Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 257 Xia Ren, who has the attribute of being a group pet [please recommend monthly tickets! 】

Facts have proved that his hunch was not unreasonable.

It was already six o'clock in the afternoon when he finished typing, and most of Luohua was about to usher in winter. The days were short and the nights were long. The sky outside the balcony had become dark, and the night wind blew into the house through the windows, making it slightly cold.

The lights were turned on in the living room, illuminated by milky white lights, and the floor was cleaned up by Lily. This house was much larger than Zhao Mingyue's house, and Xia Ren was still a little uncomfortable with the sudden decision to live here.

Qin Yun was wearing a beige apron and was serving food to the table. Liu Fusheng also looked away from the TV screen. Xia Ren couldn't help but wonder if he had been watching TV all afternoon.

Are all the apostles so idle?

But if you think about it carefully, aside from their identities in human society, they probably don't have much to do.


Xia Ren looked between Liu Fusheng and Qin Yun. Recalling what happened at noon, he couldn't understand why he killed his aunt in the first place since he valued family ties so much.

Sure enough, the apostle's brain circuitry cannot be understood by ordinary human standards.

With the lesson learned at noon, Xia Ren began to greet Qin Yun as soon as she sat down at the dinner table. Although the latter knew that it was because of her nephew's presence, no matter what the reason was, she felt very happy. For the rest, she Don't care anymore.

Liu Fusheng nodded with satisfaction, wondering if he remembered something, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It's rare that this faint smile doesn't send shivers down your spine.

The only unhappy person at the dinner table was Lily.

She didn't know the word "falling out of favor", but she could feel the feeling of falling out of favor.

After dinner was over and the dishes were washed, Xia Ren looked at the living room, suddenly at a loss.

Ever since I met Zhao Mingyue more than two months ago, I have been completely separated from the daily life of ordinary people. I have not had a free day. Although I have gotten better since Qin Yun appeared by my side, every time after dinner, I feel like I will go back to the study room, or code, or look up some information on the Internet.

Suddenly nothing happened today, like an old man who retired after working for decades and didn't know what to do for a while.

Liu Fusheng really didn't regard himself as an outsider. He didn't help with any housework. After eating, he sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Xia Ren thought for a while and sat next to him, planning to talk about some unhealthy topics.

As an apostle, he may know some things more clearly.

Xia Ren organized his words in his mind and asked: "Um, Fu Sheng, how long have you been an apostle?"

Liu Fusheng moved his eyes away from the TV screen and looked at him. After a while, a smile of interest appeared on his lips and he replied: "It has been almost ten years, but the time for real awakening is actually not long. How do you feel about this? interest?"

"It's a little bit, as you know, I have only been a Apostle of the Abyss for a few months, and I don't understand many things, so I want to ask you."

"for example?"

"for example……"

Xia Ren recalled it and decided to pick the most important thing first and asked: "Do you know where the River Styx is?"

This question is crucial. He still remembers the information about Rootless Water prompted by the system. Such an introduction may directly affect his ability to find Zhao Mingyue.

——[I woke up from the darkness and glimpsed the huge luminous river below, in which nameless creatures were silent. That is not death, their existence is far longer than death...]

After seeing this prompt, the system's second main line task progress was immediately updated to 5/100, which shows its importance.

On the night of the battle with his own mask, he fell into coma after drinking the Rootless Water, and his consciousness drifted into a dark space where there was no sense of direction or even gravity, but there was a magical green river of light. However, the river formed What was there was not water, but strange-looking insects.

On the other side of the river, he saw a figure that looked like Zhao Mingyue, and then he was scolded and left. At the last glance, he saw a huge shadow looming in the river.

This coincides with the introduction of Rootless Water.

So Xia Ren can basically confirm that the River Styx refers to the green river of light.

Combined with the color of the anti-pollution liquid, what the foundation calls the dark water... is full of information, even scary when you think about it.

Before many things were confirmed, Xia Ren did not dare to make rash guesses, otherwise it might affect future judgments and cause irreversible serious consequences.

Hear the question.

Liu Fusheng suddenly raised his hand and pushed up his glasses to cover his expression: "The River Styx..."

After a few seconds, he shook his head and continued: "If you don't even know this question yourself, then there's no point asking me."

Xia Ren asked in confusion: "How do you say this?"

Liu Fusheng replied: "Maybe you don't know enough about your identity. Apostles and apostles of the abyss are different. You know the old gods, also called...the rulers of the old days."

The moment he heard the words "Old Dominator", Xia Ren's pupils shrank, recalling the huge iceberg he saw in his ancient dream, and the terrifying worms swimming in the iceberg.

The overwhelming despair still made him shudder when he thought about it now.

I called up the system page in my mind, and sure enough, my sanity was only 75, a full drop of fifteen points!

As expected of an apostle, the existence that he barely knew after so much trouble was revealed so easily in the conversation with Liu Fusheng, and judging from the other person's appearance, he did not seem to be affected as much as himself.

Xia Ren stabilized his mind, and his sanity began to slowly return: "...I know, you continue."

Liu Fusheng paused, put his hands on his knees unconsciously, and obviously became serious: "The difference between an apostle and an apostle of the abyss lies in the ability to communicate directly with the old gods.

Do you know how humans became apostles? It is because we can hear the whispers from the abyss. Most of these voices do not express clear meanings, and are usually disorderly and incomprehensible. They seem to be just the dreams of those indescribable beings. However, they are so great and urgent. Just the sound of one's voice can transform a human being into a completely different form. This is the origin of our apostles.

The Abyss Apostles are slightly different. They are believers selected by the old gods and possess more powerful power. Each Abyss Apostle believes in a different old god. Therefore, if you accidentally meet another Abyss Apostle, you must Be careful when approaching, because even among the old gods, there seems to be some kind of antagonistic relationship. Of course, their most loyal apostles will also take the initiative to carry out the will of their own gods. It is for this reason that the apostles of the abyss are independent individuals and basically do not meet each other. "

"So that's it..."

If that's the case, which old god would you choose?

Human silhouettes floating in the clouds?

Or is it the existence that has never really been seen that lives in the giant city under the sea?

He subconsciously thought of the tentacles on the back of his head, which seemed to be somewhat similar to the tentacles of an octopus. So, was it the one at the bottom of the sea?

But it doesn't feel right. With the help of the system, I can see the true appearance of other old rulers in ancient dreams, thereby obtaining controllable distortion. This is also the most effective method for me to greatly improve my strength at present, that is to say, at any time. The more times he enters ancient dreams in the future, the more Old Dominators he glimpses, and the stronger the power he gains through them.

This seems a little different from the Abyss Apostle Liu Fusheng said.

Suddenly, a bold idea appeared in Xia Ren's mind:

"Am I the group's favorite? Do all the old gods favor me?"

I'm stuck, these days...

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