Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 423 Throwing away childbirth

Who could possibly do this?

Or who can make the master brain obey orders, or directly tamper with the master brain's data?

First of all, using the elimination method, it won’t be Spongebob and Kamen Rider.

Then only the doctor who can predict the future to a certain extent, is one of the founders of the foundation, has the highest authority, and has the deepest understanding of the mastermind is the most suspect.

Only a doctor can predict what choices he will make among the numerous tasks.

"But what is the purpose of bringing me here?"

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a strong sound of wind above his head.

Lily grabbed Qin Yun's clothes, Lu Yi was held in Princess Qin Yun's arms, and the three of them fell down together.

"Are you okay?" Qin Yun asked.

Xia Ren shook his head.

Qin Yun let go of Lu Yi and glanced at the scene. She was obviously stunned when she saw Tang Tangtang, and then her hair quickly faded back to black.

She looked at the nervous Liu Zunrong beside her and said doubtfully: "He looks like a normal person."

Tang Tangtang nodded and said, "Yes, I think so too."

I am a normal person! ! !

Liu Zunrong thought to himself, but he didn't dare to say it out loud and could only tremble.

"But it shouldn't be."

Xia Ren took out his cell phone, looked at the information on it, and asked, "Were you born through uterine abortion?"

Liu Zunrong nodded quickly.

Facing these non-human beings, he had no idea of ​​resistance. After all, who has seen people jumping down from the sky one after another? A normal person would be frightened, okay?

"It's really a waste of childbirth..."

Several people looked at each other and felt incredible.

What is the specific operation of obstetrics and gynecology? Xia Ren really wanted to ask this question, but he still held back. Liu Zunrong had just been born at that time, and he probably didn't know.

He continued to ask the next question: "Are you genetically different from ordinary people?"


Liu Zunrong was a little dumbfounded. So my genes are different from those of normal people? Otherwise, why would he ask himself such a question.

For a moment, the plots of various urban supernatural novels he had read in the past came to mind. He tried to recall whether he had any symptoms of losing control and running out of control when he was a child, whether his parents were researchers in a secret laboratory, and whether he had any symptoms when he was born. There are no once-in-a-century or once-in-a-millennium comets passing by Blue Star, and so on.

Suddenly, something occurred to him.

Did his parents really send him to Xizhou to avoid his creditors?

Could there be some huge conspiracy involved?

And it is not a coincidence that these people with abnormal physical qualities find themselves at the same time, but are they born with a certain mission?

...I'm going to become the protagonist and start saving Blue Star?

If possible, Liu Zunrong would like to fast forward directly to the plot where the heroine appears, takes aphrodisiac by mistake, and needs to sacrifice his life to save her.

It would be better to have more heroines.

"Are you genetically different from ordinary people?"

Seeing that his mind was wandering, Xia Ren had to repeat himself.

Liu Zunrong came back to his senses and scratched his head: "I don't know the details, haha, hahahaha."

As he spoke, he giggled to himself.

Several people looked at each other, unable to understand where he was laughing.

However, there is nothing wrong with the first two items in the information. Putting aside obstetrics and genes, it is enough to prove that Liu Zunrong has an extraordinary background.

But to verify his ability, we mainly need to look at the following questions.

Xia Ren then asked: "I heard that you beat 20 armed evil forces with your bare hands at the school gate? And you fought for 75 minutes at a stretch? And then you ran 30 kilometers in 40 minutes?"

"This kind of physical fitness is far beyond what I was at the same age."

Tang Tangtang commented on the side.

After running 30 kilometers in 40 minutes, his average 100-meter time was only eight seconds!

This has exceeded the highest record of human sports competition, and he was able to keep running at this speed for forty minutes. What is even more exaggerated is that before doing it again, he had already performed strenuous exercise for seventy-five minutes. Tang Tangtang asked himself, The current self may not necessarily have such strong endurance.

Moreover, Liu Zunrong is only fifteen years old this year. If the verification is true, he will become a new investigator with more potential than himself.

"Did you do all these things?"

Xia Ren asked word for word.


Liu Zunrong looked confused and said subconsciously: "Who can do it if it's not me? Isn't that a monster?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he recalled the way the opponents appeared. Maybe they who liked falling from the sky could really do it.

"Not you?"

Xia Ren and the others were a little surprised: "But the foundation's information should not be wrong..."

Qin Yun stepped forward, looked into Liu Zunrong's eyes, and asked softly: "You really can't do this?"

Her words have the ability to confuse ordinary people. Unless they are particularly strong-willed, they will obey her words without realizing it.

Liu Zunrong is just an adolescent boy, and of course he cannot have a firm will. He immediately admitted: "I really can't do it, but the questions you asked seem to be somewhat similar to what I said when I was arguing with people online a few days ago. similar."

"Is there any evidence?"

"Some, some."

Liu Zunrong took out his mobile phone, found the chat history at that time, and showed it to Qin Yun.

The above content is exactly the same as the information provided by the foundation.

"What exactly is going on?"

Tang Tangtang was also confused about the situation: "Although it is thought that the plague is due to the recent shortage of manpower, people from the foundation and the government are busy, and some information may be inaccurate, but it will not directly affect the network." The statements made above should be taken as facts.”

Xia Ren was not too surprised. His previous doubts were finally confirmed. This task was deliberately arranged by someone. Although it was not completely sure whether it was a doctor, at least the other party's purpose had been achieved.

He was successfully led to this city.

"Liu Zunrong is just an ordinary person, no need to ask anymore."

Xia Ren was not in a relaxed mood and always felt like he was being plotted against.


Qin Yun returned the phone to the other party.

Liu Zunrong took the phone and said with a smile: "Sister, you are so..."


Before he finished speaking, a ball of water mist sprayed onto his face, and Liu Zunrong fell to the ground without even humming.

Tang Tangtang put the memory erasing spray back into his pocket and said in a regretful tone: "I was really looking forward to bringing back a talented investigator this time, but it turned out to be an ordinary young man."

At this moment, the school bell rang out from the teaching building not far away.

Xia Ren glanced at Liu Zunrong, who was unconscious on the ground, and said, "Just leave him here. Someone will find him. Let's go find a place to eat first, and then discuss what to do next."

Tang Tangtang nodded in agreement.

five minutes ago.

Not far from Constantine Private High School, a remote chapel is located in a residential area.

The church has been in existence since the city was built. Although it has gone through a long time, it still maintains its original appearance and remains standing due to continuous maintenance and renovation.

After dark, there is no one in the church, so the lights are turned off.

In the darkness, a figure in black robe staggered into the church, limped through the hall, walked into the confessional, and slammed the door.

Where he walked, there were meandering traces of water left behind. If you look carefully, you can see that there are some green algae mixed in, which extends to the street outside the church.

"You lied to us!"

In the confessional room, a roar like a wild beast could be heard.

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