Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 266 Deception [Please recommend monthly votes! 】

Hearing the voice in the bedroom behind him, Gao Le asked in surprise: "Do you know each other?"

Cheng Shuangshuang did not answer Gao Le's question. When she heard the voice, she felt it was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen it before, so she ran into the bedroom.

The first time she saw Liang Wan, she almost didn't recognize him. However, the deformation of the other party was not too serious. Only the upper part of his face was eroded by purple lines and fire emblems, but some of his original appearance could still be seen. .

"Are you from the foundation?"

Last time, I discussed with Zheng Wenruo to go to school instead of her and experience what it was like to go to school. However, I happened to encounter the incident at Liming Middle School and was pulled into a dream by Xu Qiang. He received a few punches from Xia Ren, especially at the end. Cheng Shuangshuang was deeply impressed by the scene of Xia Ren spreading his wings in the heavy rain, like a terrifying evil god in the abyss.

At the end of the dream, Xia Ren suggested that his memory should be erased. This was the solution for him. Although he didn't know her name, her status in the foundation should not be low. I came to the hospital to see myself with the girl named Liu Xiuxiu.

It was just that the last time they met, everything was normal. However, this time they unexpectedly met, she turned into such a miserable appearance. Cheng Shuangshuang could not imagine what had happened to her, but this level of pollution could no longer be easily eliminated...

"meet again."

Liang Wan smiled bitterly, her tone full of sadness and helplessness.


Cheng Shuangshuang suddenly remembered something: "The girl named Liu Xiuxiu came to the hospital the day before yesterday and found me. Her expression was not normal. I felt that she wanted to ask me for the gardener's blood, but in the end she didn't ask and left. I asked her what she was going to do, but she didn't tell me."

"Liu Xiuxiu?"

Liang Wan suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

The day before yesterday was the day after they fought with the apostles. Although the truth of that battle could not be known to the media, the forest fire should have been broadcast as normal news. However, he and the apostles disappeared at the same time. The foundation should have determined that the mission Failure, what did Liu Xiuxiu do to find Cheng Shuangshuang at that time?

Liang Wan didn't know about Liu Xiuxiu's contamination, so she couldn't figure out her sister's motives.

"Do you know about this?"

Cheng Shuangshuang asked.

Liang Wan shook her head: "I was not in Jupiter City at that time."

"Let's not talk about this first. You ran out of the hospital at such a big risk. You must have sensed the presence of the apostle, right?"

"Well, this smell is the same as the one I sensed in the southeast two nights ago."

Cheng Shuangshuang said this, which meant that she had guessed some truth.

Liang Wan sighed and said: "That night, Jianghe City carried out a mission to hunt down the apostles, and I was one of the participants."

"No wonder..."

Cheng Shuangshuang looked at the deep purple lines on her forehead and around her eyes, as well as the pollution constantly emanating from her body: "In that case, your mission has failed."

"No, not yet!"

Liang Wan immediately denied it, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm still alive, so the mission is not over!"

"But you look like this..."

Cheng Shuangshuang frowned, the other party's reason had been distorted.

"it does not matter!"

Liang Wan tried to remove the bandages on her body while saying: "As long as I get close to the apostle, the mission will be successful, and you will be there too! If you are here..."

From the moment they met each other, Gao Le basically couldn't get a word in. He could only look at this and that. Although he couldn't understand what they were talking about specifically, it seemed that they were all related to the person named Apostle, but the others You don't have to worry about it, but the bandage that you put on so hard can't be taken off just so casually.

"Your injury is not healed yet."

Gao Le quickly went up to stop her.

Cheng Shuangshuang also said from the side: "The key to destroying the apostles now is not you, nor me."

She said, looking at Gao Le.

Gao Le didn't expect that the topic would shift to him while he was talking, and he said with some confusion: "Is it me?"

"...He is indeed a gardener too."

It was hard to tell whether Liang Wan's tone was happy or sad.

Cheng Shuangshuang said: "Anyway, calm down. Let me tell him...part of the truth about this world."

Gao Le also noticed the heaviness of the atmosphere and nodded: "Go ahead."

Next, Cheng Shuangshuang briefly told him about pollution, as well as the existence of gardeners and apostles, while Liang Wan occasionally added a few words of information about some heretics and foundations.

after an hour.

Although there were already clues as early as that night two months ago, it was still difficult for Gao Le to accept the day when the world view collapsed and was reconstructed.

He was stunned for five or six minutes before he said, "So, those white-robed creatures that I need to erase are the apostles?"

"That's right."

Cheng Shuangshuang confirmed, and then asked: "How many days do you have left before you can turn into a pupa?"

Gao Le counted on one side again with his fingers and said: "Eight days."

"It's been too long." Liang Wan.

Eight days is enough time for a lot to happen.

Cheng Shuangshuang lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "It doesn't matter. Although it has not completely transformed into a pupa, your blood is still useful. If you share some of it with me, I can truly have the power of a gardener."

"Then...how can I give it?"

Gao Le agreed without hesitation.

Hearing this, Liang Wan subconsciously clenched her fists but hesitated to speak.

After years of hospital life, Cheng Shuangshuang was not used to hiding her emotions. When she said that sentence just now, her expression was like that of a child who had done something wrong, trying hard to hide something.

But Gao Le didn't pay attention. If he saw it, he might hesitate, and then ask Liang Wan next to him what the meaning of separating blood is.

"Bend down and I'll teach you."


Gao Le leaned down and aligned his eyes with hers.

Cheng Shuangshuang was wearing a hospital gown, holding his shoulders with both hands, then gently stood on tiptoes, opened her mouth and bit his neck.

Gao Le's body trembled slightly. He didn't expect it to be done in this way. He subconsciously wanted to take a half step back, but the other party held him tightly.

Cheng Shuangshuang's little tiger fangs pierced the skin of his neck, and blood with a light green fluorescence flowed out, and was immediately sucked into his mouth in a steady stream.

Gao Le was bent over, with nowhere to put his hands, as if he was being put on a guillotine. It was a bit uncomfortable, but smelling the fragrance of Cheng Shuangshuang's hair, the pain on his neck was not that unbearable.

The whole process lasted for about ten seconds. Cheng Shuangshuang let go of his mouth, his face flushed, as if he was drunk, and he took several steps back crookedly, almost falling down.

Even the gardener himself cannot withstand the powerful power contained in the blood of other gardeners.

Gao Le touched his neck and found that the skin was smooth and complete, and the wound just healed in such a short time.

He stepped forward to help Cheng Shuangshuang steady, and suddenly he thought of a question: "Since you know about the pollution, it means you have already pupated, so why do you still need my blood?"

Liang Wan on the side explained: "Because her banquet was interrupted. Strictly speaking, she is not a complete gardener."

PS: Thank you everyone, the average subscription of 100,000 will be achieved during the serialization period~

(It’s just over ninety-nine thousand, well, not much.)

This volume is entering its final stages, with fifteen more chapters expected.

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