Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 280 [Dice of Destiny]

As a young virgin, no matter how bold I am, I am not embarrassed to discuss this kind of issue.

Xia Ren blushed once in a blue moon. He didn't know whether he was struggling in his heart or out of shyness.

He stopped lingering on this aspect and instead asked, "In addition to having a child with you, is there any other way to get you to tell me about the past?"

Jiufeng said matter-of-factly: "I want you to have children. What's the point of wanting you if you don't have children?"


Xia Ren felt offended.

It was actually quite uncomfortable for him and Jiufeng to stand together and talk. Because of his height, he had to raise his head when speaking to see the other person's side face. If he didn't raise his head, he could only see her broad mind.

However, this doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

"It turns out that a woman with a broad mind is quite beautiful."

"what are you saying?"

"Ahem, I'm praising you."

It seems that she is unwilling to tell herself no matter what.

Under the leadership of Xia Ren, they had arrived at the door of Gao Le's house.

Jiufeng seemed to have noticed something and asked, "Are you sure this is where it is?"

"Of course, I've been here many times."

Xia Ren said and knocked on the door, but no one answered.

Jiufeng directly twisted the door handle and forced his way in.

The room was relatively clean, but the air was filled with the aroma of meat cooked in white water, and there were a lot of medical supplies such as medical alcohol and hydrogen peroxide placed in the corner.

Jiufeng walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and saw the meat inside and the pot still warm on the stove: "There are indeed unpupated gardeners living here."

But, where have people gone now?

The phone's ringtone rang suddenly, it was Jiufeng's.

"What's up?"

She put it to her ear and hung up after just a few words.

"Let's go and put the gardener's business aside for now."

Jiufeng didn't hesitate and pulled Xia Ren out of the room.

"Where to go?"

"Go to your home."

When we arrived at Qin Yun's newly renovated house, the rain had stopped, but there was still a lot of water on the ground.

Xia Ren and Jiufeng walked into the house and saw Judge Tang and the housing agent standing in the living room. At their feet, Liang Wan, tightly wrapped in a black robe, was lying there motionless, not knowing whether she was alive or dead.

"She is dead." The housing agent came up to explain the situation to Jiufeng.

"Not yet, her vital signs are just very weak."

Xia Ren interrupted him and came to Liang Wan's side. He put his hand on her chest. The penetrating injury caused by the crowbar quickly recovered. Then a few drops of cold liquid seeped out from Liang Wan's body and returned to Xia Ren's finger. tip.

The reason why he spat at Liang Wan before taking action in the morning was not because he was angry, but because he wanted to send the rootless water into her body to prevent her death.

In that situation, Liang Wan had to act like he was dead, otherwise Liu Fusheng would be suspicious.

It was actually not easy for Xia Ren to react in such a short period of time.

Jiu Feng watched the whole process, his eyes narrowed, and he didn't say much.

The real estate agent felt amazing and had a high opinion of Xia Ren again.

Liang Wan's heartbeat returned to normal, and her eyelids trembled twice but did not open.

"Where is this? Who's next to you?"

She groped around her body with her hands, and Xia Ren grabbed her wrist: "It's me, Xia Ren."

The real estate agent couldn't help but take a step forward, wanting to remind him of the pollution, but when he saw that Jiufeng didn't move, he stepped back.

"you are not……"

Liang Wan recalled what happened before she fell into coma: "Where is the apostle?"

"The apostle is dead, you don't have to worry."

"Isn't Xiuxiu with you? Is she okay?"

"She and Qin Yun stay at home together and are fine."

Xia Ren answered Liang Wan's questions sentence by sentence, but he couldn't help but feel a little depressed.

He could use Rootless Water to help heal Liang Wan's wounds, but he really had no choice as the other party's body was full of pollution.

Even the third-level anti-pollution fluid in the system store can only correct the first type of distortion, and Liang Wan's appearance has obviously exceeded the scope of the first type of distortion.

