Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 267 Nine Phoenixes

It was a dusky evening in Jupiter City ten years ago.

At that time, Cheng Shuangshuang was not yet called this name. She was only five years old and the only daughter of an ordinary working class. If we had to find something special, it would be that the twin tails that the school teacher tied for her were crooked and looked funny. cute.

"Mom, there, a white bug!"

In the park, Zheng Wenruo looked back at his mother sitting on the bench and shouted excitedly.

It's just that the young mother Zheng was chatting with her husband, so she just responded casually without paying too much attention.

Zheng Wenruo stood there for two seconds, then jumped up to the insect, trying to catch it.

It was a white, mushroom-like bug, about as big as her little fist. There were two soft legs growing under the bug. It walked forward in an awkward way. move.

Zheng Wenruo was just a child, so she didn't know that among all the creatures recorded by humans, there was nothing similar to the bug in front of her. Of course, the hand she stretched out was empty.

This aroused the little girl's curiosity even more. She followed the bug, jumping up and down like a frog, but almost caught the bug every time.

The sunset gradually sank. When Zheng Wenruo came back to his senses, the familiar park was gone. White bugs were all in front and behind him. They were lined up in a row, like a pilgrimage to the snow-capped mountains, walking clumsily and unswervingly. Moving forward into the deeper darkness, I became a member of the team. I couldn't control my body, couldn't escape, and could only move forward passively.

The bugs soon grew up and turned into humanoid creatures wearing white robes. They sat in a circle and slowly sat down in the darkness. Zheng Wenruo also sat down.

She burst into tears anxiously, not knowing what was happening or where this was. She just wanted to find her mother, return to her family, and return to a familiar environment, but no one paid attention to her, and she had no choice. I left, so I could only cry, the louder and louder I cried.

The white-robed creatures also began to whisper.

"Why human cubs?"

"Too fragile..."

"The ceremony went wrong..."

"She took the initiative to choose us..."

"This has never happened before..."

"Blessed Lord Xuan..."

"This is an opportunity..."

The creatures in white robes talked for a long time, but did not come up with a specific result. Zheng Wenruo was probably tired of crying and gradually stopped, but she was still very scared when she looked at the boundless darkness around her and the strange adults she had never seen before.

"No need to panic, human."

In the end, it was the man in white robe sitting opposite her who spoke first.

It reached out and took out an exquisite porcelain bowl from its white robe, and handed it to the same kind next to it. The other kind handed it over again. Every time it was passed, more emerald green liquid would come out of the porcelain bowl, and it was handed to Zheng Wenruo's hand. By then, the delicate porcelain bowl was filled with liquid.

"Please drink, this is a banquet specially prepared for you."

Zheng Wenruo looked at the liquid in the bowl. The emerald green light emitted by the liquid also reflected in her eyes, full of majestic life and irresistible temptation.

She couldn't help but bring the bowl to her mouth with both hands and drank it one mouthful at a time.

"So sweet..."

What a wonderful taste...

Zheng Wenruo couldn't help but indulge in it.

"We have no body, so we need..."

Halfway through his explanation, Baipao suddenly shouted sharply: "Who is it?"

In the dark space, a burst of crazy laughter sounded: "Hahahahaha! Congratulations, congratulations!"

"I've only heard of this kind of scene, but I didn't expect it to actually happen to me."

"The legendary banquet? Gardener? So that's how it was born."

A man wearing a long dark purple trench coat emerged from the darkness, stood behind the white robe, and raised his hand to pat its head away.

The other white robes also instantly turned into a cloud of mist and dispersed.

"If it were millions of years ago, you bastard..."

The air echoed with the maniacal laughter and the angry voices of the white-robed men.

Zheng Wenruo was affected at the same time. He had just drank half of the liquid in the porcelain bowl when it suddenly shattered and disappeared without a trace.

She raised her head blankly and found that she was sitting cross-legged on the grass, and her parents were still sitting on a bench not far away. Maybe they were talking about something happy and laughing with each other.

Did you fall asleep just now? Nothing comes to mind.

Zheng Wenruo looked at her empty little hands. Somehow, she felt that she had lost something important.

"Wen Ruo, stop playing around."

Her mother waved to her from a distance, and Zheng Wenruo ran over happily, gathered with her family, and left the park.

"and after?"

Gao Le couldn't help but ask.

Liang Wan also pricked up her ears. She only knew that there was something wrong with the other party's banquet, which prevented her from becoming a real gardener, but this was the first time she heard the details.


Cheng Shuangshuang looked reminiscing.

Reunited with his family was Zheng Wenruo.

The five-year-old girl who drank half of the emerald-green wine was still in that black space.

She cried, made trouble, rolled on the ground, and tried to run in one direction, but she couldn't get out.

The girl was so tired that she fell asleep.

When she woke up, the temperature was very cold and the sky was already dark. The girl was lying on a bench in the park, with a tall and beautiful elder sister sitting next to her.

"This is the first time I've seen you in this situation."

A sister named Jiu Feng came to Jupiter City at that time just to find the man who interrupted the banquet. After listening to her story, Jiu Feng gave up the search and stayed in Jupiter City for half a month to study and even returned home. Zheng Wenruo stole it out several times, but made no progress and had no choice but to return it.

From then on, besides Zheng Wenruo, there was another Cheng Shuangshuang in the world.

Different from the abnormal body of a normal gardener, although Cheng Shuangshuang drank half a glass of wine, her constitution was extremely poor and she was very easy to get sick. Jiufeng arranged her in the Jupiter City Third People's Hospital, but did not let anyone from the foundation Came over for protection and just recorded it.

After that, Jiufeng would occasionally visit Cheng Shuangshuang. The time was not stable, sometimes several months apart, and the longest time was two years apart.

"My sister said that people who are not old enough will covet me, so not protecting me is the best protection."

There were no lights on in the room, it was dark.

Canglan sat on a chair, looking out the window at the night, motionless, like a sculpture. Behind her, Yi Zhiyu closed his eyes and was still sleeping.

There was a soft "click" sound.

The door opened, and a tall woman walked in.

Cang Lan's body trembled slightly, jumped down from the chair, turned around and said: "You are able to escape the [Snake God]'s detection, who are you?"

The woman turned on the light and said in a surprised tone: "You are still hiding in Jianghe City. You are so brave."

She is about 1.9 meters tall, wearing black stockings and a hip-covering skirt. She has a hot figure, but in terms of height, the two are not at the same level.

Cang Lan took half a step back, his voice trembling: "S-level, Jiu Feng!"

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