Pollution throughout the territory

Chapter 424 Ten Palaces of Yama

"Miller Wright and Nuttall are both dead!"

The man in black robe covered his head in pain, his eyes full of fear and madness, and murmured: "It's all your fault. The superintendent will not let me go. Everything is ruined. You lied." You lied to us, you lied to us..."

On the other side of the confessional, through a wooden board with several holes, a woman sneered:

"Lie? When have I lied to you? Didn't I meet all your requirements?"

The woman wearing a cheongsam raised her folding fan and covered half of her face, revealing a pair of eyes full of playfulness.

"Besides, don't worry about the superintendent. Soon, they won't have the energy to take care of this little thing."

"No, no, I won't trust you anymore!"

The man in black robe suddenly raised his head, smashed through the middle barrier of the confessional room with his shoulder, then took out a dagger from his arms and shouted at the same time: "You devil!"

The wooden boards cracked, the lights shook, and the man in black robe gasped for breath, only to find that he was empty. There was no one on the other side of the confession room.

Laughter like silver bells came from all directions in the hall and gradually faded away.

The man frantically smashed everything around him, feebly venting his anger and fear.

This is a small hotel full of old-time style, with three floors. The first floor is a restaurant and half a bar.

The second and third floors are places for people to rest and stay. Because the place is not big, all the space must be used as much as possible, so the first floor looks a bit compact.

But fortunately, after the number of tourists decreased, there were basically no people here, so it was not crowded.

The lights were a little dim, and several people sat around a table, chatting while eating.

The proprietress, who was over thirty years old, leaned over the bar, supporting her chin with her hands, watching Xia Ren's every move, her eyes couldn't help but be attracted to him.

Lina, the boss's daughter, ran to the table to refill the water six times within five minutes.

If Lina is forty years old...ahem, but she is only eight years old, can't even memorize multiplication tables, and has to go to school tomorrow morning.

There was a lot of food on the table. Lily and Lu Yi ate hard, sipping water and paying attention to what was going on around them.

Xia Ren took a bite of the bread. It was sour and sweet and tasted pretty good.

However, compared with Dongzhou, the dishes here are still a bit too monotonous and rough.

"Has your master not recovered yet?"

Tang Tangtang's master, of course, refers to the S-class Yi Zhiyu. Last time the old god Itakua came, the other party suffered serious injuries and has been recuperating. I don't know if he is better now.

"My master has fully recovered, but is currently performing other tasks."

Speaking of his master, Tang Tangtang's tone was naturally filled with respect.

"How is your health?"

Xia Ren looked at his face, which seemed a little thinner than when he saw it before.

Due to the influence of the old god Itakua, the flora in Tang Tangtang's body was completely destroyed, and he also suffered from hypothermia. A normal person's body temperature is thirty-six to thirty-seven degrees, but his body temperature was only thirty-six degrees.

The cause of the disease has not yet been found, and the foundation has no solution. Fortunately, Tang Tangtang's physical fitness is strong enough, so he can barely maintain a normal life. If it were others, he would have suffered from various physiological problems caused by the drop in body temperature. Died due to abnormal function.

However, hypothermia had a serious impact on him, the most obvious one being the decline in strength.

Originally, the Foundation had high expectations for him and believed that he could even reach S-level status, so it asked Yi Zhiyu to be responsible for leading and imparting knowledge to him.

But now Tang Tangtang's future is gradually bleak just like his life. Not to mention growing into a unique S-class, his current strength is declining over time, otherwise he would not have been defeated by Xia Ren so quickly just now.

"There won't be any problems for the time being. Maybe you'll get used to it after a while."

Tang Tangtang did not tell his true situation.

He lowered his head, looked at his face reflected in the water glass, and said a little lonely: "I have been responsible for similar recruitment tasks as today. Speaking of which, the recent intelligence mistakes are indeed a bit serious."

"Tell me more specifically?"

Xia Ren looked very interested, but in fact he kept sighing in his heart.

When they fought just now, he noticed that Tang Tangtang's strength had dropped to an incredible level. Maybe the Foundation also knew this, so it arranged these easy tasks for him that were very low-risk and did not require the use of force.

Xia Ren felt a little regretful. He recalled the first time he met Tang Tangtang. At that time, the other person's confidence overflowed from his bones. His whole person seemed to be radiating light, which could not be ignored. But now he showed He was so depressed and depressed that it was hard to imagine the torturous mental journey he had gone through during this period.

Tang Tangtang recalled it and said: "Some of them may not be accurate. The error rate of recent intelligence is an exaggeration. Counting this time, I have had similar situations in ten consecutive missions."

