Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 400 The Eleventh Character

Along one side of the bar, there are a series of wall lamps erected on the wall. Like the atmosphere of the entire pub, these wall lamps are not bright enough and can only barely illuminate the surrounding area of ​​less than half a meter.

Aikawa Riko walked slowly along the route of the wall lamps, as if admiring the precious items displayed in a museum.

While looking for a secret door on the wall, she was also observing the other guests in the tavern.

In the dark corner, they sat apart from each other, the wine in their glasses was swaying, but they didn't seem to be drinking, but just enjoying the loneliness isolated from the hustle and bustle of the world.

As the bartender said, guests in the pub have all kinds of professions.

Most of them are wearing uniforms, and it is easy to distinguish their professions, such as lawyers in suits, doctors' white coats, professional skirts for working women, chefs, flight attendants, and even girls in high school uniforms sitting alone at a table superior.

Aikawa Riko felt something was wrong more and more. How could there be so many people wearing uniforms and going to the bar to drink together? It looked like they were attending some kind of masquerade party. It was impossible for them to come to this remote bar directly after work, right?

When he was wondering, Aikawa Riko noticed that on the wall next to him, there was a photo hanging every other wall lamp.

These photos are framed in simple photo frames, giving people the feeling of artistic portraits.

Because the light was a bit dim, Riko Aikawa needed to walk closer to see the content clearly.

The first photo is very simple, the background is the small stage in the pub.

The bartender was sitting on a chair on the stage, with lights coming down from above. Half of his facial features were hidden in the darkness, with a weird smile on his face, and his expression looked a little... stiff.

"Why would you hang a photo like this in a tavern?"

Aikawa Lizi was very puzzled.

She then came to the second photo. Like the first photo, the background of the photo was still the small stage in the center of the tavern, but in addition to the bartender, there was also the security guard whom Riko Aikawa met when she first entered the tavern. .

"These photos..."

For some reason, Aikawa Riko felt a little fear in her heart.

She then went to see the third one, the same scene, but there was another person, this time it was the curly-haired young woman who crushed her monocle.

The fourth, fifth, sixth...

Lawyers, doctors, high school students, these characters appear one after another, all wearing eye-catching uniforms, with stiff and strange expressions.

Until the tenth picture, Aikawa Riko couldn't help but open her eyes wide and her heart was beating fast.

The character above turned out to be...

"Sister, do I look good?"

Childish homophones sounded behind her, and Aikawa Riko immediately turned around and put her body in a vigilant posture.

Appearing behind her was the girl with twin ponytails riding a bicycle.

The latter was tilting his head and giggling at her.

Aikawa Riko's heart was shaken, and a bone-chilling chill shot straight from her spine to her mind.

In the tenth photo just now, the newly added character is this little girl!

"Could it be..."

Aikawa Riko took out the memory erasing spray and sprayed it on the little girl.

"Eh? Sister, why do you spray me with water?"

The little girl's expression remained unchanged and she was still smiling.

But Aikawa Riko's expression changed drastically.

How could the amnestic spray not work on her?


Words on the walls, guests in various uniforms, the bodies of landlords and tenants...

A terrible idea gradually became clear in her mind.

This little girl is not human!

But how is that possible?

Aikawa Riko looked down at her watch. The hands on it pointed to 7:12 pm.

The time she entered the tavern was also 7:12!

For such a long time, the watch scale did not move even one minute.


Aikawa Riko took two steps back, reached out from her windbreaker and took out a one-meter-long, pitch-black iron drill, pointing it at the little girl.

"Where is Liu Huai!"

The little girl blinked and suddenly showed an evil smile: "Sister, are you bullying me?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the soothing piano music stopped abruptly, and all the guests stood up. Even the bartender and the security guard guarding the door came over and looked in this direction silently. A pindrop could be heard in the entire tavern.

Only one person did not stand up.

The clear sound of the ice colliding was like ripples on the lake surface, and it was very obvious in the extremely quiet tavern.

A short, fat figure appeared on the seat in front of the bar at some point, holding the cup of gin and tonic ordered by Riko Aikawa in his hand, and drinking it slowly.

"Liu Huai!"

Aikawa Riko recognized the other person at a glance.

Liu Huai turned his head and said in a gloomy tone: "Madam, do you recognize me?"

He then said to himself: "I have no interest in it recently, but you have to show up.

But it just so happens that it would be nice to add a detective character to my tavern. "

"You said...increasing roles?"

Hearing these words, Aikawa Riko suddenly felt an absurd feeling in her heart.

She looked at the other guests in the tavern.

Doctors, lawyers, office workers, flight attendants, bartenders, students, security guards, young women, chefs, and, this little girl.

Ten paintings, ten people, ten... characters.

The information about Liu Huai that he had seen before emerged in front of Aikawa Riko.

Liu Huai used to be obsessed with figurines, but he seemed to have suddenly lost interest two years ago and never bought similar things again.

Aikawa Riko originally thought that he had to give up this hobby because his father was ill and the family's financial situation was tight. Now it seems that this is far from the truth.

Liu Huai was no longer satisfied with stiff figures, he took a look at the living humans around him!

I should have realized earlier that the person who took the photos on the wall was Liu Huai himself!

And the eleventh chair in the center of the stage, I'm afraid, was prepared for myself.

"Hey Hey……"

Liu Huai reached out and pulled the young woman next to him, lifted up her skirt, and reached under her skirt.

The woman groaned and leaned against him limply.

Aikawa Riko frowned, feeling sick in her stomach.

She had never seen anyone so ugly.

"How about it? My figures are real enough. Did you just think that they were all real?"

Liu Huai showed his mouth full of jagged teeth and laughed maniacally.

"Do you know how long it took me to build them to such a perfect level? All those people said that I was disgusting and dirty, but they didn't know that they were the most vulgar, living like soulless dolls."

Liu Huai looked around the tavern and said proudly: "How do they understand my taste? They are just a bunch of walking garbage. Sooner or later, I will make them all into more valuable toys."

This is a lunatic.

Aichuan Lizi reached into his pocket and found his cell phone. Just as he was about to contact the local logistics department, Liu Huai suddenly snapped his fingers.

"Come on, hold her down. Be careful not to tear my baby. It's hard to find someone who suits the detective uniform."

Liu Huai raised his head, drank the wine in one gulp, then slammed the glass on the bar, looking at Aikawa Riko with fiery eyes.

"It's definitely going to be a different experience when you play it."

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