Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 262 Just let me touch you [Please recommend and vote monthly! 】

As soon as he entered the door, Xia Ren smelled the smell of blood. Then, he noticed that the touch of the soles of his feet was different.

When he looked down, he saw a large pool of dried blood covering the floor under his feet. About one meter further forward, he saw a corpse lying face down on the ground. The blood was spreading from under him. .

Xia Ren squatted down, turned the body over, and found a pair of scissors stuck in his heart. Other than that, there were no other obvious fatal injuries.

Influenced by Yu Jingjing, Xia Ren also had some knowledge of forensic medicine. Judging from the temperature of the corpse, the degree of rigor mortis, the large dark purple spots on the face and the turbidity of the eye lens, he concluded that the time of death was at least more than 24 hours. .

In other words, Liu Fusheng came back yesterday.

But he should know that the Foundation is tracking him. Jupiter City is not too far from Jianghe City, and his hometown is in this city, so Jupiter City must be within the foundation's key search area, so why does he want to stay here?

Looking at the scissors inserted in the heart of the corpse, Xia Ren's eyes narrowed slightly, and a conjecture that he had ignored suddenly came to his mind.

Does an apostle need to borrow tools to kill someone?

Because the apostles were too powerful before, he had never doubted this. Now that he thought about it, the foundation was actually not a good person. They couldn't possibly lose their investigators in vain, so the plan to hunt down the apostles was really possible. successful!

In other words, although Liu Fusheng won, he definitely paid a price, but he didn't know how big the price was...

Xia Ren kept this idea in mind for the time being, stood up, and continued walking inside.

He just heard voices, and there was the smell of an infected person here.

The living room is relatively spacious and clean, but the chandelier above the head is not fully turned on, and the light is a bit dim, making it uncomfortable to look at.

Then, he looked at the living room and saw the target:

A funny second-category infected person wrapped tightly and wearing a smiling mask.

When he saw the other party, the other party was also looking this way.

The atmosphere was silent for a second. Xia Ren felt that the first meeting should not be too embarrassing, so he smiled and said hello: "Hey, have you eaten?"

Lao Liu maintained the same posture as before and said nothing, probably because he didn't know how to answer.

Isn't this young man afraid?

Seeing no response, Xia Ren felt that he was not proactive enough and had not impressed the other party.

He looked at the mobile phone in front of the infected body. There were scrolling barrages on the screen. Although he didn't often play with mobile phones, he knew what it was, so he continued: "Watching the live broadcast, I like watching it too, you see Who is that? Let me see if you recognize him."

Xia Ren said and took two steps towards the infected body and saw the people in the live broadcast room.

"Hahaha, it turns out you are the one doing the live broadcast."

"..." Lao Liu.

The audience in the live broadcast room also noticed the abnormality at this time. They also heard what Xia Ren said. The barrage asked who was talking and asked the anchor to give a response.

Regarding Xia Ren's appearance, Lao Liu didn't have any extreme reaction. He just turned his head and said to the camera: "I'm sorry, brothers, a friend is here. I'll excuse you for a moment."

He did not close the live broadcast room directly, but turned off the microphone, and then pointed the phone lens down towards the table.

After doing all this, Lao Liu looked at Xia Ren again and asked: "When you came in just now, did you see the body at the door?"

Xia Ren still had a smile on his face and said in a relaxed tone: "I saw it."

Lao Liu scratched his head, was silent for a while, and then took off the mask on his face.

Xia Ren looked at the true appearance of the infected body, his eyes widened, and he subconsciously took half a step back. His face was full of disbelief, and his voice trembled as he said: "You, you are..."

Yeah! This is the normal process. I must have picked up the wrong script just now!

Lao Liu said confidently: "Yes, I am..."

Xia Ren then said: "You are the anchor who has become famous because of his popularity! I have admired my name for a long time. I have admired my name for a long time."

He had also seen some videos of Lao Liu, but he was not very impressed. The faces of the corpses by the door were all covered in dark purple spots, making their appearance somewhat difficult to identify, so he could not recognize them at the first time.


The second half of what Lao Liu was about to say was held in his throat, which was very unpleasant.

Should the focus be here?


There was a dead body when you walked into the house!

Human corpse!

Why not be afraid?

And why are you so skillful in greeting me?

He stared blankly at the young man who was still laughing. He didn't know what to say, so he could only scratch his head again, and a philosophical question arose in his mind.

What happened to this world?

"Sorry to bother you while you're working."

Xia Ren apologized very politely, and then said: "I won't waste my time anymore. I came here just to ask you for a favor."

"What's the deal?"

Lao Liu asked subconsciously.

Xia Ren looked at him with sincere eyes and said, "Just... just can you sit still and let me touch you, not much, just once."

Although the second-category infectious body does not pose much of a threat to him now, the other party seems to be easy to talk to. After chatting for so long, he does not look like he is getting angry. He should not be the type that completely hates people like Fang Bin and the taxi driver. On the contrary, it was more like Qin Yun back then, so Xia Ren decided to do as much talking as possible and practice his proficiency. After all, traditional craftsmanship cannot be lost.


Lao Liu decisively refused.

A stranger opened the locked door in the middle of the night, stepped over a dead body, and came to him, just to touch himself? Even a three-year-old child cannot believe this, let alone his own son who is more than three years old.

Lao Liu felt that as long as the other party regarded him as an individual, he would not be able to make up such a reason to insult his IQ.

"Don't be so anxious to refuse..."

Xia Ren was about to continue talking when he saw Lao Liu suddenly sighing and said, "You don't have to beat around the bush. I know who you are, and I also know... what I am now."

"You know me?" Xia Ren said in surprise.

Lao Liu hesitated for a while, raised his head, glanced at the dim light on the ceiling, his eyes were deep, as if he was caught in the memories of the past, and said: "After I died yesterday, I squatted and sat next to my body all night. It's amazing, right? After death, people actually have souls. It turns out that what was written in those supernatural novels is true. I became..."

"No, no, no!"

Xia Ren was sweating on his forehead, so he quickly stopped and corrected: "There are no ghosts. There are really no ghosts in the world."

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