Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 386 The story recorded on the stone tablet

As he got closer, the fog dispersed, and Xia Ren was finally able to see the entire building.

This is a huge building made of heavy stones. The surface of the building has uneven pits, but these pits do not affect the beauty of the building. Instead, they seem to contain some kind of wonderful laws, giving people a sense of wonder. Unexplained taste.

And as he got closer, Xia Ren discovered that the color of this building actually changed depending on the angle of the viewer. Sometimes it was gold, and sometimes it turned green. It was ever-changing.

Directly in front of the building, there are eighteen circular stone pillars that are over a hundred meters high. The stone pillars are carved with rare and exotic animals, as well as some obscure words.

Looking carefully, Xia Ren found that he could recognize a small part of the text on the stone pillar, which was more like a derivative of the text in "The Underground Digger", but the writing method was more complicated.

Xia Ren watched carefully and could only trivially identify some words with unclear meanings such as "Xishan", "Emperor of Heaven", "Dahuang", "Eatable", "Qiongqi" and "Kuafu".

Xia Ren, the rare and exotic beasts above, has never been seen on Blue Star before. I don’t know if they are creatures imagined by the builders.

"This is Seraino's Great Library..."

Xia Ren looked up at this huge building built on a desolate planet, and his heart was filled with shock.

Who is it? How could he have the ability to build such a magnificent library 430 light years away from Blue Star?


Xia Ren turned around and glanced at the lake filled with cold gray liquid and the stone pier beside the lake.

"Or is this library a relic of the life that once existed on this planet?"

“The builders of libraries are much older than you or I can imagine.”

The doctor looked at the door of the library and said: "Even if I use the power of the Silver Key, I can't go back to that past, but it's at least tens of millions of years ago. The only thing that's certain is that this This library was not built by blue star life."

"Why do you say that?" Xia Ren asked doubtfully.

"You'll find out later."

After the doctor finished speaking, he walked towards the door.

Xia Ren came to the standing stone pillar and couldn't help but look up.

He saw a stone carving of a strange animal. The strange beast had a human face, but its face was ethereal, as if hidden in the clouds and mist, and could not be seen clearly. However, his body looked like a giant python, with four limbs, sharp fins on his back, and a dense cloth. The scales and the tail are wide, like a blazing flame.

Just looking at his tail, Xia Ren felt his eyes sting as if they were being burned by flames.

The reason why this stone sculpture attracted Xia Ren's attention was because it was so big that it occupied half of the area of ​​the stone pillar.

The eyes of the stone sculpture's human face were closed. Xia Ren couldn't help but look at the position of his eyes, and his heart was beating fast.

Invisible energy radiated from these stone pillars and enveloped the entire library. When Xia Ren passed through this invisible barrier, he was not hindered by anything, but he felt a touch in a corner of his heart.

This touch was so tiny that even Xia Ren himself didn't notice anything strange and simply ignored it.

After passing through the stone pillars, the door of the library is in front of you.

The closer he got, the more Xia Ren felt a desire, as if there was a little beast hidden in his heart, ready to break out of the cage.

Under the leadership of the doctor, he walked into the grand hall.

It is hundreds of meters high and the area is immeasurable. Xia Ren originally guessed that there would be rows of bookshelves inside, just like the libraries he usually saw.

But after actually entering, he discovered that Seraino Grand Library seemed to have been attacked.

There are traces of battle everywhere here. Whether it is the walls or the ground, there are pits and scars. Some of these scars seem to be caused by sharp weapons, while other parts are obviously scratched by the claws of some kind of beast. of.

Judging from the size of the scars, the beast that could have caused such a scene was simply bigger than the dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period.

The library was in a mess, with ruins everywhere. The wooden bookshelves and the black marks left by the burning of books were extremely eye-catching.

According to the doctor, these traces have existed for at least tens of millions of years, but in Xia Ren's view, they look more like things that happened not long ago.

"Are there any books in here?"

Xia Ren looked around. Wherever he looked, there was not a single bookshelf left alive.

"Although there aren't many anymore, there are still some."

The doctor walked towards the wall on the side of the library, where there was a pedestal similar to a doll display rack. On the pedestal, there were a few books that looked like mud bricks and seemed to have been there for a long time.

Judging from the traces, before the attack, there should have been similar display racks on the entire wall here, but the number of survivors now can probably be counted on one hand.

To Xia Ren's surprise, the doctor's target was not the books on the display shelves, but several huge stone slabs scattered beside the wall.

"That's it."

Xia Ren walked over curiously, and under the soft light of the silver key, he saw that the densely packed text engraved on the stone slab was the same type as the text on the eighteen stone pillars outside.

Xia Ren bent over, frowned and looked at it for a long time, and said, "You want me to see this? But I can't understand it either."

"This is what you asked for yourself."

The doctor didn't look like he was going to help.

He turned around, and the tail end of his white gown slowly fell in the air. He had already walked dozens of meters away, and he was actually planning to leave here.

Xia Ren was stunned for a moment, then looked down and saw that the soft glow that originally covered his body was quickly fading away. He couldn't help but become anxious and quickly wanted to catch up.

"Hey! Old man! Didn't my breath get exposed soon after you left like this?"

Xia Renke still remembers that the entire Pleiades star cluster is the territory of the King in Yellow, and Cthulhu and the King in Yellow are hostile to each other. The blood of Cthulhu flows in his body, all because of that key. The power can be hidden. If the light of the key disappears, he will be directly exposed to the hostile old god!

Moreover, on this barren planet, people who are not familiar with the place have no place to run.

"Don't worry."

The doctor didn't look back, just waved his hand and said: "The sight of the King in Yellow cannot penetrate the Seraino Great Library. You are safe inside."

After saying this, the doctor had already stepped over the stone pillars at the gate.

The light of the silver key on Xia Ren's body disappeared immediately, and he himself was squeezed out from the junction of two time and space, and completely came to this time and space.

The moment it arrived, everything was different.

The familiar and disgusting smell filled the nostrils. The atmosphere in the library was like a fire, igniting a certain fuse. An extremely comfortable numbness climbed from the tailbone, along the spine, and finally exploded in the brain. Xia Ren couldn't help but moan. There was a sound.

The tentacles on the back of his head naturally stretched out, Xia Ren opened his arms, and countless light points poured out from the surrounding environment and merged into his body.

The aftereffects caused by facing Itakua disappeared completely, the fatigue faded away without a trace, and the power was back under control.

Xia Ren lay back and took a deep breath, opened his eyes again, and looked around.

There seemed to be something extra in his mind, but he couldn't be sure.

The only thing that is certain is that he has definitely been here more than once.

Returning to those huge stone slabs, although he still didn't recognize some of the words engraved on them, the stories they told automatically unfolded in his mind.

The stone slab records the origin of a civilization and an important war.

The two sides of the war are the Xuanyuan clan and...Chiyou the Great!

I recommend a two-dimensional novel, "Add a Point in Animation Skills" by the author Long Gege.

Just by the name, you know I am an old pigeon, but I saw the update and it is much faster than me. What is even more disgusting is that this guy has better grades than me. Please take a look and click report before leaving (no)

——The blackened white cat

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