Besides, he and Liang Wan didn't have a deep relationship. At most, they only worked together for a few days when they were in Liming Middle School. Xia Ren still had to consider whether it was worth losing two thousand achievement points for her.

In particular, his achievement points originally only had 1,600 points left. Adding in the 200 points that Lao Liu had sealed last night, he only had 1,800 points. There was no way to redeem the third-level anti-pollution fluid.

"By the way, I have something I want you to help deliver to the Foundation."

Liang Wan took out a small thing from her robe and handed it to Xia Ren.

This is a cube with a smooth surface, bronze in color, and heavy in weight. It should be made of metal.

Before Xia Ren could take a closer look, a system prompt appeared in his mind:

[Destiny Dice, Category: Contained Object.

Item introduction: The treasure of the lucky, the nightmare of the unlucky. The holder may also be favored by a cheerful man.

Ability: Use this ability to gain a chance to change your destiny, at a random cost. 】

This cube metal block is actually a contained object?

But why didn't the system prompt that the containment was successful?

"I handed it over for you."

After Xia Ren finished speaking, under the watchful eyes of the housing agent and others, he naturally put the fate dice into his pocket.

"Do you have anything else to explain?"

Jiufeng took a step forward and squatted down.

Liang Wan seemed to have known for a long time that there was someone next to her, so she was not surprised: "Are you a companion of the foundation?"

Jiu Feng nodded: "S level, Jiu Feng."

Liang Wan didn't have much sense left, so she showed a relieved smile: "No more, just send me on my way. I've caused trouble to you."

Jiufeng said simply: "Okay."

"Wait a minute."

Xia Ren asked: "Is there no way for the foundation to save her?"

After all, this is an A-level investigator, and his status in the foundation should be very high.

Jiufeng paused for a moment: "My blood can correct a certain degree of pollution, but at her level, my blood can only cause harm to her and cannot save her."

She stretched out a finger and gently touched the spot between Liang Wan's eyebrows.

The fire emblem faded along with the purple lines, and Liang Wan's appearance returned to Xia Ren's familiar appearance, but at the same time, she also completely lost her life.

After two days and three nights from Jianghe City to Jupiter City, she could finally sleep peacefully.

Xia Ren looked at Liang Wan's body and felt inexplicably disappointed.

He then remembered the conversation just now and asked in surprise: "You said your blood can correct pollution, then you are..."

Jiufeng stood up and said calmly: "I am also a gardener. Is it such a surprise?"

She turned around and ordered Judge Tang: "Go and check a man named Gao Le to see if he is still in Jupiter City. If he is, let me know. If he is not there, there is no need to look for him."

Regarding his best friend, Xia Renduo asked, "Why don't you need to look for him if he's not in Jupiter City?"

Jiufeng explained: "Because the gardener also has enemies, pursuing him will only make those people smell him, which will increase his danger."

As far as Xia Ren knows so far, there is only one organization that can go against the Foundation: "The Ageless Society?"

Jiufeng smiled slightly: "It seems that you already know a lot of the truth about this world, but it's not just the Ageless Society.

Instead of worrying about this mess, you should spend more time worrying about yourself. "

There was obviously a deep meaning in her words, but Xia Ren didn't have enough information to figure out what she wanted to express.

"I won't ask you for that containment item, but I want to remind you, don't use it lightly. The price of the destiny dice and the destiny you change are completely chaotic. Maybe you just use the dice to keep yourself from catching a cold. Get better as soon as possible, but the price may be sudden death after you recover from the cold, and there is a failure rate in rolling dice. If you fail, you may even die suddenly immediately."

After Jiufeng finished speaking, he left with the housing agent. Then several logistics staff came in and took Liang Wan's body away. Xia Ren was the only one left in the whole house.

He took out the destiny dice from his pocket and murmured: "Is this thing so dangerous?"

"Since the original investigator responsible for monitoring him defected, why not just assign another one?"

The housing agent wiped his mouth and asked.

Jiufeng was still feasting on the food on the table, and took the time to say: "You'd better not care about Xia Ren. His affairs can only be arranged by the doctor."

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