Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 399 Tavern [Please recommend monthly tickets! 】

It was already dark, the lights were on in the room, and Lily was running around the living room with her bare feet. Wherever she ran, the floor was spotless, leaving cute little footprints.

Qin Yun stood by the window, looking at the dim path downstairs, as if waiting for someone to come back.

Xia Ren wiped a dining chair with a towel and sat there with his legs crossed, flipping through his phone.

The coward's ear pick was lying in his pocket. The little thing had been erect twice a day, once in the morning, and again not long ago. Now it was exhausted, just like an ordinary ear pick.

"I haven't paid attention to it for a while. There are a few more excellent works in the suspense section. This one called The Poet of Eternal Sin is quite nice."

Lu Yi stretched out his head to take a look curiously, and found that he couldn't understand what he was seeing, so he lost interest.

She took out a bag of bread from the bag she carried with her, tore open the package and took a bite. After thinking about it, she reached out and handed it to Xia Ren's mouth. The latter shook his head and said he didn't want to eat it, so Lu Yi stopped him while he was running to play. Lily, the two of them divided half of it, and chewed it slowly in small bites.

Seeing the pitiful looks of the two foodies, Xia Ren put away his mobile phone: "It seems that he won't be back tonight. No wait, let's go find him."

He sighed and looked at an old couple sitting side by side on the sofa next to him: "Where does your son like to go?"

The old couple just looked at him silently, with stiff smiles on their faces.

Xia Ren patted his head.

"It's so similar that I almost forgot,

You are long dead. "

Like Aikawa Riko, Xia Ren also noticed Liu Huai's information while checking the information.

Unlike Riko Aikawa, Xia Ren investigated more deeply. Therefore, he discovered that Liu Huai's father suffered from a chronic disease and needed to take medicine to maintain a relatively healthy body. However, since a year and a half ago, Liu Huai's family has not bought any more. Over medicine.

In the dark night, lights came on from behind the rusty iron door.

"Hello, ma'am, please show me your membership card."

As soon as Aikawa Riko opened the door, the first thing she faced was a middle-aged security guard in uniform standing behind the door.

"membership card?"

Aikawa Riko didn't expect that there would be a place like a club in such a remote place?

She glanced at her watch. The hands pointed to the current time zone, seven twelve in the evening.

"It seems this is your first time here."

With a polite smile on his face, the security guard stepped aside and made way for her: "For a beautiful lady, it would be too rude to turn her away. Please come in."


Although he was a little confused about the situation here, Liu Huai was probably inside. Riko Aikawa thanked him and walked in the door.

"You'll love it here."

The security guard said from behind.

The door was closed, and the cold wind was blocked outside.

Aikawa Riko glanced back, her body always on alert to prevent any possible emergencies.

Ahead is a long and narrow passage, and the sound of music is faint.

After passing through the passage, the view in front of me is much brighter. This is a hall with a classical decoration style. There are several warm yellow headlights hanging on the ceiling. Only about one third of them are on. Even if you look directly at the lights, it is not bright. It won't be dazzling, but it will feel a little dark. There are several solid wood tables and chairs in the hall. The shape is conservative, but it faintly reveals a bit of luxury.

There is a small stage in the center with some chairs scattered around. Riko Aikawa roughly counted eleven chairs in total.

Deeper in the hall is a bar. On the other side of the bar is a wine cabinet filled with all kinds of wine.

All the furnishings here are basically brown solid wood. Soothing piano music is playing in the ears. The lights above the head can only barely illuminate and cannot illuminate all places. Those dark corners add a different flavor to the entire hall.

Elegant, yet mysterious.

This place is more like a small tavern. When Satoko Aikawa came in, there were about ten people sitting around, both men and women. They were either gathering in twos and threes and talking in low voices, or chatting. Drink by yourself in a secluded corner.

Whoever built this place definitely has unique taste.

And usually, if it's a little bit unique, in fact, if it's a little bit more, it's abnormal.

Aikawa Riko looked at the stage in the center of the tavern and the chairs on the stage, and couldn't help but recall that in the case records, the tenant's corpse was in a dancing posture, while the landlord's corpse was sitting next to it, like an audience.

"Hello, Miss Detective, would you like something?"

Behind the bar, the handsome bartender greeted.

"How do you know I'm a detective?"

Aikawa Riko walked over and observed other people in the tavern, but found no figure similar to Liu Huai.

The bartender glanced at her up and down and said with a smile, "Your dress is very distinctive."


Aikawa Riko's attention was still around, and she answered neither salty nor cool.

"Want something?"

the bartender asked again.

Aikawa Riko withdrew his gaze.

Liu Huai is indeed not here, but he should have something to do with this tavern, or maybe he is a member. After all, no one would be bored in this wilderness.

Maybe you can ask the bartender something.

"Then...let's have a gin and tonic."

She decided to order a drink.

"OK, wait."

The bartender smiled and nodded, taking out a bottle of sapphire gin from the wine cabinet behind him.

Gin and Tonic is a straight-done cocktail. It does not require complicated steps. You only need to add about half a cup of ice cubes to a straight tall glass, then pour an ounce of gin and an appropriate amount of tonic water. Eighty percent is OK.

While she was mixing drinks, Riko Aikawa reached out and took out her monocle from her windbreaker, and was about to put it on when a person suddenly bumped into her and knocked the monocle in her hand to the ground.

Aikawa Riko hurriedly bent down to pick it up, but her high heels stepped on them, crushing the lenses.


Aikawa Riko was a little angry, but when she looked up, she found that the person who hit her was a curly-haired woman smelling of alcohol.

"What's wrong? Do you have any opinions?"

The woman looked over drunkenly, her speech unclear.

Seeing her confused look, Aikawa Riko could only suppress her anger and give up.

The woman quickly turned her attention away from Riko Aikawa and climbed onto the bar chair.

"Another glass of whiskey."

The bartender first pushed the prepared gin and tonic to Aikawa Riko, and then said: "Miss Ridan, you have drunk enough today."

"You care about me, I can still drink, I can still... I can still..."

A woman named Li Dan was lying on the bar table drunkenly, unconscious.

The bartender smiled awkwardly at Riko Aikawa: "This lady often comes here to get drunk, and someone will pick her up after a while."


Aikawa Riko nodded and couldn't help but glance at her feet again. Although the drunk woman didn't seem to do it on purpose, the broken glasses still aggravated her uneasiness.

"Everyone who comes here is a guest."

Aikawa Riko held the cup of gin and tonic in one hand without drinking it. The cold touch could keep her awake.

"This is a lot."

The bartender smiled and said: "There are doctors, lawyers, and wives from rich families, just like this one."

The bartender pointed at the unconscious woman next to him.

"That's it..."

Aikawa Riko continued to ask: "Is this a membership system?"

"Yes. You may look unfamiliar, but you will get used to it soon."

"I actually don't like drinking."

Aikawa Riko shook her head and asked, "Did you see a short, fat man come in just now?"


The bartender denied, with no trace of lying on his face.

Aikawa Riko was silent for a while, took out a thousand-denominated alliance coin from his pocket and placed it on the bar, then left his seat and said, "I'll look around."

"no problem."

The bartender still smiled and looked at her back: "You will like it here."


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