Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 395 Lily becomes an adult!

Qin Yun and Lily were playing in the lobby of the police station while waiting for Xia Ren. When they saw him coming out, they stepped forward and asked, "How is it?"

Xia Ren rubbed his temples: "It's basically the same as what the transcript says. The person involved doesn't know anything."

Qin Yun hesitated and asked, "Have you known Guo Licheng before?"

"do not know."

Xia Ren answered simply: "The details are a bit complicated. I'll explain it to you when I get back to the hotel."


Qin Yun lowered her head, paused and said, "I also have something to tell you."

Xia Ren looked at her in surprise and thought...

Could it be...

Could it be...


Have no idea.

He couldn't think of anything Qin Yun would deliberately hide from him.

If so, it must be a big deal.

Because of this understanding, Xia Ren was silent and felt a little heavy on the way back to the hotel.

Qin Yun is in a similar state.

Lily sat between them, looking left and right, feeling that the atmosphere was a little unusual, but she couldn't tell what was different.

When they arrived at the hotel, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. Xia Ren asked Lu Yi and Lily to go to other rooms, while he and Qin Yun entered another room.

When they arrived at the house, neither of them spoke.

Qin Yun sat on the chair for a while, then sat on the bed for a while, then came to the bedside, looked back at Xia Ren, but did not dare to look at him with her eyes, seeming a little nervous.

"I'm going to take a shower first."

It would take her a while to mentally prepare herself.

Qin Yun lowered her head and entered the bathroom. After taking off her clothes, the sound of rushing water could be heard.

Xia Ren sat on the edge of the bed, still thinking about what she was hiding from herself, but she had no clue.

The room next door.

"Sister Lu, what are they going to do?"

Lily raised her head and looked at Lu Yi with her big clear eyes.

"They're both probably going to do it."

Lu Yi said seriously.

Although she usually has little interest in other things, she is particularly concerned about this matter.

She recalled how the two of them were in a mysterious state when they came back together. Combined with the fact that Xia Ren had been out for so long, it was almost half a month old. It was normal for something to happen.

Lu Yi said "shush" to Lily, then slowly put his ear to the wall, and sure enough he heard the sound of bathing water.

Well, sure.

"What do you mean you want to do it?"

Lily asked innocently.

Lu Yi looked at Lily, touched her chin and pondered for a while, then pulled her to the bed and said:

"Let me tell you, two people do this first, and then do that, and some will do this, or even like this, or one person can do this, the other person can do this, or just like this, blah blah..."


As Lily listened, her eyes gradually brightened and her mouth gradually opened wider.

The door to a new world opened to her.

On the other side, Qin Yun came out of the shower.

She had a pair of slippers on her feet, only a bath towel wrapped around her body, and her long wet hair spread behind her.

Under the light, Qin Yun's creamy skin glowed with a faint pink color because of the hot bath. Her eyes were watery, and she looked at Xia Ren with evasive eyes, and then sat down opposite him.

The bath towel was too short. It was not long when she was standing, but when she sat down, the cloth seemed a little not long enough. Qin Yun subconsciously wanted to pull it down to cover her hidden parts, but when she saw Xia Ren Her eyes couldn't help but glance over, but she immediately let go of her hand and stopped covering it.

Noticing her little movements, Xia Ren felt a little embarrassed and quickly moved his eyes upward.

"You said you had something to tell me, what was it?"

"You go ahead and speak."

Qin Yun raised her hand to brush her bangs that were scattered on her forehead, picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

Xia Ren thought for a while and briefly told Qin Yun about Mingzhu.

The other party is the person he can trust the most at present. Xia Ren had no intention of deliberately hiding it from her, so he didn't have so many worries when talking about it.

"There is still such a thing."

Like Xia Ren back then, Qin Yun was also surprised by Mingshu's rules and mechanisms.

She thought deeply for a moment and immediately thought of some bad aspects.

"Isn't this Mingzhu like..."


Xia Ren interrupted her and said: "Everyone and I are equal. We help each other. If they get out of trouble, I collect achievement points. It's just a transaction. Don't get involved in messy aspects."

Qin Yun understood, so she stopped discussing this aspect.

"Guo Licheng, what do you plan to do next?"

"Try your luck. There's nothing important recently. I'll stay here in Linshan City for a few more days. I'll go to his rental house tomorrow and ask the neighbors. If I can find any clues, just check them out. If I can't find them, forget about it. .”

Xia Ren is relatively indifferent. Completing Mingzhu or something like that only has one or two hundred achievement points at most. For him now, it's really not that important.

Guo Licheng's wish is to resolve his grievances. This is not difficult to do. Just use the impression of the logistics department to get him a certificate of innocence. It is simple and requires no brain work.

The reason why Xia Ren chose to go to the police station to meet Guo Licheng was mainly to confirm in person whether he was really wronged, so as not to let a perverted murderer go. After all, this case seemed really unbelievable and beyond the reach of ordinary people. imagination.

As for the investigation time in the next two days, on the one hand, he really wants to try to find the truth of this matter, and on the other hand, he also has material to use when he serializes the pollution throughout the country in the future.

"What is it you want to tell me?"

Xia Ren also picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Her eyes moved downwards from Qin Yun's face involuntarily.

As mentioned before, this bath towel is too short. If you want to cover it up, you have to discard some. You can't take both top and bottom into account.

Therefore, Qin Yun's chest was stretched into a 33' shape by the towel.

This teacup is so round.

Phew, this water is so white.

Xia Ren wanted to look away, but it was too big.

Delightful for the eyes.

Qin Yun knew he was watching and deliberately stretched her waist.

The two deserved a tacit understanding.

"Actually, a few days ago, I checked Lu Yi from inside to outside."


Xia Ren's attention returned to the topic: "How to check?"

Qin Yun recalled for a while and said: "Before she met us, her memory was always vague. She didn't even know where she came from. I asked the housing agent to check the foundation's database and found that The Foundation has no record of containing similar items. In short, her identity is very suspicious and her origin is unknown."

Xia Ren nodded and motioned for her to continue.

Qin Yun continued: "There are no clues to dig deeper into her identity, so I used my free time to conduct several experiments and study her ability, which is to sell items."

"Including the sweet drink you ordered at the beginning, she was able to make eleven kinds of food after testing, but there was also a milk tea type. I asked her to make it, but she looked reluctant and didn't make it in the end. , I don’t know whether it’s because she really can’t do it, or because she doesn’t want to do it.”

"Later test results showed that the food materials in the menu were all taken from tissues in her body, and the name of one of the dishes was human sashimi. Every time she sold an item, she needed a period of time to recover, and the length of the recovery time , it depends on her subsequent meals. If she eats well and eats more, she will recover faster, and vice versa."

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