Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 419 Lemon (Change: Beginning)

But then if you think about it more deeply, you will find that this method is actually quite unreliable.

First of all, how can people who believe in earth-boring demonic insects keep their sanity from being eroded by pollution? Even if he really gained spiritual power, his position would already be on the side of the demonic insects. How could he betray his companions to eliminate the plague?

The risk of raising a monster is too high, and those who can communicate with the demon insects in the dreamland through patterns must have the ability to withstand a lot of pollution and still stay awake, but such talents are really rare.

However, if it succeeds, it will be able to find a breakthrough for this desperate situation. Paying some price for this will be worth it no matter how you calculate it.

As for people who can withstand pollution and still maintain their sanity, and who can stand firm...

Niu Changshou was thinking and looked at Xia Ren unconsciously.

After being in contact with Xia Ren for such a long time, he has some understanding of Xia Ren. At least in principle, the other party is completely inclined to humans. Otherwise, he would not have taken the risk to go to the Dreamland, let alone get the doctor's invitation to go to the foundation. Headquarters.

Looking at his eyes, Xia Ren knew what he was thinking.

"It is impossible for me to communicate with the earth-burrowing demonic insects."

"Why?" Niu Changshou asked immediately.

"Remember the last time I entered the dreamland through that pattern?"

Niu Changshou nodded. Xia Ren brought "The Underground Digger" out of it. It is still being deciphered by the Foundation and the Superman Association. However, because Xia Ren is an investigator of the Foundation, in the future "The Underground Digger" The originals still belong to the Foundation, and the Superman Association can preserve the transcripts.

"When I entered the dreamland, I experienced a completely dark space, and a terrifying giant insect attacked me. It was full of hatred for me for some reason."

Xia Ren recalled the scene at that time, still feeling terrified. If the doctor hadn't appeared in time and blocked the first attack for Lily, he might have died in that vast darkness.

"Later I realized that the terrifying giant insect might be the projection of the supreme leader of the earth-boring demonic insects, Shude Mel."

"Ah this..."

Niu Changshou was speechless for a while.

"My dear friend, it is really unfathomable..."

Although he didn't know what happened specifically, being able to survive from a monster of that level would definitely not be possible for an average A-level investigator, and even an S-level wouldn't be able to save his life.

Xia Ren could tell from Niu Changshou's reaction that he must have misunderstood something, but he was not in the mood to explain it to him slowly.

Why Xia Ren was hated by Shude Mel, why he and Lily both felt familiar with the study and the unmasked person named Yibon, Xia Ren himself still had no answer.

The two of them watched the night sky on the roof for a while. Niu Changshou couldn't help but want to quickly verify whether the method Xia Ren just mentioned was feasible, so he went downstairs to contact the association.

Xia Ren sat alone on the roof of the building, and his parents appeared in his mind again.

He doesn't know how many of his past memories have been tampered with. What did he do two years ago and why...

Only that person knows all this, only that person who grew up with him.

"Zhao Mingyue..."

The sky was slightly brighter, and at 5:30 in the morning, the cold air was breathed into the lungs, making people feel a little more awake.

Sure enough, just as Niu Changshou said, within a few hours, Lu Yi's body had already produced a large number of toxin antibodies, and her body temperature began to drop, gradually returning to normal levels.

Even Xia Ren was surprised by such a fast recovery speed.

You must know that this toxin can make a C-level investigator dying in less than an hour. Is Lu Yi's body so good?

Niu Changshou took a tube of Lu Yi's blood and went to isolate and culture immune antibodies. Aichuan Lizi's life safety was temporarily guaranteed.

Xia Ren and the others had nothing else to do, so they did not continue to stay in the hospital.

At six o'clock, the sky was not completely bright and the sun had not even come out, but there were already many people on the street.

Without exception, they all looked tired, many of them had dark circles under their eyes, and looked weak and without energy.

Looking from a distance, the streets are full of people dragging heavy steps and swaying as they walk. Some people thought they were filming some kind of zombie movie.

All these citizens had unknowingly taken neurological drugs and were unable to sleep peacefully. Xia Ren could feel the irritability and anxiety accumulated in them. If this goes on for a long time, even if the city is not struck down by atypical insectophobia, it will definitely appear. other problems.

And this situation is already the best solution that the Superman Association can achieve.

The unique aroma of the breakfast shop wafted out. Lu Yi followed Xia Ren, her stomach already starting to growl.

Her body had been fighting the toxins all night, and she was very weak. Her condition was even worse than the others walking on the road.

Considering that the scene of Lu Yi and Lily eating was too eye-catching, Xia Ren simply visited several breakfast shops in one go, bought out all the steamed buns and fried dough sticks they had made, and then took them to a hotel. Got a room.

