Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 258 My suggestion is to eat the deep divers

Xia Ren asked: "Then what does this have to do with Styx?"

Liu Fusheng looked at him, wondering whether the other party really didn't know or pretended not to know.

"The River Styx is at the bottom of the abyss. The old gods seem to be confined in it for some reason and cannot come out. And most of the old gods are sleeping. The whispers from the abyss are basically what they unconsciously heard in their dreams. The sound it makes.”

"Of course, this is strictly a guess, not absolute. No one can truly understand the old gods. They are the greatest beings in the world."

Xia Ren lowered his head and remained silent for a moment.

That being said, he still wasn't sure whether Styx was on the moon or on the Blue Star.

Therefore, God's plan cannot be given up for the time being, and I hope the mask does not deceive myself.

At the same time, he had a clearer understanding of Zhao Mingyue's strength. Even the apostle didn't know where she was, but she was able to find it, and she could still be fine staying with those old gods. It was so terrifying. .

So, why would such a powerful boss want to find him?

Also, according to what Huang Qiuyuan said, Zhao Mingyue seemed to be involved in going to the Styx River, so inferring from this...

Could it be that I am also very strong?

After temporarily suppressing these messy thoughts in his heart, Xia Ren then asked: "Do you know where there are ghouls?"

He only has one thousand and six achievement points left. Although it is still a lot, compared with the previous three or four thousand numbers, he always feels uneasy. Although based on Zhang Xiang's strength and the black-robed creatures he met in his fantasy, the real It is impossible to defeat the ghoul by myself, but the mission must be completed in the future, even if it is not for a thousand achievement points, the ancient dream fragments are very delicious.

It is a rare opportunity to find an apostle to ask.


Liu Fusheng was obviously surprised: "Have you had any interaction with them?"

"It did happen some time ago."

Xia Ren thought for a while and said honestly: "I accidentally killed a ghoul cub to replenish the child's body, but I was afraid that their parents would come to settle accounts with me, so I wanted to know about it in advance so that I could be prepared. .”

There were so many flaws in this passage that Liu Fusheng was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

He looked at the ball-shaped Lily still rolling back and forth on the floor, thinking that using a ghoul cub to replenish the body of your cub would be a bit too hard-core.

After all, he is also his cousin. Liu Fusheng's attitude towards Lily is quite good. He has no intention of blaming Xia Ren for being reckless, but explains: "I don't know much about ghouls. They are all mysterious, and there seems to be a lot of confusion within the race." There are also great contradictions and two camps are divided.”

He then helped with ideas and said, "But don't worry, were you seen by the wizard when you were killing the cubs?"

Wizards should refer to members of the Wizards Alliance.

Xia Ren was sure that he and Zhang Xiang were the only ones in the basement that night, so he said, "No."

"That's fine."

Liu Fusheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Ren continued: "But the cub screamed before it died. The sound was quite sad. It should be to summon its companions."

Liu Fusheng became a little nervous again.

Xia Ren continued: "But he was beaten to death within two seconds of screaming."

Liu Fusheng was speechless and said: "As long as no wizard sees it, it will be fine. Ghouls are mysterious and rarely appear. Even wizards sometimes cannot find them, so the news is lagging behind. Besides, the death of one or two cubs does not count. What a big problem, their cubs are quite disgusting during the transformation stage, and some apostles will be itchy and beat them to death if they see them."

The content he mentioned was relatively novel. This was the first time Xia Ren heard it. He also had a new understanding of the relationship between dark creatures such as apostles and ghouls. They were not so united in the past, and they would also suffer from various reasons. Causes fight against each other.

But even Liu Fusheng didn't know where the ghouls were. It seemed that if he wanted to get the mission reward from the system, he might have to rely on luck.

"If Lily needs to eat other races to grow, I suggest you find some deep divers for her to eat. Ghoul babies don't look delicious." Liu Fusheng suggested.

"Uh..." Xia Ren.