"The first mission information shows that the target directly penetrated a 50M steel plate, and the target was able to penetrate a 20M steel plate when he was a child."


Xia Ren imagined the concept of 50M steel plate, but found that his imagination was still too poor.

"Of course, after finding the other party, it was immediately verified that it was fake and the target was just an ordinary person."

Tang Tangtang sighed and recalled: "The second task was to kill the tiger with a sliding shovel, and the third task was to be able to dodge thirty rounds of bullets when extremely angry, and then disarm the opponent. The gunfighting warlock, the fourth one from Breaking Bad who still survived after taking more than 100 venlafaxine pills, 65 sertraline pills, 6 sleeping pills, and 12 fluoxetine pills, and the fifth one used scissors Kazik of the Void who crushed the Tibetan Mastiff to death with his feet..."

"Then the tenth one is Liu Zunrong, who is a physical superman and can be called a human demigod."

He finished speaking in one breath, his throat was dry: "I would like to call these ten Yamas of the Ten Palaces."

Xia Ren felt like he was listening to a story, something he wouldn't dare to write like this in a novel.

However, he did not expect that Tang Tangtang would have such a humorous side, and he even gave everyone a nickname: "You said that none of these goals are real, and that the deeds they have done are all bragging on the Internet? "


Xia Ren was puzzled: "When can online speeches be regarded as reliable information? What are the people in charge of collecting intelligence at the Foundation thinking?"

And in this way, it proves that it may be a coincidence that he came here, and it is not special.

"I'm also wondering. But I accidentally heard other investigators mention that it seems that some of the content circulating on the Internet recently will have a serious impact on ordinary people. It is probably because of this reason."

Tang Tangtang nodded, picked up the water glass, and drank the water in one gulp.

Upon seeing this, Xia Ren reminded: "This is an area hardest hit by the epidemic. It's better to drink less water."

The bodies of several of them are stronger than the others, and even if they drink two kilograms of poison, they will be fine. However, Tang Tangtang is still an ordinary person, and psychotropic drugs will have some impact on him to a greater or lesser extent.

Tang Tangtang was stunned and put down the water glass: "I really hope this plague can end soon."

"Just do your best to obey fate."

Xia Ren reached for another piece of bread, only to find that it had been eaten without realizing it.

He looked at Lily, who thought she wanted a hug, jumped off the chair, ran over and crawled along her legs into his arms.

Lu Yi was paying attention to Lily's reaction. When he looked up, he found that Xia Ren was also looking towards him.


Do you want me to come over and give you a hug?

Lu Yi glanced at Qin Yun, who was sitting next to Xia Ren, lowered her head and didn't dare to move.

"Let's rest tonight and stay here for another day of observation tomorrow. If there are no special circumstances, it will prove that it is indeed a coincidence."

Xia Ren announced his decision.

The sun is scorching in the sky and the yellow sand is all over the sky.

The huge metal pyramid shines with dazzling light, facing the grinding wind and sand.

Eighteen floors underground, in an empty room.

"After this period of investigation, we have obtained all information on alienated persons, eliminated 31 million suspicious targets, and left a total of 462 confirmed targets, of which three have escaped and the other 459 are under surveillance among."

"Through various inspections, no pollution, no reduced rationality or distortion of rationality, no antisocial personality was found in these alienated personnel. All of them can pass the human test."

Listening to the report of the A-level investigator in front of him, the doctor did not speak.

"The alienated people are mainly concentrated in the Dongzhou area, with only a small number existing in other states. According to past records, they did not show any abnormalities before September. All of them have clean backgrounds, and their family members are also normal. Their lives There are no traces of alien organizations around the area. After detailed investigation and questioning, and through various means, we found what all the alienated persons have in common and the source of their alienation."

The investigator took out some printed information on A4 paper and continued to report: "It is an online book titled "Pollution in All Areas"."

"So the alienated people are all readers of "Pollution". The book began to be serialized on a novel website called Qidian in July this year. The past identity information of its author Bai Mao is all vague and cannot be investigated, but just now In November, Baimao approached the editor and asked to change the bank card registration information. The bank card owner's information was shown to be an adult male named Sima Gangdan.

Continued in-depth investigation and found that the identity information was forged, and the forger was S-class..."


The doctor finally spoke and said: "This matter ends here. All alienated personnel are released from surveillance and all information about this investigation is eliminated. The relevant information is saved at the highest level and can only be accessed with my authority."


The investigator put away the information and exited the room.

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