There were no outsiders in the room, so Lu Yi couldn't bear it any longer and began to eat happily, one bun for two mouthfuls. Thanks to her appearance, even eating so quickly looked more pleasing to the eye.

Lily wanted to really eat, but there were not enough breakfast shops in the whole city. Little Loli knew that Lu Yi had worked hard last night, so she didn't eat much.

"Where should we go next?"

Qin Yun picked up a glass of soy milk and asked while drinking it.

Ever since the ghoul incident, when he and others were dragged into the dream created by Huang Qiuyuan, even though Xia Ren hid well, how could he hide it from Qin Yun.

She didn't know what Xia Ren had experienced in the dream, but she could clearly feel his changes. The previous pollution incidents they had experienced were basically passive encounters. Since that time, Xia Ren began to actively come into contact with pollution. And the purpose is clear, as if there is some force behind him spurring him.


This is the emotion Qin Yun felt in Xia Ren.

Qin Yun originally thought that Xia Ren was planning to do something big, so before actually taking action, he would think of going to the place where his parents last stayed and saying goodbye to the past.

But after actually going to Linshan City, Qin Yun realized that she was wrong.

Xia Ren is not saying goodbye to the past, he seems to want to find his own past.

In Qin Yun's eyes, Xia Ren always retains a mystery that is difficult to see through. Only by understanding the truth of this mystery can we perhaps fully understand Xia Ren's thoughts.

Qin Yun wants to understand, but before that, no matter what Xia Ren does, she will support him without reservation.


Xia Ren took a bite of the bun and shook his head: "To be honest, I don't have a clue right now. The real estate agent has hidden his location. As a legendary investigator, I can't retrieve his information through the foundation. The only way What I know is that he should be in Xizhou at this time."

During the last meeting, the real estate agent said that he was going to Xizhou to investigate the traces of the alien sect. This was the only valuable clue that Xia Ren could grasp.

"Don't be too anxious."

Qin Yun comforted her, then she smiled again and said softly: "I have never been to Xizhou. The current season there should not be as cold as here. How about taking Lily and Lu Yi for a walk?"

She didn't want Xia Ren to always be running like a clockwork machine. No matter how strong his will was, he still needed to relax occasionally.

Xia Ren pondered for a while, looking at Qin Yun until the latter blushed and turned away.

"Is there something on my face?"

Qin Yun's heartbeat was a little panicked. She touched her hot face, and her mind was racing: "Could it be that there are wrinkles?"

Then I became anxious for no reason and hurriedly looked for a mirror to verify.

Qin Yun hasn't had a good rest for a long time. She is always running around with Xia Ren to various places, and she has no time to take care of her skin.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Seeing her fussing around, Xia Ren couldn't help but laugh.

"why are you laughing."

Qin Yun glanced at him angrily.

Xia Ren was still laughing: "Don't worry, you don't have any wrinkles on your face, but I just imagined how you look when you get older."


Qin Yun suddenly became nervous and asked cautiously: "Then I won't look good then."

"No, why do you think so?" Xia Ren pretended to be surprised.

Just when Qin Yun was about to ask more questions, he suddenly said, "Don't worry, you will never change, no matter when."

Qin Yun was stunned and blushed again: "What kind of answer is this..."

Only she understood the meaning of Xia Ren's words.

He can be very reserved sometimes, especially when facing emotional problems.

The two of them were exchanging glances when Lu Yi, who had been eating buns next to her, suddenly let out an "Ah" sound.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yun looked over.

"--very sour."

Lu Yi grinned with a ferocious expression, trying hard to swallow the food in his mouth, and said solemnly: "I ate a lemon!"


Xia Ren and Qin Yun were even more confused. They didn't buy fruit when they came back.


Seeing that they didn't believe it, Lu Yi reached out and showed them the remaining half of the bun.

The stuffing inside the steamed bun skin that was bitten off turned out to be really made of lemon. After being heated, its acidity increased by leaps and bounds. No wonder even Lu Yi couldn't eat it.

Are breakfast pavings so wild nowadays? Or is this a local specialty?

After showing it to them, Lu Yi couldn't bear to waste it, so he gnashed his teeth and finished the remaining half of the lemon-filled bun.

Xia Ren's teeth felt sour just looking at it.

But after this little episode, he felt a lot more relaxed.

"Next, let's go to Xizhou!"

He set the target.

"Is the porridge delicious?"

Lily blinked her big, watery eyes.

Xia Ren patted her little head and affirmed: "The taste is first-class!"

Today is October 31st. Starting from this chapter, new chapters will replace the original update step by step. It will last for about half a month. Later updates and plots will return to normal.

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