"Not only that, I also leaked your whereabouts today!"

Xia Ren continued to add fuel to the fire.


Liu Fusheng was furious.

The blood he had just vomited fell to the ground and solidified into a pitch-black monster. The monster's skin was like a hedgehog, with countless spikes stretching out. Those spikes continued to lengthen and crawl towards Xia Ren's feet.

Xia Ren was surprised that even a random tissue on the apostle's body could have such vitality. He subconsciously took half a step back. Fortunately, the little monster only crawled a few steps before it collapsed on its own and was immediately washed away by the rain.

A mouthful of blood was like this. It can be imagined that Liu Fusheng's true form became more and more terrifying, and faint traces of scorch could be seen on the surface of his skin.

Xia Ren would not give him a chance to adjust his condition and shouted: "Cheng Shuangshuang, let's go together!"

Cheng Shuangshuang reacted and immediately pounced from behind Liu Fusheng!

After Xia Ren himself shouted this sentence, he turned around and ran back to the pavilion to hide from the rain.

The apostle and the gardener fought against each other in the rain. Although Cheng Shuangshuang was petite, his movements contained great power.

She is a gardener, and her fighting ability has been innate since the moment she emerged from pupa.

Although Liu Fusheng had been running just now, he didn't have much of a disadvantage when he actually took action. It was just that he seemed to be timid, so it seemed that he was suppressed and beaten by the opponent.

Explosions continued in the air, and in the large space where the two men met, the rain was blown away by the wild airflow, forming a huge blank space.

The two of them were fighting fiercely, while Xia Ren was hiding from the rain in the pavilion, which seemed relaxed and comfortable in comparison.

Qin Yun asked with some worry: "Didn't you just say you wanted to go together? What if that girl can't beat her alone?"

"The most important thing when it comes to helping is your heart, as long as your heart comes to you."

Xia Ren saw it more clearly: "And look at the speed of the two of them. I can't see clearly even when I'm standing on the edge. Isn't it a way to die if I go in? Liu Fusheng hates me, so the easier it is for me to stand on the edge, he will The angrier you get, the more likely things will go wrong when fighting. You see, I'm not on the battlefield, but in fact, my role is no less than when I go up to help, do you understand?"

Qin Yun nodded sternly without knowing it.

What he said was reasonable, but Qin Yun always felt that something was wrong.

In fact, Xia Ren wasn't completely lying. He really couldn't do it.

When he was escaping just now, his speed could barely match the two behind him, but the real battle is not about who can run faster, it is about confronting him with his body.

Xia Ren is very self-aware. With his current fragile body, he only goes up to deliver food.

He is also very concerned about the fighting situation on the field. If Cheng Shuangshuang wins, it will be okay. He will fool him later. He has a hundred reasons to make the other party believe that he is a good person. But if Cheng Shuangshuang loses, he will be greeted by Liu Fusheng’s crazy revenge.

So as long as Cheng Shuangshuang showed an irreversible disadvantage, Xia Ren was ready to continue running with Qin Yun and the others.

But now it seems that the gardener is still the apostle's natural enemy after all, and has a greater chance of winning.

Soon, the battle began to progress in the direction Xia Ren expected.

Liu Fusheng was covered in wounds, and the charred marks on his skin were becoming more and more obvious. Even with the rain covering him, the pungent stench spread uncontrollably.

In the pavilion, Qin Yun couldn't help but cover her mouth and nose: "What is this?"

Xia Ren didn't answer, his heartbeat gradually accelerated, and he had an ominous premonition.

"Something is coming out..."

Cheng Shuangshuang also realized the changes in his opponent and accelerated his attack.

Suddenly, on Liu Fusheng's arm, a pink and slender piece of fleshy tissue broke through his clothes, and with a whistling sound, it was drawn towards Cheng Shuangshuang.

The latter reacted in time and dodged the attack. The whip-like flesh tissue carried huge power and shattered the floor tiles of the observation deck. The ground shook for a while, and even Xia Ren in the pavilion in the distance could clearly feel it. arrive.

"If it happens to me this time..."

Xia Ren once again felt wise for his choice.

In the field, after the first slender tissue appeared, the second, third, and fourth ones quickly appeared on Liu Fusheng's body...

Countless whip-like tissues were swinging wildly in the air irregularly. Liu Fusheng's original appearance had been completely obscured, turning into a terrifying and deformed creature.

Afterwards, with a roar that shattered the rain curtain, a large number of pink slender silk threads grew wildly from various parts of Liu Fusheng's body, and then intertwined to form a new body. As the number of silk threads continued to increase, Liu Fusheng's body shape also rapidly increased. increase.

The wind roared like the roar of wild animals, the rain poured down, and the clouds in the sky gradually deepened in color, eventually becoming as dark as ink, without any light.

In an instant, the autumn sound on the top of the mountain was like night falling.


A whimpering cry sounded in the dark space. If Liang Wan were here, she would be deeply impressed by this sound.

A crimson color like blood emerged in the sky, and a huge and terrifying shadow showed its outline in front of everyone. The rain was still falling, but the temperature on the top of the mountain was rising rapidly.

Liu Fusheng's true form appears!

He was like a fully developed embryo at this time, with no limbs or facial features, and the overall shape was oval. On the surface of his body, densely packed, downy whip-like tissues were waving in the air.

He has no wings, but somehow he can hang in the air.

He has no mouth, but he can make deafening screams.

Human vocabulary and language cannot accurately describe his appearance at this time. It is curious and absurd. Even the most famous abstract artist on Blue Star cannot depict such body lines.

Just by looking at him, a systematic reminder appeared in Xia Ren's mind that he was being contaminated!

He glanced at Qin Yun worriedly. She was also looking up at the terrifying figure in the sky. However, she seemed to be fine. Apart from shock and fear, her eyes did not reveal madness.

This should be Lily's reason.

Xia Ren felt relieved for the time being.

He looked at the sky again and frowned.

Because at this time, Liu Fusheng, although his true form was revealed, looked even more embarrassed.

Most of the down on his body fell off immediately after it appeared, and large scorch marks began to spread on his body, as if he had been scorched by fire.

Immediately afterwards, the skin on the surface of his body opened into ravines, and in those ravines, there was a blood-red light like hell's magma...

No, that's fire!

Burning fire!


Liu Fusheng's whine sounded again, and the ravines spread deeper, like cracked volcanic lava. In addition to the fishy smell in the air, there was more of a burning smell that challenged the limits of the human body's sense of smell, as if it had already been burned. The rotten meat continued to be roasted over the fire, but it was served before you even though it was not completely cooked.

Cheng Shuangshuang stood on the ground, looking up and squinting.

The rain hit her face and flowed down her wet hospital gown and long hair, but she didn't care and focused entirely on the sky.

Cheng Shuangshuang could feel the apostle's weakness and his pain at this time.

"What kind of injuries did he suffer before..."

Without Cheng Shuangshuang's hands, the skin tissue on Liu Fusheng's surface began to separate and peel off.

Huge, blackened pieces of flesh fell to the ground, revealing the fiercely burning... flames in the body!

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