Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 411 Crazy, everyone is crazy

"I miss you so much..."

"This room is nothing like it was when you were a child."

Xia Jizui yawned.

"I want you to take care of it."

Su Qing snorted and helped him take off his dirty coat.

"Dong dong"

"Who's knocking on the door? Go and have a look."

As Su Qing spoke, she walked to the window and opened it for ventilation.

"It should be the waiter."

Xia Ji opened the door and saw the strange young man standing opposite.


Xia Ren had just cried, and his voice was still a little hoarse.


Xia Ji responded and waited for him to speak.


Xia Ren lowered his head. He had many questions to ask and many things to say, but at this moment, standing in front of his father, he suddenly didn't know what to say.

Xia Ji thought for a while and suggested: "I think we are more compatible, why not go down and have a cup of tea?"

"I'll go too." Su Qing walked over.

The three of them walked downstairs together, came to the restaurant next to them, and found a seat to sit down.

"Have we met somewhere before? It always seems very familiar."

Xia Ji touched his chin and asked his wife next to him: "Do you feel the same way?"

Su Qing nodded: "Indeed."

Xia Ren wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

Of course you are familiar with it.

I am your son.

He pursed his lips. Only in this way could he control his emotions and prevent him from collapsing again.

Xia Ren didn't speak, and the atmosphere was a bit silent for a while.

Xia Ji knocked on the table and said, "You don't know me yet, my name is Xia Ji, and this is my wife next to me."

"My name is……"

Xia Ren subconsciously wanted to say his name, but hesitated and changed his words: "My name is Sima Gangren."

"Quite a strange name."

Xia Ji said dryly and asked, "You must have something on your mind. You were at the door just now..."

"Something on your mind, huh..."

Xia Ren suddenly wanted to cry again, but he held it back.

"My parents passed away a long time ago. When I saw you at the door just now, I thought of them again."

"Look, I just said I look like him."

Xia Ji said to his wife in a show-off manner, but not surprisingly, she received a blank stare.

"Are you here for a trip?"

Xia Ren asked abruptly.

Hearing this question, the couple was stunned for a moment.

"Yeah, I've heard that the scenery in Liufeng Mountain is pretty good. We'll come over here and climb the mountain while we have free time. Do you do the same?"


Xia Ren nodded.

Xia Ji then began to talk endlessly to Xia Ren about their travel plans.

Su Qing also participated in the conversation, telling them where the fun was, how to get there easily, where the food in Linshan City was the best, where the most deceptive places were, and so on, all her treasures.

While chatting, they all had genuine smiles on their faces, as if they were really here to have fun.

Xia Ren listened, feeling an inexplicable anger rising in his heart.

Neither of them mentioned themselves and their sister once, not even a word.

"You already have children, right?" Xia Ren looked down at the table and asked in a deep voice.


The couple's smiles instantly faded and they fell silent.

"When you went out to play, didn't you think of taking them with you?"

【what happened】

"It's been such a long time since you guys left. Have you ever thought about how two kids who are still in junior high school will live?"

【What's wrong with me? Am I actually blaming them? 】

"Do you know how your brothers and sisters, your children's aunts and uncles will bully them!"

[No, it shouldn’t be like this. Why should I say such things? 】

"You don't know anything! Why do you come here to travel? Why are you not at all wary of strangers? Why are you so careless about your own life..."

【What am I doing】

"Have you ever thought about your own children? Are you still a qualified parent like this!"

As his anger continued to rise, Xia Ren recalled the suffering and grievances he and his sister suffered when they were children, as well as the sadness of losing their parents.

He wants to talk, want to vent, wants to question!

If they had not come to Shanshi, if they had stayed at home and raised themselves...

[I turned out to be so selfish]

What's wrong with being selfish!

What's wrong with longing for your parents to be around!

I just want a stable life, and I just want to grow up happily.

that is……

want to……

"What do you know!"

Xia Ji punched the table hard and yelled hysterically.


"As parents, we are not qualified at all. We even treat our home as a place of torture and hell!"

"We are unable to love our child and even regard him as a monster!"

"We escaped, left, and never want to go back, so what!"

Xia Ji's face turned red, the veins on his neck were exposed, and his words were full of madness.

"But what do you know!"

"We also want to be a pair of qualified parents. We have been trying to do this and forcing ourselves to do so, but we just can't do it!"

"We can't do it!"

"We cannot love a child who is a monster!"

"what do you know!"

Xia Ji questioned Xia Ren over and over again. His eyes were bloodshot, his saliva was splattering when he spoke, and he looked completely crazy.

Xia Ren was stunned. After hearing these words, his limbs felt cold, and the anger in his heart had long been thrown away.

Intense, incomprehensible malice enveloped him.

This malice is not directed at myself, but at the person who once was,

Xia Ren as a child.

"You said, the monster is..."

[Don’t ask, don’t ask, please, don’t ask! 】

"Monster, yes, what's going on..."

"You all stop talking!"

Su Qing scratched her hair with both hands, her face was pale, and her eyes were looking at the air in front of her, as if looking at something extremely terrifying.

"There is nothing wrong with him being our son. When I first saw him, I couldn't throw him away."

"We carried him home with our own hands. He was so cute, with his small hands and chubby face, so soft to the touch."

"We asked Dong'er to call him brother and treat him as his biological son."

Su Qing fell into memories.

"He is growing up day by day, and we are very happy."

"If nothing else happens, the joy of raising an adult will always be with us."

"but why……"

"Suddenly one day, we started to be afraid of him, started to be afraid of him."

"Something's wrong, and we know it's wrong, but we can't find the reason, no matter what."

"Can you imagine that parents would be afraid of a child who has just entered third grade? Haha."

Su Qing spoke faster and faster, and the same madness as Xia Ji began to appear in her eyes.

"We were supposed to love him!"

"But he is a monster, an abomination in human skin, a devil from the abyss!"

"No, no, he is our son."

Su Qing smiled for a while, and gritted her teeth for a while, with fierce eyes, as if she was facing an sworn enemy.

"There must be something wrong with him, we shouldn't have brought this freak home!"

"No, it's us who has the problem, it's us, he is so cute, he is our son..."


"We almost killed him several times. Why did we do this? Why did we hold a kitchen knife to my son's head late at night? Why did we want to push him into the subway track."

"There must be something wrong with us..."

"If he continues, he will really die."

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