It sounded like he was on the same level as a ghoul. Xia Ren declined awkwardly but politely: "This... let's talk about it later."

He hesitated for a few seconds before asking the next question: "Are there also old gods in the Wuji Icefield in Beizhou?"

"You mean at the Mountains of Crazy?"

Liu Fusheng was not surprised by this. It seemed that he knew the secret more or less.

"Yeah." Xia Ren nodded.

Liu Fusheng touched his chin: "As for the Crazy Mountains, I have only heard that there are old gods in it, but I don't know about the others."

"But didn't you just say that the old gods were sealed in the River Styx?"

This is the question Xia Ren really wants to ask.

"Not really."

Liu Fusheng shook his head: "As far as I know, there is an old god sealed in a dilapidated temple in Xizhou. There are other old gods worshiped by some human organizations and can even be summoned under certain conditions. They It doesn’t seem like he’s in Blue Star. I’ve only heard about it in general terms, but I don’t know about it in more detail.”

Qin Yun is tidying up the guest room. Her nephew will stay here today, so she needs to prepare bedding. Fortunately, she bought a few more sets of quilts during the decoration, otherwise she would have to go outside again tonight.

Lily also finished her post-dinner exercise and returned to her eighty-nine-year-old self. She sat in Xia Ren's arms with her legs that were not so short as before.

Xia Ren took her hand habitually and rubbed it twice when he saw Liu Fusheng's eyes next to him and suddenly woke up.

Lily is no longer what she used to be when she was four or five years old, and it seems a bit inappropriate for me to hold her and touch her around again.

After coughing twice, with a little regret, he took Lily off his lap and said, "Go and play with your mother."

After sending Lily away, Xia Ren planned to continue asking the next question, but Liu Fusheng said first, "Is it time to go to bed?"

Xia Ren looked at the time: "...but it's only eight o'clock now."

As he spoke, he understood that he couldn't ask more questions today. At the same time, he also realized what the other party wanted to do next, so he tried to delay it as much as possible.

Liu Fusheng's face showed a bit of fatigue, and he didn't know if he was pretending: "Eight o'clock is not too early. Take a shower and do some exercise, and it will be almost eleven or two o'clock."

Qin Yun just came out of the guest room, her ears pricked up and she couldn't help but breathe quickly when she heard these words.

Take a shower and do some exercise...

"Forget it about doing sports. If the children jump around at night, the neighbors downstairs will have objections."

Xia Ren pretended not to understand and looked at Lily, his meaning clearly expressed.

have kids.

Liu Fusheng narrowed his eyes and said, "It's okay. I also have children, and I like to play with them in the living room. Just do your own thing, and don't worry about the rest."

The air was quiet for a few seconds.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Xia Ren suddenly laughed, "One child is enough for us to worry about. If..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Fusheng took out a palm-sized box from his pocket and handed it to Xia Ren.


Check (chess term).


The smile on Xia Ren's face froze and he asked, "When did you buy it?"

"When I go to the supermarket at noon."

Liu Fusheng replied.


He repeated it and handed the thing forward again.

"Isn't it enough? I can go again..."

"That's enough, that's enough."

Xia Ren quickly interrupted him and took the box of stuff that made his kidneys hurt.

White cat’s warm-hearted little science popularization:

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Due to the epidemic, many couples cannot get together. Bai Mao said he was very sad about this. It's true, well, it's true. (pause to laugh for two hours)

Ahem! (Clears throat) Let’s be realistic. Because of the above reasons, many couples will give out red envelopes tomorrow. I would like to remind you that numbers such as 520, 1314, 9999 may be considered to have special meanings and are gifts. When breaking up, Refund cannot be claimed. Sending ordinary numbers such as 100, 1000, 10000, etc. may be regarded as a loan, and you can claim to return it when you break up. It should be noted that please do not include words such as "I love you" in the red envelope. It is recommended to use "This is the money you want"

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