burned. Liang Wan fumbled around and found that the door was open. She gritted her teeth and jumped in. .

Half a minute later, the door was completely burned. After wreaking havoc for so long without their summoner and target, the fire spirits finally tore open the space and returned to their original place.

Twelve D-class personnel had already died the moment the flame spirit arrived, leaving nothing on the battlefield except the flames and the sound of burning flames.

A giant black snake burrowed through the soil, swallowed Yi Zhiyu's body, and disappeared again.

After the black snake disappeared, a large number of foundation members quickly arrived.

Thanks to the new Xiaofan, the leader of the alliance for the 10,000 rewards! The official plot of "Hunting the Apostles" has been written, and it's time to start. Also... well... ahem... today, there are double updates. Everyone, do you vote? (crazy hint)

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