"Sister Jiufeng, please go out for a moment. I have something to say to him."

Cheng Shuangshuang's mood became much calmer. She pushed Jiufeng away, and there were only two people left in the room.

Xia Ren came to the window, sat down where Jiufeng had been, and said, "You are going to die."

He always spoke so straightforwardly, but this time, there was no malice.

"I know, thank you for choosing to help me when you were on the top of the mountain."

Xia Ren knew that her time was precious now, so he took the initiative to ask: "Do you have anything to ask? As long as it's not too much, I can help."

Cheng Shuangshuang looked at his face and said, "There are some words that I don't want Sister Jiufeng to hear, for fear of affecting her mood and fear of her blaming me."

Xia Ren sighed and said helplessly: "Then you are not afraid of affecting my mood."


Cheng Shuangshuang giggled twice and passed by.

She looked out the window at the city in the heavy rain and said softly: "Then let me tell you an interesting story.

Looking down from this window, you can see an open space, which used to be the hospital's morgue. It was demolished a few years ago and the morgue was moved into the basement.

I grew up in a hospital and always thought that the morgue was the hospital cafeteria, because there were always people coming out of it holding boxes, which I thought were lunch boxes. "

"..." Xia Ren.

"That's not fun."

He looked into Cheng Shuangshuang's eyes and guessed what the other person was thinking.

She is actually very smart, and she is afraid that she will not help her, so she tells this story to gain her sympathy.

Alas, she is still as cute as the first time we met.

"I want to tell you three things."

"you say."

"The first thing is, you know Zheng Wenruo. I don't want to make her sad because of my death, so please take a look at her on my behalf, and then make up a reason to say that I left with my family. I have been lying to her about me If she has a family, she will definitely believe it.”

Xia Ren didn't hesitate at all: "Okay."

Cheng Shuangshuang smiled and said in a weaker tone: "The second thing is, I lied to someone. That person was also a gardener, but he hadn't turned into a pupa yet. I lied to him and said that it didn't matter if he gave me some blood, but in fact, the gardener's blood It's very precious. I'm too selfish. Please tell Sister Jiufeng about this later and ask her to find the gardener and find a way to help him. Then, say sorry to him on my behalf for lying. he."

"What about his address?" Xia Ren also agreed.

Cheng Shuangshuang said: "His name is Gao Le, and he lives in...I can't tell you the exact location."

Gao Le...

Xia Ren's heart was pounding: "Is he 1.8 meters tall, with short hair, and lives in a rental house on the third floor?"

"It seems you know him. Sorry, I lied to your friend."

Cheng Shuangshuang spoke weakly and managed an apologetic smile.

Xia Ren could only temporarily suppress the shock in his heart and asked: "What about the third thing?"

"The third thing..."

Cheng Shuangshuang tried his best to open his eyes and look at Xia Ren's face, but his vision gradually blurred and he couldn't see anything clearly.

She said in a daze: "The third thing, you... are quite handsome, but when I fall in love in my next life... I will definitely... not find one..."

She was so angry that she opened and closed her lips, but couldn't hear a sound.

Xia Ren felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart. He leaned his ear closer and heard her say intermittently:

"I... really want to... fall in love once...

Wear a small skirt... flutter... bright... bright..."

"You're already beautiful."

Xia Ren walked out of the ward and saw Qin Yun and Lily standing at the door, while Jiufeng was sitting on the bench with her legs folded together, looking at the opposite wall with a dull look.

"She passed away."

Xia Ren said.

Jiufeng came back to his senses, breathed a long sigh of relief, and said, "Yeah."

Xia Ren stepped forward and told her the second thing Cheng Shuangshuang asked.

"There is a second gardener in this city?"

Jiufeng seemed to have suddenly come out of the gloom just now and regained his energy.

She stood up immediately and seemed to be planning to leave the hospital directly.


Xia Ren called to her: "Why don't you go in and take another look?"

Jiufeng stopped, turned around, and looked at Xia Ren with a strange look.

"Why look at a dead body? Dead people have no value at all.

We're in a world where you'd better get used to people dying around you as quickly as possible. "

After she finished speaking, she left without looking back. Xia Ren thought for a while and told Qin Yun and Lily to go back to their previous hometown while he ran to follow Jiufeng.

As for Cheng Shuangshuang's funeral affairs, they will be handled by the staff of the logistics department.

The rain had subsided a little, but it had not stopped yet. Jiufeng walked out of the inpatient department, opened her umbrella, looked at Xia Ren who was catching up next to her, and asked with interest: "Are you thinking about it and agree to try to have a baby with me?"

Xia Ren was speechless for a while, and shamelessly hid under her umbrella and said, "Can you stop coveting my body all the time, and pay attention to my interesting soul occasionally."

"Then pay back the money first and then talk about anything else."

"...Xia Ren is the one who owes money. What does it have to do with me, Sima Gangdan?"

"Xia Ren is a stupid donkey and has no brains." Jiufeng said.

"How can you curse?"

Xia Ren immediately retorted.

"I'm scolding Xia Ren, what do you care about Sima Gangdan?"


Jiufeng seemed to have a lot of experience in dealing with him, and would not let go even if he found a flaw.

There was a heavy flow of people coming and going in front of the hospital, and it was raining and it was difficult to take a taxi. They waited on the roadside for a few minutes before hailing a taxi.

After telling the driver the destination, Xia Ren began to explain his relationship with Gao Le to Jiufeng.

The taxi driver originally wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but when he saw that the two of them were chatting non-stop and there was no room for him to interrupt, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

"By the way, since you knew me before, and you seem to know some inside information, can you tell me what I was like before?"

After getting off the car, we still had to walk some distance from Gao Le's house. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Xia Ren wanted to get as much useful information as possible.

Dense raindrops fell on the umbrella, making a popping sound. Jiufeng opened his mouth and said the same thing: "If you agree to try to have a baby with me, I will tell you."

"No, apart from my good looks, what else is good about me?"

Xia Ren couldn't figure it out. Could it be that he had done something excessive to her before?

Jiufeng glanced down at him and said: "Gardeners cannot have children, and they can only give birth to new gardeners through invitations to banquets. I feel that this rule is not absolute, so I want to try it. Only you meet my standards. But I have approached you many times before, and every time you refused clearly and said you wanted to cultivate a relationship first, but every time you ran away after eating."

When she said this, Xia Ren understood.

It seems that this woman has a straight mind and a lot of room for maneuver.

"How shameless!"

Xia Ren said angrily: "How can he take advantage of such a serious matter to gain a living? Jiufeng, don't worry, as long as you tell me what happened before, I will agree to give it a try with you!"

"What to try?"

Jiu Feng was not fooled and said: "You never say what you say, and I have heard similar words from you countless times. Unless you fulfill your promise first, I will never believe you again."

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