Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 420 Human Demigod—Liu Zunrong

They say they are relaxing, but the current situation is so pessimistic and a solution for atypical insect phobia has not yet been found. It is impossible for them to really travel without worries.

Xia Ren took out his black mobile phone and screened the pollution incidents that needed to be dispatched to investigators in the Xizhou area. As a result, hundreds of pages of information appeared in an instant, and they were still loading.

"Is the pollution already so serious?"

Xia Ren wrinkled and changed the search method, only looking for Xizhou's missions about the alien sect. The result page was empty, and there was currently no one.

Although I am a little disappointed, it actually makes sense when I think about it. The alien sects are all good at hiding themselves and will not reveal their flaws easily. The high-profile alien sects have long been lying in the soil and playing with maggots. The Foundation has zero tolerance for alien sects. Once traces are discovered, they will be eliminated completely.

Helpless, he could only re-screen, trying to find a task that was both easy and of some value.

A message appeared in his sight.

[Investigation mission, target: Liu Zunrong.

Mission details: Verify whether the target's statements on the Internet are true and test whether he has the potential to become an investigator.

Mission location: Esela City. 】

The city of Aceira is located in the Arizona metropolis of the Fermi District of Xizhou. It is a relatively famous tourist attraction. Historically, this city was once the capital of a wealthy country. With the emergence of the Supreme Alliance Government, this country became as blue as blue. Like other countries on the planet, they disappeared in the torrent of history, but the buildings in the capital that are full of the historical characteristics of Xizhou have all been preserved, and they have lasted for more than nine hundred years.

The city of Esela receives hundreds of millions of tourists every year, especially attracting young people.

On the edge of the city, there is also the Hoover Reservoir, one of the huge projects that was called a miracle. It was built before the establishment of the Supreme Alliance Government. At that time, the Age of Discovery had just begun a few decades ago, and technology was not yet developed. It is said that in order to Hundreds of people died during the construction of this reservoir, and even the name of this reservoir is mentioned in textbooks.

Even though thousands of years have passed, the Hoover Reservoir still maintains its original appearance under the maintenance of the government. It is very magnificent. Although its status is no longer as important as it was back then, it still continues to provide reliable water and electricity to more than a dozen surrounding cities.

Xia Ren has heard of this city for a long time, but has never had the opportunity to go there, so he can't help but be a little interested.

Moreover, the purpose of this task is to find suitable talents for the foundation. Although it is not difficult, the importance is higher than eliminating infected bodies.

"It's decided, let's go here."

Xia Ren took over this task.



Xia Ren and his party got off the plane from the next city and took a bus to Esela City.

At the end of November, winter has entered in Dongzhou, but due to geographical reasons, Xizhou has got rid of winter early and is about to enter summer.

"Sure enough, the weather is still comfortable."

Xia Ren drove the rented car on the empty road, letting the wind blow in through the car window.

Compared with winter, he likes summer more. He feels that after the temperature rises, his body can move more freely.

Qin Yun leaned against the car window, looking at the scenery outside, and brushed the hair on her forehead.

Lily took off her shoes, stepped on Lu Yi's thigh with her little feet, held the car window with both hands, and stuck her head out of the window.

The seaweed-like green curly hair danced in the wind. The little guy opened his mouth and let the wind flow into his mouth, shouting "Ah——".

"Who is Liu Zunrong? Why was he noticed by the foundation?"

After being together for a long time, Lu Yi gradually became familiar with the environment, and gradually dared to let go of her emotions in front of a few people and took the initiative to speak.

Xia Ren said while driving: "I haven't looked at the information in detail, but it's still on my phone. Here it is."

He unlocked the phone and handed it to Lu Yi in the back seat.

The latter took it and took a look, with a troubled expression on his face: "Well... I don't know how to read..."

According to Niu Changshou, Lu Yi's identity is a super test subject created by the Superman Association for certain experiments. Although it is unknown why she was able to escape from the laboratory, as a test subject, she should not have been Injecting complete human memory, resulting in a lack of common sense in life, and even no understanding of a few words.

"Give it to me and I'll read it to you."

Qin Yun, the co-pilot, turned around and took the phone from the gap in the seat.

After glancing at the information on the screen, Qin Yun's expression changed slightly.

"How about it?"

Xia Ren is also curious.

Qin Yun frowned: "Gynecological obstetrics and gynecology... is there such a method of delivery?"

As a former quantum mechanics researcher with dual master's degrees in physics and fluid mechanics, Qin Yun has rich spatial conceptualization abilities.

Based on the words "throwing maternity", she automatically made up the picture in her mind. Could it be that when the mother was about to give birth, she was thrown into the air in a turning manner, using the principles of centripetal force and differential centrifugal force to give birth to the child?

It seems that only this understanding is more suitable for the name "abandonment".

"No, no."

Qin Yun then shook her head. Although it was possible in theory, it would be too absurd to put it into practice.

"It's probably just a typo."

She read on and read what she saw to everyone.

"When Liu Zunrong was born, the nurses who delivered him were frightened because he was more than twice the size of a normal vocal baby, and his muscles were trembling constantly..."

Xia Ren felt a little outrageous: "Is this a giant baby? The muscles are trembling. Is it a congenital developmental malformation or underdevelopment?"

Qin Yun also felt incredible and continued reading: "The doctor later diagnosed that it was a genetic problem in his body that caused abnormal muscle growth. Because the specific disease was not found out, and besides his body size was a bit bigger, everything else was normal, and his family members also I didn’t pay much attention to it.”

"Genetic problem?" Xia Ren thought thoughtfully.

Qin Yun continued to read: "Liu Zunrong has been much stronger than his peers since he was a child. When he just entered the first grade, that is, when he was seven years old, he could already lift a bucket weighing nearly 40 kilograms with one hand.

Liu Zunrong kept a low profile until he was in junior high school. Because his classmates were bullied by gangsters outside the school, in order to protect his classmates, Liu Zunrong fought alone at the school gate against twenty gangsters carrying knives, beating him for seven times. In fifteen minutes, he won completely, but he missed the bus home because of it. He then ran more than 30 kilometers home in forty minutes. "

"..." Xia Ren.

"...Liu Zunrong is fifteen years old this year. According to the information, he can already bench press 200kg, and he has not yet tried his best."

Qin Yun finally finished reading and breathed a sigh of relief.

Monster, this boy named Liu Zunrong.

Xia Ren's expression became more solemn.

If the information is true, then the goal of this mission really needs attention. No wonder the foundation specially sent investigators to verify it.

However, he is still more concerned about the "gene problem".

In my mind, I subconsciously thought of a ghoul cub.

Could this Liu Zunrong, like Zhang Xiang, be a cub of an abyssal race lurking in human society...

Xia Ren's eyes were a little excited.

My luck is really good. If it is as I think, then this matter will start to become interesting.

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