Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 261: The familiar ear picker [Please recommend and vote monthly! 】

"Lao Liu, you cheated on us all day yesterday. Who are we going to challenge today? It must be exciting!"

The person who said this is a frequent visitor to the live broadcast room. Lao Liu himself has no outstanding talents, so after he finally became famous by eating dirt, the content of his daily live broadcast is just to play games and occasionally eat some delicious food. The most important thing is It means competing against other anchors. If you lose, you will be punished, such as drinking soy sauce, drawing things on your face, etc. This is also the most popular part of the audience.

Looking at the barrage in the live broadcast room, Lao Liu smiled in a low voice: "Okay, brothers, you are waiting for me in the live broadcast room every day, Lao Liu is very grateful!"

He put on gloved hands, fisted, and spoke sincerely.

"But I'm sorry for today, brothers. Lao Liu is feeling a little unwell, and you've seen what I'm wearing. So, we won't be playing PK today, just chatting."

After saying this, there were a lot of questions in the live broadcast room. Most of them were swearing and insulting, saying that the anchor was wasting their time. These people watch the live broadcast mainly to watch others make fools of themselves and enjoy the feeling of being superior to others. Once they are not satisfied, they will immediately turn their own The few qualities he possessed were instantly discarded, exposing his darkest side.

However, their most essential goal has been achieved. Daily life is timid and full of dissatisfaction, and scolding people can make them feel much better. Moreover, it doesn't matter if they are unscrupulous on the Internet, since others can't follow the network cable to find them anyway.

Amidst the scolding, the popularity of the live broadcast room did not drop much. Lao Liu looked at the few words of concern and inquiry mixed in the barrage, clasped his hands and said, "Thank you for your concern, thank you very much."

"To be honest, up to now, who in our live broadcast room is envious of me? That is to say, they are envious of my current life. I can make money to support my family through live broadcasts every day. If you are envious, deduct 1. If you are not envious, Deduct a 2."

As soon as he finished speaking, the live broadcast room was immediately flooded with "1"s all over the screen.

Lao Liu watched for a while, couldn't help but shake his head, smiled self-deprecatingly, and sighed: "You are all envious of the wrong thing, brothers, don't follow me, squat like that, there is no future, I have become a joke now , makes people pay attention to it all their lives. This name on me can never be wiped off. Unlike after applying lipstick, I can wipe it with paper. The moment comes when I squat on the ground, take it down with my hand and stuff it into my mouth. Now, and even in the future, I have already carried "I am a person who eats dirt" on my back. I know in my heart what kind of person I am, but I don't care. To be honest, if I were to go back to the original time, I would probably still be Will choose to eat dirt, there is no other way.

Don’t learn from me, just work honestly and earn some money for your parents, unless you are forced to have no other choice..."

When he said this, he paused and hesitated whether to continue.

Most of the people watching his live broadcast are students who have just entered the society or are still in school. They are immature and do not know how to think, just like me back then.

At first, Lao Liu never thought that one day he would really make a living from live streaming. At that time, he also watched other anchors, and occasionally fantasized about being an anchor in his mind. He didn't have to do hard work every day, he just sat on the chair and sat on the chair. Sitting and chatting with the audience, he earned a lot of money. At that time, he was just like the audience who deducted 1 in the live broadcast room now. He had no idea about the rules behind this industry and how hard an ordinary person had to work and how much he had to pay. Only then can there be a chance to enter the game.

And more small anchors can't even touch the threshold and reintegrate into the vast sea of ​​​​people. No, they were already in the sea of ​​people and never really showed up.

Before eating dirt, Lao Liu just liked to post a few videos that he found interesting, and occasionally opened a live broadcast room, but no one watched it at all, he just entertained himself. He liked to dream, and he also dreamed of being a host. But he never thought that this dream would come true. The only difference was that he was not as glamorous and respected as in the dream. Instead, he was like a dog, and he could not change a dog that eats dirt.

But there was no other way. At that time, he needed money, very much.

I've heard people say before that no matter what you want, you have to pay the price.

Lao Liu didn't understand before, but now he understands.

In the live broadcast industry, some anchors come in with their reputations, some come in with their superb skills, some come in with the talent given by their parents, and some come in by pure luck. Only Lao Liu got in by squatting on the ground and eating dirt.

He obtained his ideal career, but was looked down upon by everyone who knew him.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he was about to talk about his experience, but suddenly he heard the sound of the door opening outside.

Turning his head, he saw a young man in his twenties frowning and looking at the scene in the room.

The young man also looked over, his eyes through the mask and met Lao Liu's.

"Don't go in later."

Xia Ren said while driving.


Liu Fusheng looked over with some doubts.

Xia Ren smacked his lips, casually made up a reason, and said: "You have killed someone once, and you will not let go until you die. I feel this is a bit cruel. A kind-hearted person like me cannot do such a thing."

Hearing this, Liu Fusheng hesitated to speak.

It seems that you are the one who doesn't let people go. I have never thought about coming back.

He suddenly realized that this man seemed to be shameless.

They were the only two people coming out this time. Qin Yun, Lily, and the "newborn child" were all at home.

Xia Ren did this on purpose. Although this arrangement would be a bit dangerous for him, he wanted to see if Liu Fusheng would change if his aunt was not around. However, along the way, the other party sat quietly in the passenger seat, Didn't show anything unusual.

This made Xia Ren a little surprised, because judging from previous impressions, Liu Fusheng was full of aggression. The time he went to his house, he clearly showed no hostility, but he was suddenly attacked by the other party. If the tentacles hadn't saved his life at the critical moment, he would have He had to confess on the spot, and the crazy look of the other party afterwards was still fresh in his memory.

The difference in personality between Liu Fusheng and Liu Fusheng this time made Xia Ren wonder if he was a different person.

According to Liu Fusheng, the man he killed lived on the edge of Jupiter City, close to the suburbs, and the driving distance was not too far.

Soon, they arrived in front of an old residential building. Following Liu Fusheng's instructions, Xia Ren parked the car and walked up to the third floor, while Liu Fusheng himself sat in the car and did not get off.

The temperature has become much cooler now, especially at night. If ordinary people wear thin clothes, they will shiver from the cold.

As soon as Xia Ren reached the third floor, he smelled a familiar smell in the air.

It smells like corpses and blood.

He turned sideways and looked at a door next to him, then walked over, leaned down, and aimed his eyes at the cat's eye to see if he could startle the body.

But unfortunately, the lights were on in the living room, and no eyes met his.

He pulled the door handle. It was locked, but that wasn't a problem. Xia Ren reached into his trouser pocket, took out the coward's ear pick, and inserted it into the hole.

This time, there was no need for his instructions. The cowardly ear picker was no longer an inexperienced baby. As soon as the owner inserted itself into the hole, it knew what it was going to do, so it started shaking it skillfully.

With a "click", the ear pick was exhausted and retreated outside the cave. Xia Ren put it away and pushed open the door.

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