Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 396 Bell [Please vote for monthly recommendations! 】

Xia Ren smacked his lips after hearing this.

“It’s really fresh food that’s made and sold right now.”

Luckily he didn't drink straight from the sweet drink that night.

Qin Yun looked at his reaction, bit her lip, and asked, "Don't you blame me?"

Xia Ren was a little confused: "Why should I blame you?"

"I did it privately without your consent..."


Xia Ren understood immediately.

"I said you looked very worried tonight. You thought it was something big, but this is what happened?"

Of course Xia Ren could guess the reason why Qin Yun wanted to experiment on Lu Yi. It was simply because he was worried about the dangers of being an undercover agent if a humanoid container picked up casually by the roadside was left by his side.

After all, with the lessons learned from Liu Xiuxiu and Huang Qiuyuan, Qin Yun was wary of any strangers who suddenly appeared. In essence, it was for Xia Ren, or in other words, to protect her hard-won happiness.

"We both know the basics so well, you don't need to tell me these little things in the future."


Qin Yun nodded slightly.

"If nothing happens..."

Just when Xia Ren wanted to take a shower, Qin Yun immediately said, "There is something else."

"Huh? Tell me."

"That day, when you entered the dreamland..."

Qin Yun fully described the scene she saw to him.

"Because it happened so suddenly, my attention was all on that pattern, and I didn't pay much attention to the side. I just caught a glimpse of a side face, so I couldn't be sure what was going on. But it was definitely Lily."

Her tone was determined.

After her reminder, Xia Ren also recalled some details of the dreamland.

Lily herself is a Shoggoth, a powerful creature who once ruled the Blue Star with the Ancient One, so it is nothing special to be able to enter the dreamland to protect herself, but later, she easily found the hidden study, and seemed to have The owner of the study, the man named Ebon, had known about it for a long time.

What's even more amazing is that when I saw the name Yibon, I couldn't help but feel a deep sadness in my heart.

There are various signs that both himself and Lily have some kind of involvement with Yibon.

Lily's appearance is related to the ancient dream, but whether she was brought out of the ancient dream by Xia Ren is now a question mark because of this matter.

Perhaps, Lily has a side that she doesn't know about. Her experience is far from being as simple as a baby's as she imagined.


Xia Ren thought of "The Digger" found in that study again.

The words written in it definitely do not come from Blue Star, but from a civilization called 'Earth'.

An idea suddenly popped into Xia Ren's head.

Ibon, could he... come from the earth?

Xia Ren immediately shook his head. These were too far away from him. If he wanted to solve his doubts, he would probably have to go to Dreamland again and look at the dazzling manuscripts in the study. It would only be a waste of time to continue thinking about it.

What he has to do now is to solve Guo Licheng's case first.

"I'm going to see Lily and the others."

After Qin Yun finished speaking, she stood up and left the room.

The relationship between the two has already been relatively casual, and neither of them cares too much about details.

At this time, he was the only one left in the room. Xia Ren went to take a shower first, then couldn't wait to take out... his laptop and open it.

The last computer was already on its way to the foundation and died gloriously due to the attack by Bayaki and Qiuqiu people. This computer he just bought in the evening had only a few software that he needed for daily use installed.

Opening the code word software, Xia Ren looked at the screen and suddenly felt a little emotional.

He was still worried about atypical insect phobia some time ago - of course he is still worried now - and then he went to the foundation headquarters and had a few fights on the way. After arriving at the headquarters, he met the doctor again and ran with him. I walked around in a library hundreds of light years away from Blue Star. After I came back, I immediately came to Linshan City. As soon as I got off the plane, I started investigating Guo Licheng's case non-stop. Now I have to write a novel.

"If this continues, sooner or later I will become a master of time management."

Although the schedule is a bit busy, thanks to this, he has enough plots to write into his novels, and he does not have to worry about running out of inspiration and interrupting updates, or being hunted down by those who update them.

But to be honest, after Xia Ren roughly guessed the intention of the system, he was no longer as afraid of the pursuers as before. If it weren't for the fact that the achievement points did not allow him to do so, and he was afraid that he would be killed by the opponent if he went too far, he would still try to break it off. Update and see what the updater looks like.

But this idea is a bit of a challenge to the system. If it is really implemented, it may cause some unknown consequences. Therefore, Xia Ren can only think about it at this stage. The update should be updated honestly.

He now has millions of fans, each with over 100,000 subscriptions, and 75,000 subscriptions in 24 hours. Even if he reads at 7 o'clock, it is a top-notch work, and he is one of the mainstays in the suspense area, and he has updated Due to diligence, one million words have been updated in just a few months, and the discussion among readers remains high.

Xia Ren has been busy dealing with pollution and has no time to interact with book friends, so his fan base only has the initial two thousand people, and it has long been full, but there are so many fans that it even caused There was a situation where the management auctioned the quota for joining the group at a high price. Later, there was no other way. Several managers established more than a dozen additional sub-groups in their own names, which eased the situation a little.

Before July this year, Xia Ren, who was still the author of "Fuck Street", would never have dared to imagine that he would have such achievements. If anyone told him at that time that you would become a god in the near future, he would definitely look at him as a fool. Look at each other.

Times have changed, and the original extravagant hope has become a reality, but no matter how good the grades in the book are, it will be difficult for Xia Ren to have any trouble in his heart.

The biggest reason why he wrote novels was to spread pollution, and his current results can only give him a little sense of accomplishment.

As for money?

Xia Ren really doesn't have much idea about money now. Anyway, with his status as a legendary investigator of the Foundation, he will definitely not be short of money.

How lonely it is to be invincible.

Xia Ren sighed, his hands flew on the keyboard, and afterimages slid out. In a short time, a chapter of three thousand words had been coded.

He paused, collected his thoughts a little, and continued to code.

In the room late at night, only the sound of typing on the keyboard echoed.

Same time, different place.

Linshan City Airport.

The plane landed slowly on the runway, the door opened, and the passengers came out one after another.

A man wearing a black turtleneck, carrying a black suitcase, and a black round hat was caught in the crowd and looked up at the deep night sky.

"The wind is very noisy today."

Aikawa Riko sighed softly, then lowered his head and lowered his hat at the same time.

Her face was hidden under the high collar and brim of her hat, with only her mouth exposed, so others could not see her full face.

This is the invisible man principle that a qualified detective must abide by: always maintain your hidden image.

Aikawa Riko did not choose to follow the crowd and leave from the exit. No one noticed that her back blended into the darkness of the tarmac.

The cold wind stirred the dry grass blades, and the crisp sound of bells drifted into the invisible night, gradually fading away.

I recommend a book, "The Absurd Deduction Game", written by the poet Eternal Sin. It is a masterpiece and the quality is absolutely guaranteed. Everyone, go read it!

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