Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 414 Barbecue Master

Such a familiar voice.

Xia Ren recalled: "Cows live longer."

"Haha, I haven't seen you for so many days. I didn't expect that my dear friend would still remember me."

"..." Xia Ren.

Do you think I have Alzheimer's disease?

Just this iconic laughter and cheerful tone, ordinary people will never be able to imitate it without winning a five million lottery ticket.

"What's the matter?"

He got straight to the point. Niu Changshou got this black mobile phone after he arrived at the foundation headquarters. Since Niu Changshou was able to get through this phone call, it meant that he had been paying attention to his own developments and got his news from the foundation in a timely manner.

"I do have something to tell you. Didn't you send a woman last night?"

"Shall I send a woman over?"

Xia Ren repeated it and suddenly thought of it: "Has Riko Aikawa been sent to you?"

"Yeah, you say it's a coincidence, hahaha."

Niu Changshou laughed again.

His laughter is very contagious, and he would be quite talented if he was asked to do cross talk. Xia Ren thought for no reason.

"What's wrong with her?"

Since Aikawa Riko was mentioned, there must have been some trouble, otherwise Niu Changshou would not have contacted him.

"Hahaha, it's not really a big problem. We could have saved the patient you sent here, but as you know, the recent plague is really difficult. Many supplies are in short supply, especially biological experimental subjects. , the toxin she was hit by should belong to some kind of polluting organism, and even our database can’t find a record of it, so we need to make an anti-venom on site.”

In fact, other methods can be used to save Kawana Riko, but some of those methods have serious side effects, and even if they are saved, there is no guarantee that the person who survives is not a human being; some drugs are relatively precious, and it is a waste to use them on a C-level investigator; and Some preparations took too long, and Riko Aikawa couldn't make it through that time.

Xia Ren didn't understand what he meant: "Just tell me, what do you need me to do?"

"Actually, I don't need you."

Niu Changshou turned to say: "Isn't there another beauty beside you? The one who talks less and follows you silently all the time. I think it is very suitable to use her as an anti-venom serum."

Upon hearing this, Xia Ren turned his head and glanced at Qin Yun next to him.

He calmed his breathing and asked, "Where are you now?"

Although there was a change in Xia Ren's tone, Niu Changshou didn't realize anything was wrong at all, and immediately reported his address: "Hahaha, my dear, please be happy, I'm in Pucheng City, how long will it take for you to arrive?"

Xia Ren looked at the time and said, "Very good, wait for me."

Niu Changshou laughed twice when he heard the other party hung up the phone.

The nurse next to her smiled and said, "You seem to be in a good mood."

"That's natural. My dear friend is really happy that this patient can be saved, hahahaha."

the other side.

Xia Ren took one last look at the scenery on the top of the mountain and said to Qin Yun: "Let's set off immediately to buy a ticket to Pucheng City."

"Where to do what?" Qin Yun asked doubtfully.

Xia Ren moved his body and said:

"Go beat someone up."

Xia Ren hugged Qin Yun's waist tightly, letting her lean against him, then stretched out his tentacles and jumped directly from the cliff.

Compared with the speed at which Qin Yun entered the mountain to look for Xia Ren, the two of them left Liufeng Mountain much faster. Thanks to the suction cups on their tentacles, they could wander freely even on steep rocks, and the tentacles wrapped around a rock. , it can swing hundreds of meters away.

The two of them were like ghosts floating in the valley, quickly disappearing into the darkness in the distance.

In less than half an hour, they returned to Kangle Villa.

Lu Yi's injury was not serious, and due to the characteristics of her body, she had recovered as early as the afternoon.

She was controlled by the wishing mirror and had no memory of the morning. She only remembered that she came here with her boss. Then in the blink of an eye, the boss ran away yelling. As for why she was injured, she could not remember at all. .

Xia Ren and Qin Yun smelled the aroma of meat from afar. When they returned to the villa, they first saw a fire lit in the yard. Dry wood found somewhere was burning, making a crackling sound.

There was a circle of cleanly whittled wooden sticks standing next to the fire. The sticks were all fish and small animals, but these small animals had been skinned, so the specific species could not be seen.

Lu Yi and Lily were squatting next to him at this time, looking at the barbecue with saliva. Judging from the way their eyes were shining, it was obvious that they had been hungry for a long time, probably since the morning.

Next to Lu Yi were a few wooden sticks with burnt tops and middles. The corners of her mouth were also stained with oil, and she stretched out her tongue to lick them from time to time.

There wasn't even a wooden skewer next to Lily, but Xia Ren felt that it wasn't that she didn't eat, but that she probably swallowed the wooden skewer together.

Although Lu Yi has some special abilities, apart from recovering faster and being able to make food on the spot, her physical fitness is actually the same as that of ordinary people. These fish and small animals should have been caught by Lily in the mountains.

What's even more exaggerated is that right above the fire, a whole wild boar is skewered on a simple barbecue grill. At a rough look, it weighs four to five hundred kilograms.

The skin of the wild boar has been browned, and oil is sizzling out. The hot oil drips on the fire, bursting into flames from time to time. The fragrance Xia Ren and Qin Yun just smelled was emanating from this wild boar.

Noticing that Xia Ren and Qin Yun were back, Lily immediately jumped up from the ground, ran to Xia Ren like a joy, hugged his legs and rubbed hard.

Lu Yi also stood up, looked at them, and smiled.

However, the oil stains on the corners of her mouth had not been wiped off, causing her smile to look a little silly.

"You baked this? It looks very appetizing."

Xia Ren walked to the barbecue, reached out and tore off a bit of wild boar meat, put it in his mouth, and chewed it twice.

I just wanted to praise them both, but the smell is really... hard to describe.

Neither Lily nor Lu Yi are the type who know how to cook. Although the skin of the wild boar was peeled off, the blood was not drained when it was killed. As a result, the meat was not firm and tender at all, and it contained a fishy smell. More importantly, , there is no salt in the meat, and certainly no other condiments.

Seeing Xia Ren's tense expression, Qin Yun took a bite out of curiosity.

Soon, her expression became the same as Xia Ren's.

In the end, Lily and Lu Yi ate all these things. Xia Ren took advantage of their meal time to go upstairs and search, but found nothing.

After going downstairs and seeing the two of them devouring their food, Xia Ren decided to buy some small bottles of seasonings for Lu Yi to take with her, maybe they would be used in situations like this. Meat without salt is really hard to swallow.

Before leaving, Xia Ren looked back.

The incomplete main building of Connaught Villa was covered with a layer of white snow, showing a vague outline in the darkness, gradually fading away.

Why does the real estate agent know this address, who left the photo in Room 403, what is the relationship between Zhao Mingyue and me, and why we have known each other since we were children.

There are still too many secrets waiting for you to find the answers.

"Farewell, Dad, Mom."

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