"Hey, Jack! Are you home?"

At 7:10 in the morning, Thomas knocked on the door of the rental house while eating a sandwich.

He and Jack worked in the same company and had a good relationship. After get off work, they often went to the bar to drink and flirt with girls, and then went home drunk. Sometimes they would go to each other's house on weekends and bring enough drinks to drink them unconscious. The relationship between them can be said to be close friends.

Thomas cherished this friendship very much. After all, it was not easy to meet such a like-minded person after leaving school.

But just yesterday, Jack suddenly called him and asked him for help in asking for leave, and then there was no news.

Thomas was busy at work yesterday and worked overtime until three o'clock this morning. After sleeping for a few hours at the company, he really couldn't worry about Jack and came straight over to visit him early in the morning.

"Jack! Hey! Jack!"

Thomas knocked on the door loudly and shouted, but received no response.

He looked into the door through the peephole and could only see darkness.

Thomas was about to look away when his vision blurred.

On the other side of the cat's eye, something seemed to flash past.

An inexplicable chill instantly climbed up his spine to his brain and spread to his limbs. Thomas suddenly took two steps back and left the door, as if he was electrocuted.

Time seemed to stand still, and only his heart was beating crazily. Thomas looked at the door in front of him, his whole body trembling uncontrollably, as if what was locked inside the door was a monster more terrifying than the most terrifying ghost.

Great fear grew in his mind. In a daze, Thomas saw bright red liquid spilling out from behind the crack in the door. Then, metal chains stained with blood grew from the red door, approaching like a cold poisonous snake, and then wrapped tightly around him. own body.

He instinctively wanted to escape and scream loudly to vent his fear, but his legs could not take a step forward, and his throat seemed to be tightly strangled by an invisible thing, unable to make any sound.

What's even more frightening is that the chains are constantly tightening, controlling Thomas' body, slowly pulling him towards the door that stinks of terror.

Thomas's eyes widened. Everything that happened in front of him was so unreasonable. The sudden change separated him from his familiar daily life and shattered all his sense of security.

He had forgotten why he came here, but the last remaining reason told him that he would soon fall into an irreversible abyss and lose everything completely.


The door was almost knocked open, and a middle-aged man with a thickset and round waist poked his head out from the next door. His face was full of anger, and he roared: "You are making noises so early in the morning, get out of here right now!"

The terrifying scenery faded away in an instant, and Thomas suddenly came back to his senses.

He turned his stiff neck and looked at the neighbor next to him.

His mind was still in a severe trance, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in water. Although his eyes could see the other person's lips moving, his ears could only hear extremely vague sounds, and he could not distinguish what the other person said.

"Yes, sorry."

Relying on instinct, Thomas apologized inarticulately.

The neighbor refused to give up and was about to take action when he saw that the shoulders of this young man in a suit and ties were shaking slightly, and his face was frighteningly pale. Sweat was flowing out and dripping down the tip of his nose and chin.

There was even a puddle of water under his feet, as if he had just been fished out of the river.

Seeing the other party's desolate appearance, the strong man felt a little guilty, and the remaining few curse words were choked in his throat. Without saying a word, he closed the door and retreated into the house.

Thomas was stunned for a long time, and then walked downstairs with uncoordinated steps.

He didn't know what he was doing. He only vaguely remembered that he had to go to work when the sun rose.

The sun is so dazzling.

7:25 am.

"I feel like it would be very profitable to open a breakfast shop here."

Xia Ren and his party were all walking energetically on the street, incompatible with the exhausted passers-by around them.

Qin Yun agreed: "Selling fried dough sticks, soy milk, or spicy soup, the business will definitely be full every day."

"Paper wrapping! There's still wrapping paper, little wrapping paper!" Lily said while holding a big stick thicker than a baseball bat and chewing on it.

"Do you want to eat steamed buns?"

Lu Yi looked forward to it, thinking that he would finally be of use: "I can make it for you right away, but I can only make seven at a time."

Tang Tangtang asked in confusion: "Can you cook?"

Lily jumped up and down happily: "Sister Lu Yi, I want to eat, I want to eat."

Xia Ren and Qin Yun quickly stopped them: "No, no, just have some for breakfast. Ahem, it's not good if it's too greasy."

"Oh well."

Lu Yi said regretfully.

Although he really wanted to play his role, Xia Ren was his boss for many months, so he could only listen to his opinions, but he still couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Seeing her giving up, Xia Ren and Qin Yun breathed a sigh of relief and joked that they still remember how to make the sweet drink they bought when they just picked up Lu Yi.

Although Lu Yi’s saliva is not completely unacceptable (cross out)

Later, Qin Yun conducted experiments and proved that the essence of the food produced by Lu Yi was all composed of her own body structure, and it took her a while to recover after each sale.

Therefore, probably only Lily could taste the things Lu Yi made without caring.

Moreover, on the street, if Lu Yi could conjure up a lunch box and a few complete steamed buns from his mouth, the scene would be too magical, so he had to take care of the normal people around him.

"But having said that, I didn't find anything unusual anywhere."

Xia Ren looked around.

After the outbreak of atypical entomophobia, the entire city of Esela was under a high degree of martial law. On the one hand, the government blocked the flow of people in the city through various hidden policies and arrangements. On the other hand, almost every day, the foundation would Disinfect the city.

Therefore, it is not surprising that new pollution smells appear in this city at any time. As long as the pollution is not particularly strong, it is basically caused by atypical insect phobia.

However, this situation also means that even if a special situation occurs, Xia Ren and the others cannot detect it in time.

Tang Tangtang's attention was not on the pollution. He seemed to have something on his mind since last night.

"That, Xia Ren."

"What's wrong?" Xia Ren turned around.

Tang Tangtang lowered his head and intertwined his hands, seemingly a little entangled.

The contrast between such a shy action on a muscular man who is two meters tall and has a strong build is really big.

Qin Yun looked at him and suddenly remembered something.

"Do you want to ask..."

Before she finished speaking, Qin Yun's expression suddenly became serious and her eyes were looking in one direction.

Xia Ren and others also noticed at the same time.

There was a commotion on the street not far away.

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