Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 412 Xia Ren is dead

"not like this……"

Xia Ren tried his best to deny everything he just heard.

He looked at his father and mother, but their expressions were different.

Such an attitude...

Xia Ren's whole body was shaking.

He had only seen this look on madmen,


Not just crazy,

The same scene appears on the faces of those who have been tainted and subjected to knowledge beyond human endurance.

【I am not a human being】

[Does not belong to Blue Star]

[The blood of the sleeping god flows...]

Ghoul cub, Zhang Xiang.

The ghoul cubs he had killed when he was in Jupiter City popped up uncontrollably in Xia Ren's mind.

He thought of the fate of Zhang Xiang's adoptive parents, and that Zhang Xiang's adoptive father had suffered irreversible physical distortions due to long-term contact with his son, and gradually transformed into a ghoul.

But he restrained his desire, preferring to endure the endless hunger that tortured him day and night, and never chose to eat, even if food was readily available.

"What kind of struggles did I put them through before!"

Xia Ren couldn't accept this fact.

In his memory, his childhood was a happy one, and his parents never showed any malice in front of him.

It turns out everything is


Behind my happiness, my parents paid such a huge price.

What did I just do?

Am I actually blaming them?

"There must be something wrong with us..."

"We are not qualified parents."

"We are the ones who turned into monsters." Xia Ji and Su Qing.

"Keep this up." Xia Ji.

"Xiao Ren." Su Qing.

"You will die!" Xia Ji and Su Qing.

Crazy, sad, happy, regretful...

Various emotions appeared alternately on the faces of Xia Ji and Su Qing, and they became unfamiliar and fearful to Xia Ren.

The two stood up and walked out stiffly.

"don't want."

Xia Ren realized something and wanted to stop them.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could never get close to his parents.

He stared at his parents' backs, walking further and further away.

"don't want,

don't want! "

"It was my fault, I am the monster, please, don't leave..."


"I haven't had time to honor you. My sister and I have grown up. Please, stop and look at me again..."


However, no matter how much Xia Ren repented, no matter how much he begged, he could not stop what was about to happen.

Nothing can be done.

The surrounding scenes disappeared, and Xia Ren himself was the only one left in the dark space, standing alone.

"Get out of here."

He said.

"Come here, get out!"

The fierce roar almost shattered the entire space.

Finally, a voice responded:

"Why are you so excited? Haven't you also experienced despair that is deeper than this?"

Zhao Mingyue's figure walked out of the darkness.

"Xia Ren, no, maybe I should call you..."

"It's you!"

Xia Ren suddenly turned around, stretched out his hand to strangle Lu Yi's neck, and lifted her up.

"It's you!!!"

The tentacles instantly extended out and danced wildly in the air. Xia Ren burst out with powerful force, pushing the unsuspecting Qin Yun and Lily away to a distance.

Within five meters of Xia Ren's body, snowflakes were rolling back. The withered weeds were affected by the force and grew again, but the growth could only be the same twisted stems and leaves without any signs of life.

Several muffled thunders sounded in the sky, and the dark clouds gathered thicker. In the distant wilderness, birds chirped in panic, fluttering their wings to escape from this ominous area.

Lily stared at Xia Ren blankly, motionless.

Qin Yun didn't understand what happened. Everything was normal. She didn't know why Xia Ren suddenly became like this when he walked to the small building.

She wanted to say something, but the power suffocated her. Even if she barely opened her mouth, she couldn't make any sound, and she couldn't even move her body.

Also unable to make a sound was Lu Yi, who was still being pinched by Xia Ren.

Unlike what Qin Yun and the others saw, in Xia Ren's seriousness, they were facing Zhao Mingyue at this time.

But then, Zhao Mingyue turned into Yu Jingjing, and then, into his mother.

Xia Ren subconsciously loosened his hand, but then he reacted.

He looked at the other party, and a ridiculous idea came to his mind.

There was no light in the other party's pupils, like a completely dark abyss cave that could absorb all light.

"You are...the wish-granting mirror!"

The other party didn't answer, just looked at him quietly.

"When exactly..."

While saying this, Xia Ren had already recalled the mirror he saw when he came to the bathroom of her house that evening when he first met Zhao Mingyue.

At that time, a dark figure climbed up on his back in the mirror and was rapidly changing into his own.

It turns out that at that time, the wishing mirror had been following me.

But then Yu Jingjing.


When did Yu Jingjing encounter the wishing mirror?

Xia Ren's thoughts raced uncontrollably.


That night, I went to have a barbecue. Gao Le and Yu Jingjing suddenly arrived in the middle of the night. I could only hide in the dark and observe them.

Then the next morning, Yu Jingjing found herself.

At that time, she had already made a wish to the wishing mirror.

The wish is probably

——See yourself.

The only place where the wishing mirror can hide is the mirror surface, and the place where I have the mirror surface...

"It turns out you have been hiding in my eyes this whole time!"

The tentacles flew, wrapping up Lu Yi and dragging her to Xia Ren's eyes.

"Why did you let me see what you just did!"

The tentacles tightened, but the wishing mirror showed no sign of pain.

"Don't you have the answer to this question yourself?"

It turned into Zhao Mingyue's appearance again, with a smile on its lips: "Because you want to see it, I'll show it to you. Otherwise, what would you do back here?"

The anger in Xia Ren's heart was still burning, but his reason still made him keenly aware of the information contained in Da Yuan Jing's words.

"Back here?"

Xia Ren was thinking about what this sentence meant, when the wishing mirror turned into his own image and said:

"He has the right to know the truth. If he wants to see it, then... then show it to him."

This sentence was obviously not said by Du Yuanjing himself, so there was only one truth.

"It's me?"


The wishing mirror changed back to Zhao Mingyue's appearance.

"It's not you. Xia Ren said this."

The meaning of this sentence was unclear and Xia Ren couldn't understand it at all.

But he had lost patience.

"Since you took the initiative to expose yourself, you must have been prepared to be caught by me!"

The tentacles wrapped around Lu Yi's eyes, and then wrapped around them, forming a sealed cage that completely enveloped Lu Yi.

The wishing mirror has no real entity. Relying on the refraction of light, it can be transferred into any mirror surface at will. However, if it is a completely dark environment, it can only be trapped!

"You really have inherited his arrogance."

As soon as Xia Ren blocked Lu Yi, the voice of the wishing mirror came from all directions.

"Every snowflake here is like countless tiny mirrors. Wherever the snowflakes fall, I can walk into any corner at will."

"The agreement has been completed, and now I am free."

"Finally, tell me another fact."

"The real Xia Ren is dead."

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