Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 385 Seraino Great Library!

"The Great Library of Seraino is not located on Blue Star."

"Not in Blue Star?"

Xia Ren's head was filled with questions.

Dr. Laban Thulebelly did not respond to his question, but just walked forward along the dark passage.

Seeing this, Xia Ren could only shut up and follow.

The two of them walked about a hundred steps, and the light from the silver key on the doctor's chest suddenly became brighter.

"We're here," he said.

Immediately afterwards, a gap opened in the dark space. The gap became wider and wider, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a rotating, circular hole like the eye of a storm.

The other side of the cave entrance was filled with dense light.

The doctor couldn't help but walked out first, followed closely by Xia Ren.

As soon as he walked out of the cave, Xia Ren felt as if he had fallen into boiling water. The skin all over his body seemed to be burned on a flame, but strangely, the inside of his body was bone-chillingly cold.

Xia Ren could endure pain beyond the limits of the human body, but this feeling of ice and fire seemed to be directly torturing his soul, making him miserable.

But fortunately, this torture only lasted less than a second. The soft light enveloped him, and the cold and heat were instantly driven away.

"Just get used to it."

The doctor stood beside him and said softly.

Xia Ren was soaked all over. The pain just now was like a nightmare, but the experience was so real.

It took him a while to slowly regain his composure. During this process, the doctor was waiting patiently beside him.

Xia Ren calmed his heartbeat and looked around.

The two of them were standing in the cold and dead space of the universe. The light of the stars was shining from all directions, but they could only be seen by facing that direction.

"So small."

This was Xia Ren's first feeling.

In the empty universe, human beings are not even a speck of dust.

Xia Ren was used to living on the Blue Star, used to stepping on the earth, but when he suddenly came here, Xia Ren felt at a loss, as if... there was no place for him in the universe.

In front of them was a star with gray-white light.

The brightness of this star is not high, at least it is not dazzling to the eyes. They don't know how far away from the star, but even so, the other party is still so huge that it is immeasurable. The burning heat that Xia Ren just felt came from this star. Emitted from the stars.

The doctor slowly explained: "We have now arrived at the open star cluster in the constellation Taurus - the Pleiades star cluster, which is four hundred and thirty light years away from the Blue Star.

The planet in front of you and me is a star in the Pleiades star cluster, named Seraino. "


Xia Ren was surprised: "Could it be that the library we are going to is built in a star?"

Although being able to stand in space now is enough to challenge people's imagination, in comparison, the shock brought by a library built inside a star is even more powerful.

That's a star!

It is a liquid planet that emits high light, high heat, and high energy, and is constantly undergoing nuclear fusion!

What kind of material can a library take root in such a harsh environment on the surface of a star? What kind of important knowledge is stored in it? Is it worth paying such a price to be preserved in a star?

Is this the distortion of human nature or the decline of morality...

"How could the library be in a star?"

The Doctor immediately denies it.

"No, it's okay." Xia Ren.

The light of the silver key never went out and always shrouded the two of them.

The doctor took Xia Ren and turned around to fly in another direction.

Their speed was very fast. Xia Ren saw a huge meteorite with an irregular shape blocking their way, but the doctor had no intention of avoiding it. In the blink of an eye, they were very close to the meteorite.

Xia Ren felt nervous. It was already too late to warn him. They were moving too fast.

But then, Xia Ren realized that his worries were unnecessary. Their bodies passed directly through the meteorite without being affected at all.

While flying, the doctor explained: "The Pleiades star cluster belongs to the territory of the old ruler, the King in Yellow, and your body has the blood of his mortal enemy, the great Cthulhu. A huge risk has brought you here. Once this aura is detected by the King in Yellow, you and I will definitely be buried here today."

"..." Xia Ren.

"I suddenly remembered that I went to the toilet before I came here, but I seemed to have forgotten to flush the toilet. Can you let me go back and flush the toilet?"

Xia Ren suddenly regretted it.

Having already suffered a loss from Itakua, he has a deep understanding of the terrifying power of the Old Ones.

If he had known it was so dangerous, he would not have come here even if he was beaten to death.

The doctor continued: "But you don't have to worry too much. Although you can see the surrounding scenery, we have not really come here at this time. We are always at the junction of another time and space and this time and space, and there is no matter." entity.

The rule controlled by the King in Yellow is "wind", and the rule I use is "time and space", so he cannot detect it for the time being. unless……"


Xia Ren, who is well versed in various plot development routines, quickly stopped him: "Stop talking any more, otherwise we will definitely have something unexpected happen today. I don't want to hear you planting your flag at all."

The doctor smiled and said nothing.

They flew an unknown distance and finally stopped in front of an inconspicuous, black-gray planet.

The surface of the planet is firmly covered by thick clouds, making it impossible to see the scene inside from the outside.

"This is the fourth planet in the star system centered on the star Serraino, and the library is built on the surface of this planet."

After the doctor finished speaking, he swooped down with Xia Ren.

They passed through layers of clouds and finally landed on the ground.

This is a world full of haze. The surface is covered with a layer of black soil that looks like cinders. Due to the presence of clouds in the sky, most of Serrano's not-so-bright light is blocked. In addition, the surrounding fog The existence makes the brightness close to darkness, and the visibility is also reduced to the minimum. Even with Xia Ren's eyesight, he can barely see objects within five meters, and further away, he can only see an outline.

This planet is definitely not suitable for life, at least Xia Ren didn't see any signs of life.

The doctor seemed unaffected by the surrounding environment. He led Xia Ren and walked straight in one direction.

Although Xia Ren's body is always at the intersection of two time and space and has no entity. Logically speaking, nothing in this space can affect him. However, walking on this land, Xia Ren can smell something. There is a vague metallic smell.

"The first time I came here, I was running for my life."

Probably because he was bored on the road, the doctor casually told Xia Ren a story about his past.

"In the past, I was hunted down by the servants of the great Cthulhu, the Star Spawn, for collecting forbidden knowledge. Each of them possesses extremely powerful power and can move freely in the universe. I was hunted down at that time. They were locked in, unable to escape, almost desperate."

"Minions of Cthulhu are after you?"

Xia Ren always felt a little weird when he heard him talk about this.

Because in a way, he and Cthulhu seem to have a very close relationship.

The doctor nodded: "But fortunately before that, I had read a book. The book recorded that there is an important library hidden in the Pleiades star cluster in Taurus. It is the territory of the King in Yellow. Where He was sealed.

I then thought of the rumored hostile relationship between the great Cthulhu and the King in Yellow, so I risked my life to open the time and space tunnel according to the location in the book, and came to this area. As expected, the Star Families did not pursue me anymore, and I was able to Stay alive. "

Xia Ren was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Are the Star Families still in Blue Star?"


The doctor affirmed: "They will not leave Blue Star until they find the one..."

"Who is that referring to?"

Xia Ren wanted to ask further, but the doctor was unwilling to say more.

After walking for about ten kilometers, they saw a huge lake filled with cold gray liquid. If the liquid hadn't been constantly flowing, Xia Ren would have almost thought it was a large flat piece of metal.

What surprised him was that there was a stone pier beside the lake. He didn't know what kind of boats would be anchored here.

Behind the pier, a huge building showed its outline in the fog.

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