Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 273 Stop pretending, I’m showing off my cards!

"Master Li's driving skills have improved so rapidly. If this continues, within a few months, the three of us won't even be able to smell your exhaust."

On a viewing platform halfway up the mountain, several luxury sports cars were parked, and four wealthy men stood outside the cars holding umbrellas.

One of them said: "Don't tell me, come here when it rains, the scenery is really different."

The other person didn't care about the beautiful scenery. He was still immersed in the car racing and couldn't extricate himself. He praised: "Who dares to say that you can pass the 30-degree corner without slowing down? I didn't expect Mr. Li to open the window. Stretch out your upper body, use your feet to control the steering wheel, use your body to disrupt the airflow, forcefully create wind resistance, and achieve an impossible sharp turn. It is simply more exciting than the last ditch bend. It is really eye-opening! Even for a true car god Nothing more than that.”

"Where there."

Mr. Li, who was being praised by several people, shook his head, remembered something, and said with deep admiration in his eyes: "Compared to that guy, my skills are far from mature. He only drove a Wuling Hongguang. Easily left behind my multi-million sports car..."

Just as they were talking, a sudden strong wind came and blew all their umbrellas away. Several rich second-generation people were caught in the rain. Before they could complain, they saw a powerful and strong man holding a beautiful woman in his arms, floating in the air. Above their heads.

One of them was stunned and said, "Is this... a person with super powers?"

Mr. Li, standing at the outermost edge of the observation deck, murmured: "His appearance looks so familiar..."

"You leave quickly or you will die!"

Xia Ren didn't have time to waste too much time with them. He just passed by here when he was escaping, and wanted to remind you.

Before the rich second generation could react, the superpower and the beauty in his arms disappeared with a "shoo".

"You weren't dazzled just now, were you?"

Several people looked at each other.

Before they could recover from the shock, another strong wind hit them, and the rain slapped on their faces, turning them into drowned rats.

This time, a man wearing glasses appeared in front of them, his skin was very pale.

Several people were stunned.

Another superpower?

Mr. Li had just turned his head and was about to say a word to the other party when he suddenly felt a lightness in his body. He had been lifted up by the other party and thrown directly down the mountain.

Then the man with glasses disappeared with a "whoosh" sound.


Listening to the screams of their companions getting further and further away, the remaining three second-generation rich people were stunned.

"Master Li is missing!"

Several people suddenly panicked, but for a moment, they didn't know what to do.

When I was anxious, another strong wind came.

No, come again.

The three of them wiped the rain off their faces, opened their eyes, and saw a new figure appearing on the viewing platform, a girl wearing a hospital gown.

On the girl's shoulders, there was another person.

"Master Li appears again!"

The three people's emotions were very complicated. They didn't know whether to be happy or surprised first.

Of course, most of them were confused.

The girl put Master Li down on her shoulders and said nothing.

With a "whoosh" sound, she also disappeared.

The rain continued to fall and became heavier and heavier. The three rich second generations stood in the rain blankly.

After a while, they heard several loud noises from the top of the mountain, which sounded like thunder, but seemed not.

They looked down at the shaking ground beneath their feet, and finally determined that the mountain was shaking.

"Should we run away now?"

One person suggested with an uncertain tone.

The other two nodded, and then, like clockwork that had just been tightened, their movements immediately became agile. They picked up the unconscious Mr. Li and threw him into the car, and then jumped down the mountain with a kick of the accelerator.

Xia Ren is really in trouble.

After he noticed that Liu Fusheng's escape route was consistent with his own, he had changed his direction twice, but each time the other party continued to catch up. This was completely intentional!

Xia Ren is now a bit bigger, and his strength and speed have also improved. This was the inspiration he got when he saw Qin Yun arm wrestling with the bodyguard who was too strong to be human when he went to see Congressman Zhao Tianliang not long ago.

It's hard to estimate Lily's own combat power, but her body is originally a ball of amorphous gel, which means she can transform into anything. Especially after merging with herself, it's like wearing a set of artifacts. Combat power soared.

But no matter how much they improve, there is a limit after all. The distance between them is shrinking rapidly, so they won't be able to run for long before they are overtaken.


Xia Ren was running and suddenly discovered a problem.

Cheng Shuangshuang chased Liu Fusheng, and Liu Fusheng chased him. He was afraid of Cheng Shuangshuang, not Liu Fusheng, so why did he run away?

He had already reached the top of Qiu Ming Mountain. It was like a small square, a flat area with several pavilions. The rain was falling heavily, constantly hitting the smooth floor and flowing down the mountain.

Xia Ren thought for a while and decided to take a gamble.

He doesn't run anymore.

He couldn't run anyway. If Cheng Shuangshuang really chased himself, he would be able to catch up even if he ran again. It was better to stop and save some energy so that he could kowtow louder when he begged for mercy.

Xia Ren walked slowly to the pavilion, put Qin Yun down, squeezed a handful of water from her clothes, and then sat down on the stool without hesitation, waiting for them to come up.

Qin Yun didn't ask any more questions. She just followed Xia Ren's wishes, and it didn't matter even if she died.

Within a few seconds of sitting down, Liu Fusheng ran up. He searched around the top of the mountain and was stunned for a moment when he saw Xia Ren in the pavilion.

The rain curtain was torn open, and Cheng Shuangshuang's figure appeared immediately. Liu Fusheng looked at Xia Ren and hesitated for a moment, then ran straight towards him.

"I*\u0026%\u0026 @34% # !" Xia Ren.

This damn guy is determined to die with him!

What a deep friendship,

Xia Ren was almost moved to tears.

He could no longer suppress his excitement and walked out of the pavilion.

When Liu Fusheng saw this, a smile appeared on his face and he said, "You really have a hidden agenda. Come on, let's kill this gardener together!"

This tone was as if he had already won.

Even now, he still has full confidence in Xia Ren and believes that the apostles of the abyss are not just ordinary people.

Xia Ren didn't answer this sentence. He walked up to Liu Fusheng, took out a crowbar from behind and swung it on his head.

This move was very effective. Liu Fusheng didn't expect that Xia Ren would suddenly attack him. He only reached out to block it, but Xia Ren, who had experienced Lily's enhancement, knocked him to the ground.

Not only Liu Fusheng, but also Cheng Shuangshuang, who was following behind, obviously did not expect such a change. When I saw them running together just now, I thought they were a group, but now it seems...it doesn't look like it.

Xia Ren also wanted to add another crowbar, but the apostle's body was strong after all, and the level of the crowbar was too low. For such a high-level creature, there was not much difference between it and an ordinary stick. The attack that hit him just now was actually insignificant. Painful or not, the sneak attack accounted for most of the reason why he was knocked down.

Liu Fusheng stepped back and distanced himself from Xia Ren. His glasses were no longer in thought, and his hair was wet with water. His bangs were pulled down, looking a little embarrassed.


he questioned.

Xia Ren was also very angry and said deliberately: "No more pretending, I'm showing off my cards. I'm from the foundation. I was the one who reported the news about you in Jianghe City!"

Half of his words were meant for Liu Fusheng, and the other half were meant for Cheng Shuangshuang. Since you can't beat her, wouldn't it be nice to join her and become teammates!

Liu Fusheng's eyes widened and his whole body trembled with anger: "It turns out it's really you!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he vomited out a large mouthful of black blood. He didn't know whether he was angry with Xia Ren or because the previous accumulated injuries had recurred.

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