Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 415 Vermicelli stuffed buns

Pucheng City and Linshan City are not far apart, only more than 200 kilometers away.

It only takes less than an hour to get there by plane. Although it is not troublesome for Xia Ren himself. With his status as an A-level investigator and the title of legend, he only needs to take out his black mobile phone and speak to the mastermind, but In that case, there will inevitably be a lot of logistics staff who will have to get up in the middle of the night and continue to be busy due to their own travel matters.

For this trivial matter, Xia Ren didn't want to trouble others too much, especially after he had just experienced such a change during the day. His emotions became a little sensitive and he became concerned about these details, so he just contacted the local logistics department. Department, reported his identity as a Class A investigator, and borrowed a car.

They came out of Kangle Villa and walked to a remote suburban road. The leader of Linshan City's logistics team happened to arrive in a black car.

"Hello, here is the key."

The other party is a woman in her thirties, her demeanor has a calm temperament developed from being in a high position for a long time, and she doesn't talk too much.

Xia Ren took the key and looked around: "Are you coming here alone? How are you going to get back later?"

The other party smiled and said, "I have already contacted someone to pick you up, please don't worry."

"That's fine."

Qin Yun hugged Lily and got into the back seat of the car. Lu Yi stood at the side of the car and hesitated for a moment, then got directly into the driver's seat where there was no one in the front seat.


Xia Ren didn't pay attention to what was going on behind him, so he thanked the leader of the logistics team, then muttered, forgetting to glance at the path he came up from, and said, "No one has bought this piece of land in Kangle Villa yet, right?"

The captain thought for a few seconds and asked, "Do you want it?"


"As far as I know, this land is remote enough and no one has taken it over yet. If you want, we can talk to the original owner, who will be very happy to sell it."

The captain looked into Xia Ren's eyes and said curiously: "Forgive me for asking, what do you want this land for?"

Xia Ren lowered his head, took a deep breath, and said: "Before it was converted into a hotel, this was a private residence of a certain family. I want to rebuild the house as it was originally. The layout inside is still the same as the original one." What it looks like. Can it be done?"

The captain thought: "As long as you find the original drawings, it shouldn't be difficult. I'll go back and check it for you."

Xia Ren smiled and said: "That's troublesome. If you can, contact me then. I will pay for the cost of buying the land and building the house."

The cost of buying land is not too expensive. Including construction costs, based on today's market price, it will cost at least one to two million.

Even without using the foundation's money, his monthly royalties now amount to hundreds of thousands, and payment in several installments is affordable.

Nowadays, money doesn't actually mean much to Xia Ren, but this house is of great significance and he wants to use his own money.

The captain didn't refuse and agreed directly.

"I will contact you the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"Thank you."

Xia Ren nodded and turned around to drive, but saw Lu Yi already sitting in the driver's seat.

"Can you drive?"

he asked through the car window.


Lu Yi touched the steering wheel, a little at a loss, "I, I don't know."

Qin Yun hugged Lily and laughed in the back seat.

Lu Yi lacked common sense in some aspects of life. She had known this for a long time, but she thought it was interesting and didn't remind her just now.

"..." Xia Ren.

"You sit in the passenger seat. If you have the chance, Qin Yun can teach you how to drive. Maybe you can use it in the future."


Lu Yi stuck her butt out in embarrassment and climbed from the center armrest to sit on the passenger seat.

Xia Ren originally wanted to remind her to get off the car and go around, but Lu Yi moved quickly and crawled over before he could say anything. Xia Ren sighed and had to give up.

What environment did she live in before?

This thought only circulated in Xia Ren's head for a while, and then was thrown away.

The car was speeding on the highway, and more than two hours later, Xia Ren had arrived in Pucheng City.

At the highway intersection, he saw a shed erected by the Dispute Arbitration Court. Several people inside should be employees of the Foundation's Logistics Department. With his third-level perception ability, Xia Ren was able to detect the strange fluctuations coming from the shed. It should be It is used to detect contamination.

It was the first time he came to Pucheng City. When he opened the car window, he could smell that the air here was extremely fresh. It had just snowed during the day. The plants in the green belt on the roadside were covered with a layer of snow and were growing extremely lush. There was no trace of snow at all. It's like the state of winter. I think the abnormality here is probably because the Foundation has disinfected the entire city with a liquid containing Hades water.

After all, Pucheng City is an area hardest hit by atypical insect phobia.

A few minutes after exiting the expressway, Xia Ren's black cell phone rang again. It was Niu Changshou calling.

According to the address he provided, Xia Ren and his party arrived at a private hospital near the city center in Pucheng City.

Along the way, he saw many people wandering on the empty streets. They all looked listless, as if they were out for a walk due to insomnia in the middle of the night.

In the night, all the lights in the hospital outpatient building were turned off, and some windows were not closed tightly. The wind blew in, and the curtains swayed left and right, vaguely revealing the vague outline of the room.

Strange noises came from the building from time to time. The sounds were very slight, like human howls or the painful groans of some beasts. If Xia Ren didn't have sharp senses, he wouldn't have been able to detect them.

If the crew of any horror movie comes here to shoot the scene, they don't need to set up the scene, they can just come up and shoot directly.

Fortunately, the street lights were still on and the hospital door was open. Xia Ren drove directly in and parked the car in the parking space in front of the outpatient clinic building.

As soon as he got off the bus, Niu Changshou suddenly jumped out of nowhere and greeted several people.

Following Niu Changshou, there was an assistant in a white coat, carrying a small bag of things.

"My dear friend, long time no see, I miss you so much, hahahaha."

Niu Changshou said, opening his arms and wanting to hug him.

Xia Ren sneered, clenched his hands into fists, and made a clicking sound with his fingers.

"It's been a long time."


Seeing his dangerous expression, Niu Changshou stopped and asked, "Dear brother, what is this?"

Xia Ren pointed at Qin Yun next to him with his chin: "I brought her to you, what are you going to do with her?"


Niu Changshou looked at Qin Yun and understood something immediately, but he still pretended to be confused and said, "My dear, you must have misunderstood. I am not the sister I said."

"Harm, let's not mention this for now."

Niu Changshou then changed the subject and said: "You came here in the middle of the night and you haven't eaten yet? I have some steamed buns here, so I'll put them on them first."

He turned around and took out a few steaming buns from the pocket carried by his assistant, and distributed them to Xia Ren and the others.

As soon as Lily got it, she swallowed it in one gulp and sucked her fingers without wanting to finish it.

Lu Yi also started to eat.

Qin Yun held it in her hand without moving.

"What kind of stuffing is this?"

Xia Ren didn't eat either, so he asked first.

"Vermicelli filling, freshly baked, delicious, try it."

Xia Ren was already hungry, so he didn't doubt him. He finished the vermicelli stuffing in two or three bites. It tasted really good and the meat was plenty.

Niu Changshou then returned to the topic: "The person I was talking about on the phone before was actually this young lady."


With the steamed bun still in her mouth, Lu Yi, who wanted to just keep quiet and act as a pendant, saw that everyone's eyes suddenly focused on her.

Thanks to Agent J for the 1,000-point reward! Thanks to book friend 20180216142645439 for the reward! Thank you for your support!

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